US tink Bodybuilding Cup

Twink Bodybuilidng Champion

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Ura hands down. If he's natty, that amount of muscle with that little body fat is absolutely insane.

Curley and Johneffer both looking swole. Excited to see the results post cut (no homo)

Moran's got some junk in the trunk, but we need some deadlifts and low bar squats to bring out those hammies.

Pizza's looking lean but needs GOMAD + a four day split focused on squats/deads/bench/press to pack on some muscle. Relatively young + ectomorph = minimal fat gains.

Contestants need to post their stats:
5RM Bench
5RM Press
5RM Squat
5RM Deadlift
Max Pull Ups

Bonus points for snatches, c&j, and power cleans.

whats benching? i actually perfer to avoid the press ill leave that to the famous people... 3... ill let you know when i die... ive never done a pull up
whats benching? i actually perfer to avoid the press ill leave that to the famous people... 3... ill let you know when i die... ive never done a pull up

I like the extra toilet paper in case of emergency.
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I meet ALL military requirements for my age. Can you and this committee?

Military standards are a joke. The shorter and skinnier you are the better you do; both of these traits suck in combat.

.5xBW press
1xBW Bench
1.5BW Squat
2xBW Deadlift

should be the criteria. Novice can achieve those in under 6 months with proper training and the results are far superior to running 2 miles quickly
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