You dont want your pic here cuz, you dont even lift bro!
Lifting before you were a mere sparkle in your papa's eye. Brah..I make pukes like you go crying home to their Mamas.
You dont want your pic here cuz, you dont even lift bro!
The twink bodybuilding committee is curious about your current physique.Lifting before you were a mere sparkle in your papa's eye. Brah...
We are looking for fellow twinks to join the competitive twink bodybuilding cup.What would this committee like to know? I meet ALL military requirements for my age. Can you and this committee?
I am thank youstay flaccid curley
Ura hands down. If he's natty, that amount of muscle with that little body fat is absolutely insane.
Curley and Johneffer both looking swole. Excited to see the results post cut (no homo)
Moran's got some junk in the trunk, but we need some deadlifts and low bar squats to bring out those hammies.
Pizza's looking lean but needs GOMAD + a four day split focused on squats/deads/bench/press to pack on some muscle. Relatively young + ectomorph = minimal fat gains.
Contestants need to post their stats:
5RM Bench
5RM Press
5RM Squat
5RM Deadlift
Max Pull Ups
Bonus points for snatches, c&j, and power cleans.
whats benching? i actually perfer to avoid the press ill leave that to the famous people... 3... ill let you know when i die... ive never done a pull up
I meet ALL military requirements for my age. Can you and this committee?
We all know you have top votes cuz its the funniest one. Uraflame won obviously.Thanks to all my fans, I just rubbed my nipples for 5 minutes after I saw the results.
We all know you have top votes cuz its the funniest one. Uraflame won obviously.