1.) Briefly state your aliases in the bracket and link the armory of the character you intend to bring over.
Getoffmyass (Coca) <--his BoA gear is on this guy I was leveling (
I can bring over any as well as an 85 (to be leveled to 90)
2.) How long have you been twinking? What guilds have you played for in the past? Are you a member in another guild right now on any of your twinks?
Just before BC came out.
Mainly just Dominate.
3.) Do you have any premade experience? If so, what class were you playing and what guild was it for?
Yes, mostly rogue/hunter and very little premade experience with priest/mage and for a short time a warlock during the 'summer of Cyclone'
4.) Do you use keybinds? What sort of add-ons do you use?
Yes and Quartz, Miks battle text, Rogue power bars, Tidy plates and used to use Gladius when I did arena (it's been a while so not sure if still working or what)
5.) Do you have a mic/headset? Can you use Skype?
Yes and Yes
6.) What’s one aspect of your game play that you feel could be improved upon?
Probably putting a little more faith in addons/macros? They seem to do a lot more for a player these days.
7.) Why do you want to play with us?
Why not?