1.) Briefly state your aliases in the bracket and link the armory of the character you intend to bring over.
I would have to create a new character or bring over a priest I built as a test. I think I would prefer making a new one though.
2.) How long have you been twinking? What guilds have you played for in the past? Are you a member in another guild right now on any of your twinks?
I have been twinking for 6 months. I have a toon in Mayhem and Lethal Synergy right now. I have been a member of many guilds but I rage quit and leave them often. I was in Beantown Bullies, Jumanji Clones, Pizza Hut, Warsong Warriors, Twink Info, Team Vengeance, Mayhem twice, Causa Mortis, CAD, Pretty in Pink, Legion of Warsong, MTU, and many many more... some the gleader didn't even know was me.
3.) Do you have any premade experience? If so, what class were you playing and what guild was it for?
I was a part of 18 losing premades in Twink Info. I was slated to be in the GUP/WT rematch but that didn't happen for some reason. On a serious note, I have been a part of many premades but none since Wrath. I've played hunter (in BC) and lock only in premades.
4.) Do you use keybinds? What sort of add-ons do you use?
I have forward bound to W and back bound to S. I think that is all I need. I use battleground targets, capping, and Auctioneer.
5.) Do you have a mic/headset? Can you use Skype?
Yes. I can use Skype too.
6.) What’s one aspect of your gameplay that you feel could be improved upon?
That's a tough question. I am bad so I probably could improve on many things. If I was to roll a lock, I would have to learn all over again since affliction is broke and I can't just fear-tab-dot-run anymore. I might have to learn to play this game. I don't want to play destro because I would be better off playing mage if so... Demo on beta was cool, but didn't seem as viable as affliction was.
7.) Why do you want to play with us?
Because I have a man crush on Painaid... oh and because I told Painaid in a comment on Tnet that if he returned to 19s, I would too. I didn't think he was serious.