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roudy said:
so i guess since everyone horde is rolling a fleet of 24's im going to have to roll one alliance side, that eye patch will look great on my new hunter XD

roll anything but a hunter you are already rolling an OP toon why roll a broken class. (btw if you do roll hunter just know you get wrecked by 24 rogues stacking stamina doesn't help lol)
Nohealsforju said:
roll anything but a hunter you are already rolling an OP toon why roll a broken class. (btw if you do roll hunter just know you get wrecked by 24 rogues stacking stamina doesn't help lol)

if you get "wrecked" by 24 rogues stacking stamina as a hunter, you are ****ing terrible. and to be fair, 99.9% of twink hunters are, in fact, ****ing terrible.
C O T U S said:
if you get "wrecked" by 24 rogues stacking stamina as a hunter, you are ****ing terrible. and to be fair, 99.9% of twink hunters are, in fact, ****ing terrible.

Most people roll hunters to try to Just Insta-gib people and still back pedal and be able to do something. Really the thing that pisses me off some times is that a back pedalling hunter is able to kill my toons just by ssssssssssss and clicking concussive shot (we know 98% of hunters do not bind.)
Nohealsforju said:
Most people roll hunters to try to Just Insta-gib people and still back pedal and be able to do something. Really the thing that pisses me off some times is that a back pedalling hunter is able to kill my toons just by ssssssssssss and clicking concussive shot (we know 98% of hunters do not bind.)

yep. seriously, they are ALL bad. it's not like some of them are actually good. you would think that out of that many people rolling hunters, SOMEBODY would be good, right??

here is a list of the hunters i have seen at 20 who have used strafe even once in a battleground:


some human female whose name starts with N

here is a list of the hunters i have seen at 20 who are actually good:

the rest ALL S key. every single one. half night elf male, other half human. and don't think that i'm just being hard on the alliance, because the horde hunters are JUST as terrible. it's just nuts. how do you congregate that many bad players into one place? i mean there are definitely legitimately good players of other classes in this bracket. wtf, seriously, it's like the twilight zone
C O T U S said:
yep. seriously, they are ALL bad. it's not like some of them are actually good. you would think that out of that many people rolling hunters, SOMEBODY would be good, right??

here is a list of the hunters i have seen at 20 who have used strafe even once in a battleground:


some human female whose name starts with N

here is a list of the hunters i have seen at 20 who are actually good:

the rest ALL S key. every single one. half night elf male, other half human. and don't think that i'm just being hard on the alliance, because the horde hunters are JUST as terrible. it's just nuts. how do you congregate that many bad players into one place? i mean there are definitely legitimately good players of other classes in this bracket. wtf, seriously, it's like the twilight zone

I'm not good? :(

I don't have backpeddle bound lmao, my S is disengage. And I don't use it when I need to go backwards, that's silly.

I do agree though, rarely do I see a hunter that knows what the hell he's doing, much less get close to taking me down on Thirk in a 1v1. Unless they have Clench, I'm not set up for that and there's nothing I can do aside from hug them. :S
iaccidentallytwink said:
I'm not good? :(

I don't have backpeddle bound lmao, my S is disengage. And I don't use it when I need to go backwards, that's silly.

I do agree though, rarely do I see a hunter that knows what the hell he's doing, much less get close to taking me down on Thirk in a 1v1. Unless they have Clench, I'm not set up for that and there's nothing I can do aside from hug them. :S

then you are apart of the 2%.
Rehook said:

But thanks for the input :)

Rehook is a pretty boss Priest and FC.

Just making sure it's known. ^_^
iaccidentallytwink said:
I do agree though, rarely do I see a hunter that knows what the hell he's doing, Thirk

Hm interesting, i just want to say or ask, did you know what you were doing when you attaked me and shaurooke @ guru the other day while we were standing arround peacefully and you started to bombard us with arrouws? I mean why attack when you know you wont win and opening with a scatter? on me while i had no intention of doing anything and trying to kill shaurooke several times? I mean its not just skill in playing a toon but also overlook the situation :)

No offense but i think you are not a bad hunter at all, i guess you were just messing arround that time?
Sàxxon said:
hence why i said people did it out of spite, never said it was the right thing to do.

if you had a 19 in the US bracket right now you would have seen the quality of games drop its sad.

why should a bracket like the 19 bracket which has been active for YEARS be ruined over a bracket which has been going for all of 4 weeks? thats where the spite comes from :p

no hate just my view on it.

Of course it's entirely possible that F2P's play in 19 BECAUSE of 24's in Trial brackets in the first place - creating a vicious cycle.

Not saying that that's the only reason - Ally Hunters/Rogues being stupidly easy to gear at 20 'even' as F2P (the less said about the 'hard' Locked ones with their Vanilla 'chants the better I guess) and hence the bracket-spoiling rash of especially the first will certainly influence things - but fielding 24 P2P toons is hardly making things better for either bracket.

(So would fielding another Gnome Rogue be *sniff*, which is why I play Horde atm)

I do have to wonder what Blizzard's logic is to ship Trial players in the same queues as Twinks though, level 20-24 Heirloomed alts in the so-called regular Battlegrounds are still stronger than the vast majority of F2P toons.


AB doesn't pop in EU sadly, several fruitless 3+ hrs later I can safely assume this. Interestingly, from what I hear it does pop in e.g. 10-14 and 15-19 XP On so it may have something to do with the 20 'community' (and I use this term very loosely, camping used to be - rightly so - insta-ostracizing during WotLK)
Rehock is a good priest at 20 (spooch as well)

Rickhock is a scrub priest at 24

Similar names (not sure if spelled correctly)

BTW, why you no let me dance alliance? :(
You're on my balls for not wanting to farm GY like they do to you when you're not on my shoulders?

Go q alliance and I'll farm only you at GY, if that would make you happy.
About all the hunter complains.

I rolled a hunter and im not that good.

BUUT i unbinded my S key :D

theres actually alot of competition in 20-24 if you dont pay you dont have the right to QQ

theres also not very many people rolling horde (prob due to the eyepatch)

and we never camp (well our teamates do) we just 3cap and run off
Nohealsforju said:
roll anything but a hunter you are already rolling an OP toon why roll a broken class. (btw if you do roll hunter just know you get wrecked by 24 rogues stacking stamina doesn't help lol)

i have a 20 warrior again since i leveled the first out, getting killed buy all the 24 hunters horde has makes me lol that they need such an advantage to kill a warrior....if everyone else is rolling a broken class i might as well do it too
leotseddap said:
Hm interesting, i just want to say or ask, did you know what you were doing when you attaked me and shaurooke @ guru the other day while we were standing arround peacefully and you started to bombard us with arrouws? I mean why attack when you know you wont win and opening with a scatter? on me while i had no intention of doing anything and trying to kill shaurooke several times? I mean its not just skill in playing a toon but also overlook the situation :)

No offense but i think you are not a bad hunter at all, i guess you were just messing arround that time?

That was purely for fun.

I wanted to see if I could burst down one of you in a casual 2v1 situation. Hope I didn't seem too offensive, was just for fun.
Okay guys, before I actually made characters in this bracket I did not understand all of the complaints about 24's. So far, every bg I have been in that has NO 24's has been a good game. I am alliance and I think I have only been in 4 games where there was no 24's. The games were won 2 by alliance and 2 by horde. both being 3-2 caps or 2-2 stalemates. Its almost like who ever has more 24's wins the game. Another thing that PISSES me off is all the people saying "19 f2p" ruined the 19 bracket. HEY ****TARDS playing with 20 f2p's as ****ing 24's is the same thing IF NOT worse. You guys are just looking for an excuse to stroke your epeens. The fact is you roll level 20's just as hard as you would roll 19 f2p's. Your points are all invalid. Leave what is a great bracket to be a great bracket. Roll a 20, follow the rules, and watch all the fun you can have.

Edit: (Also I am p2p, but I follow the rules. So don't give me that if you don't pay you don't have the right to QQ bull shit)
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