This bracket

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i play horde.

i am thinking about not bothering with f2p what with all this crying about alliance imbalance and being farmed etc. doesnt seem fun.

lots of players have rerolled ally because of this, i refuse to do so
Dayum. Whoever Realtalk is that's the best Ally hunter I've seen so far.
MUCKA MAD BOYS (#1) are a respectable tink guild for the community. Not stooping to their low means showing the alliance that we are better for winning games and not farming the GY. Fast wins is better than farming the GY for 25 minutes. Or do you need something else to bitch about. The f2p wants to farm and the p2p cap the flag. Get ****ing bent you scrub.

edit: f2p scum have been shitting up xp off 19s since the day it was made. it was weeks later when people started making 24s. i have twinks in multiple brackets, not just 19 or this one. i enjoy pvp below max level since i don't need to grind honor or arena for gear every 4 months.
allahkazam said:
MUCKA MAD BOYS (#1) are a respectable tink guild for the community. Not stooping to their low means showing the alliance that we are better for winning games and not farming the GY. Fast wins is better than farming the GY for 25 minutes. Or do you need something else to bitch about. The f2p wants to farm and the p2p cap the flag. Get ****ing bent you scrub.

How about you roll F2P and cap flags. Then you'll be respectable. You guys have the skill, for the most part.
iaccidentallytwink said:
How about you roll F2P and cap flags. Then you'll be respectable. You guys have the skill, for the most part.

Armory Hotspank @ Arthas and point out, other than 4 levels and 2 talent points, what I have that a f2p can't have. I've been queueing on that the past couple days. I played a geared 24 for all of a day before i decided it was boring.
allahkazam said:
Armory Hotspank @ Arthas and point out, other than 4 levels and 2 talent points, what I have that a f2p can't have. I've been queueing on that the past couple days. I played a geared 24 for all of a day before i decided it was boring.

A huge chance to be missed.

If you are 24, at least wear and unless you are alliance of course. I've always wanted a twink with those.
You write:

allahkazam said:
MUCKA MAD BOYS (#1) are a respectable tink guild for the community. Not stooping to their low means showing the alliance that we are better for winning games and not farming the GY. Fast wins is better than farming the GY for 25 minutes. Or do you need something else to bitch about. The f2p wants to farm and the p2p cap the flag. Get ****ing bent you scrub.

edit: f2p scum have been shitting up xp off 19s since the day it was made. it was weeks later when people started making 24s. i have twinks in multiple brackets, not just 19 or this one. i enjoy pvp below max level since i don't need to grind honor or arena for gear every 4 months.

But I read:

My guild has to roll BiS 24s to compete with f2p 20s

Either you're all bad or you're not being truthful about why you rolled 24.
I don't care about non 24s. I know there will be 24s on the other side. People who aren't 24 have no gripe. If they can't level to 24, they are playing for free and have no gripe about how the bracket is going. If they are unwilling to level, they are gimping themselves and should be prepared for the 24s on the other side. I'm rolling a 24 because it's the cap for the bracket. The same way I wouldn't roll a level 25 and be in the xp off 29s and expect them to cater to me.

My paladin won't be BiS since I'm not going to transfer BoAs to do it. I'm not really in any hurry to gear up either. I like being able to free cast flash of light in a group of rogues that don't kick and heal myself to full every single time. It's hilarious. Don't give me the bull about four levels higher and it missing every time. I've never even seen the

animation go off like someone is kicking or trying to gouge me.

I don't even need to be BiS to compete. I've pugged every BG i've been in but one and have only lost two. Most of the WSG wins I've healed FCs with my ret heals and peeled garbage one shot artist rogues off the FC so they can cap.

You can be antagonistic all you want, but someone with twinks in WT talking about a level playing field is laughable. Don't you guys get on vent and roll pugs and dodge premades from respectable guilds? Yeah please keep your mouth shut about wanting things to be fair and balanced when in another bracket your guild AFKs out of games they can't win and farms below the GY apparently in games they can.
Rivfader said:
You write:

But I read:

Either you're all bad or you're not being truthful about why you rolled 24.

good lord you are such an idiot. not even a troll, just an idiot.

if you play alliance toons at 20, and haven't switched to horde yet, you have zero basis for complaining about these guys. Z-E-R-O.

this guy has explained in graphic detail about why he's rolling these horde 24s, and you have literally completely ignored the explanations and just flamed him.

back when my friends and i twinked in wow, we played for 2 reasons:

1. arenas

2. mercilessly stomping scrubby would-be twink griefers who think that they're good because they beat up on noobs and undergeared players

these guys clearly fall under #2, and i can respect that. you and the rest of the pathetically bad wanna-be alliance twinks who farm first-timers can either respect it or not, but it's not going to change anything, and you're still going to get stomped into the dirt.
C O T U S said:
good lord you are such an idiot. not even a troll, just an idiot.

if you play alliance toons at 20, and haven't switched to horde yet, you have zero basis for complaining about these guys. Z-E-R-O.

this guy has explained in graphic detail about why he's rolling these horde 24s, and you have literally completely ignored the explanations and just flamed him.

back when my friends and i twinked in wow, we played for 2 reasons:

1. arenas

2. mercilessly stomping scrubby would-be twink griefers who think that they're good because they beat up on noobs and undergeared players

these guys clearly fall under #2, and i can respect that. you and the rest of the pathetically bad wanna-be alliance twinks who farm first-timers can either respect it or not, but it's not going to change anything, and you're still going to get stomped into the dirt.

i play alliance and dont camp, but man do you rage alot about it, camping you would almost be worth it to feel the rage and taste the hot tears from you crying on forums
roudy said:
i play alliance and dont camp, but man do you rage alot about it, camping you would almost be worth it to feel the rage and taste the hot tears from you crying on forums

i don't play WSG, because i'm not an idiot, so you aren't going to be able to camp me. sorry!
If you guys can't discuss the issues with the bracket w/o being douches to one another then it'll be locky-infraction time. Seriously, we all know in a new bracket there's issues. Discuss it and not be babies please.

C O T U S said:
good lord you are such an idiot. not even a troll, just an idiot.

if you play alliance toons at 20, and haven't switched to horde yet, you have zero basis for complaining about these guys. Z-E-R-O.

this guy has explained in graphic detail about why he's rolling these horde 24s, and you have literally completely ignored the explanations and just flamed him.

back when my friends and i twinked in wow, we played for 2 reasons:

1. arenas

2. mercilessly stomping scrubby would-be twink griefers who think that they're good because they beat up on noobs and undergeared players

these guys clearly fall under #2, and i can respect that. you and the rest of the pathetically bad wanna-be alliance twinks who farm first-timers can either respect it or not, but it's not going to change anything, and you're still going to get stomped into the dirt.

My point is, why do they have to roll BiS 24s to stomp f2p 20s? If they were really taking up the cause of the bracket then they would've rolled f2p and let their skill be the deciding factor. The fact that they roll BiS 24s shows that:

A) they don't have the skills to compete with trial accounts, or

B) they don't care about creating a competetive f2p bracket (which was dead before trials had the time limit removed so they can't claim that they've always been here), but would rather shit on the efforts of others and lolfaceroll the vast majority of players in the bracket.

It's not that people can't level to 24, it's the fact that f2p players picked a dead bracket where they wouldn't ruin anyone else's games and now that the community is starting to take off certain people are trying to destroy it instead of showing the courtesy that was shown to them in the first place.
allahkazam said:
playing xp off 19s isn't a dead bracket. plenty do it. most of them shouldn't.

Maybe now you understand how the f2p 20s feel about 24s? I assure you that almost every f2p would have left 19s alone if 24s had shown the same courtesy. I think it's no small coincidence that the appearance of f2p 19s coincided with the formation of two 24 guilds.
allahkazam said:
playing xp off 19s isn't a dead bracket. plenty do it. most of them shouldn't.

The free to play 19's can't mail BOA gear from their mains though, so they do need some time to gear up.

I'd say if they're in the best PVE gear they can get (from running dungeons and questing), I would cut them some slack.

If they're in white texted gear and/or using Int gear as say a warrior, then thats a whole different story.


I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard eventually makes a bracket just for the free to play accounts.
well ill continue to que ab and wsg with my new warrior as soon as i finish his gear, i like this bracket and even as a p2p account i enjoy the competition of playing at the same level as the others.
I feel the need to pick this apart more for the benefit of others than because I think that you will see reason,

allahkazam said:
I don't care about non 24s. I know there will be 24s on the other side. People who aren't 24 have no gripe. If they can't level to 24, they are playing for free and have no gripe about how the bracket is going. If they are unwilling to level, they are gimping themselves and should be prepared for the 24s on the other side. I'm rolling a 24 because it's the cap for the bracket. The same way I wouldn't roll a level 25 and be in the xp off 29s and expect them to cater to me.

This is a poor analogy because 29s are an established bracket. I would not expect 19s to cater to f2p rules, nor even the 10-14 bracket because they already have an established history. 20-24 was dead before f2p and it was for this reason that f2p players chose it, we wanted a bracket where we could develope our own community and play on even footings. The added bonus of f2p is that it allows our friends across the pond to play on US servers while still maintaining an active EU account, we wanted to welcome them, not discourage their participation. 24s have now come along and are ruining a community that they had no part in creating and have nothing invested in, this to me is incredibly selfish and is ruinous for the long term health of the bracket.

My paladin won't be BiS since I'm not going to transfer BoAs to do it. I'm not really in any hurry to gear up either. I like being able to free cast flash of light in a group of rogues that don't kick and heal myself to full every single time. It's hilarious. Don't give me the bull about four levels higher and it missing every time. I've never even seen the

animation go off like someone is kicking or trying to gouge me.

Against players of that caliber you should not need a 4 level advantage to compete, what's preventing you from doing the exact same thing with a f2p 20?

I don't even need to be BiS to compete. I've pugged every BG i've been in but one and have only lost two. Most of the WSG wins I've healed FCs with my ret heals and peeled garbage one shot artist rogues off the FC so they can cap.

Once again, if the players are that bad why do you need to be 24 to compete with them? Surely you should be able to roll f2p and still outplay them. If you do need the 4 level advantage then you must not be as good, or they must not be as bad as you make it seem.

You can be antagonistic all you want, but someone with twinks in WT talking about a level playing field is laughable. Don't you guys get on vent and roll pugs and dodge premades from respectable guilds? Yeah please keep your mouth shut about wanting things to be fair and balanced when in another bracket your guild AFKs out of games they can't win and farms below the GY apparently in games they can.

Being from cyclone Pizza Hut hold a special place in my heart, which is why my rogue and druid are still in guild. If you have seen me on my 19 in the last few months though you will notice that I play my alliance warrior exclusively. It is my goal to build <Revolution> point that they will one day beat WT. You may want to rethink which guild you are associating me with.
thurghul said:
The free to play 19's can't mail BOA gear from their mains though, so they do need some time to gear up.

I'd say if they're in the best PVE gear they can get (from running dungeons and questing), I would cut them some slack.

If they're in white texted gear and/or using Int gear as say a warrior, then thats a whole different story.


I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard eventually makes a bracket just for the free to play accounts.

that would be great. hopefully enough people would want to play 24s to keep it going. then everyone would get what they want. 19s would get the f2p people out of their bracket. 20s would play with people they can camp and farm to their content. 24s could play the game for objectives.

Rivfader said:
I feel the need to pick this apart more for the benefit of others than because I think that you will see reason,

This is a poor analogy because 29s are an established bracket. I would not expect 19s to cater to f2p rules, nor even the 10-14 bracket because they already have an established history. 20-24 was dead before f2p and it was for this reason that f2p players chose it, we wanted a bracket where we could develope our own community and play on even footings. The added bonus of f2p is that it allows our friends across the pond to play on US servers while still maintaining an active EU account, we wanted to welcome them, not discourage their participation. 24s have now come along and are ruining a community that they had no part in creating and have nothing invested in, this to me is incredibly selfish and is ruinous for the long term health of the bracket.

Against players of that caliber you should not need a 4 level advantage to compete, what's preventing you from doing the exact same thing with a f2p 20?

Once again, if the players are that bad why do you need to be 24 to compete with them? Surely you should be able to roll f2p and still outplay them. If you do need the 4 level advantage then you must not be as good, or they must not be as bad as you make it seem.

Being from cyclone Pizza Hut hold a special place in my heart, which is why my rogue and druid are still in guild. If you have seen me on my 19 in the last few monthI ts though you will notice that I play my alliance warrior exclusively. It is my goal to build <Revolution> point that they will one day beat WT. You may want to rethink which guild you are associating me with.

I think the 4 level difference is overrated. The gear alliance 20s can get is on par or better than what 24 horde can get. There are quite a few alliance only pieces that would be BiS for my paladin right now. Legs, the eye patch, maybe a chest piece, and definitely easier access to gnomer. 4 levels equates to some hit and two talent points. Another difference is enchants. I might rock crusader or I might rock nothing. I don't even have the gold on arthas to buy bags to hold copper and bronze so I can level engineering. This isn't x9 stomping x0. Competent players will make it work.

I can turn it around. If I'm so bad, the fact that I'm rolling a 24 shouldn't matter. If MMB were full of bad players, no one would care. It's similar to the situation 29s faced when players from DetoX ignored rules banning weapons like Skullbreaker. Horde had terrible rogues using it for months but no one cared because the person in question was really bad. You can't call someone bad and then get mad that they rolled a 24. I don't need to be level 24 to compete at a high level. I choose to because I'm able to.

Also, aside from being antagonized for rolling a 24, I'd like you to point out where I ever said anyone playing a f2p was bad. Most of my posts on the subject have been about the idea of playing a 24 because it's the cap for the bracket. I've even complemented a couple f2p players that geared out 19s and actually played well. I have my 70 mage on Aerie Peak camped down at Gurubashi to help out with AGM whenever I'm online so that f2p 20s for alliance can get their AGM. If you think my sole intent is to ruin the bracket, you have me mistaken with someone else.
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