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Med'an said:
Winning 3-0 is actually not that fun. TBH its booring when one side is dominant and that usually is the Alliance.

I favor the 1-1 matches and the 0-1 / 1-0 matches and actually have had a lot of them.

I know I could have gone horde, and that staying alliance is lame off me, I actually tried to get some allys to go horde 3 weeks ago. But all my friends are alliance now and I don't have the time to gear up another rogue. Bad excuse perhaps, but it is the truth.

I especially wanted to reply to your post because of your struggle as a healer. It must be really frustrating. Yesterday I singled out a priest with 900 HP perhaps 3 times and I actually felt really bad by doing so. I do it because I saw him as a legitimate threat (was an extremely even match where we managed to get 1 flag in the end and win), still it must be really lame to be killed like that and ye, I felt for that dude and actually stopped.

All I can say is. It's no fun to steamroll, most of us don't actually get an erection by going 3-0. If you know any horde you could try to get a premade going, although its hard as f2p. I purposely do 95% of my games with a pug to limit the OP'ness of ally.

In the past 2 days Iv went from 90% win ratio to 30% because of horde is getting better and working together as a team (following the FC all the way, making an assassinate impossible) plus many small horde premades.

PS, I think all you people going horde are doing a GJ (not that saying that would change anything)

As in all brackets and battles one side will always start out strong and soon the day will come where Horde holds the strong players and alliance will be crying. Not saying you shouldn't be encouraging others to go horde but just implying that in-balance happens everywhere and it will only change with time not convincing the world
Orebrb said:
As in all brackets and battles one side will always start out strong and soon the day will come where Horde holds the strong players and alliance will be crying. Not saying you shouldn't be encouraging others to go horde but just implying that in-balance happens everywhere and it will only change with time not convincing the world

This is quite true, things will never be 100% balanced, but with time the balance tips back and forth.
The thing is, it's not just AP twinks in question, more Alliance is being rolled across ALL the severs. I know a bunch of us AP folks read these boards but I'm not sure how many on other servers even frequent here. I dare say even if everyone on AP trashed their Alliance twinks and went Horde it most likely would have little impact. Ima quit QQ'ing and play some games, sooo close to my first loom item =D
thurghul said:
All Blizzard needs to do is introduce a Horde item comparable to the Eye Patch as a quest reward.

Problem solved. Will they do it? Probably not.

People still zero in on the eye patch. It's a great item to be sure, but while alliance has one item that is great for physical dps horde has lots of items for caster that, while minor upgrades, when looked at collectively, give horde caster DPS and healers the same advantage.

I think that the current faction imbalance has more to do with the vast majority of the f2p twink community initially rolling alliance and is not due to a single item.
Rivfader said:
People still zero in on the eye patch. It's a great item to be sure, but while alliance has one item that is great for physical dps horde has lots of items for caster that, while minor upgrades, when looked at collectively, give horde caster DPS and healers the same advantage.

I think that the current faction imbalance has more to do with the vast majority of the f2p twink community initially rolling alliance and is not due to a single item.

And the fact that everyone wants to roll a Hunter or a Rogue, so it doesn't matter that Horde has better caster items.
ive played alliance for 4 years so yeah its what i rolled for this bracket, i also rolled a horde druid its just taking me forever to gear him while looking up all the quest chains on wow head...alliance is easier for me becuase i know all the quest chains and zones really well
Maybe that is the core of the problem, Alliance is all around EASIER, loleasymodeftl. When I twinked before I was Alliance all the way, now after returning I thought it would be cool to experience the game from a completely different perspective. Sure I knew all the Alliance zones better, but Horde side made it an all new game to me....
stam and hit are good for any spec, especially since the best you can probably do otherwise is crappy goggles or getting a fishing hat. i see balance druids and caster shaman with the eye patch on. obviously it's leather so clothies can't use it, but i bet they would if they could. not even making excuses since i have a 15 stam helm.

when i got in games on my 24 hunter, my horde teammates would literally cheer that i was there. they weren't mad that a 24 was in their bg. they wanted me there to help them win because if it was another run of the mill 20 they were probably going to lose and get farmed. even if we lost, games were decent. i never got steamrolled on my 24 though i did lose plenty. i've been in games with beefstock before too. it would be his druid, my hunter, maybe 1-2 other geared people, and the rest would have 500-700 hp and go like 1 kb 13 deaths with like 4k damage done in a 20 minute WSG.

i'd also like to know about these better horde caster items. only stuff i can think of is leather caster stuff thats good for 19s and maybe the shield from the hillsbrad quest (that i doubt 20s can solo anyway).

edit: knowing the "quest chains" is not an excuse. WoW comes with a built in quest helper that is 99% spot on with what you need. Quest mobs are marked and most quest hubs have a flight path marked on your map even if you haven't explored it. plus, zones have been changed around a ton so a lot of the older quest chains are changed a lot or are no longer in the game. most zones nowadays are either one giant chain or several huge ones. even still, most quests on WoWhead have the chains mapped out perfectly. it isn't bad.
two of my friends and i queued ab yesterday afternoon (we made sure to bring a finished hunter), and then we invited 2 healers to queue with us. we won 3 AB games in a row as horde.

the pub horde in the battleground were, like allahkazam said, literally cheering. people were ecstatic that not only were they in a competitive game, but they actually won. there was comment after comment along the lines of, "omg this is the first ab i've ever won", "wow this is awesome", "WE FINALLY WON!!!!1", etc. they were my first AB wins in approximately 10 days, as well.

stop arguing about 24s, stop half-wittedly postulating about why more people rolled alliance twinks. roll a horde 20. if not, you are, as they say, "part of the problem".
C O T U S said:
two of my friends and i queued ab yesterday afternoon (we made sure to bring a finished hunter), and then we invited 2 healers to queue with us. we won 3 AB games in a row as horde.

the pub horde in the battleground were, like allahkazam said, literally cheering. people were ecstatic that not only were they in a competitive game, but they actually won. there was comment after comment along the lines of, "omg this is the first ab i've ever won", "wow this is awesome", "WE FINALLY WON!!!!1", etc. they were my first AB wins in approximately 10 days, as well.

stop arguing about 24s, stop half-wittedly postulating about why more people rolled alliance twinks. roll a horde 20. if not, you are, as they say, "part of the problem".

all i get from that is alliance needs more 24's to counter horde 24's >.>
roudy said:
all i get from that is alliance needs more 24's to counter horde 24's >.>

Or people need to stop GY farming. When i started playing my 24 rogue (alliance) i just thought alliance may do bad since a majority of the time alliance seems to not dominate. But i was wrong all the newbies were on horde. So i had to make a new toon on Horde i made 3 24s pally, mage, rogue. I am sorry but there are way to many GY famring A-holes out there and the only reason horde Gy farms is for revenge since they got GY farmed in many games.

And that's where i cap the 3rd flag to prevent further damage in this bracket.
roudy said:
all i get from that is alliance needs more 24's to counter horde 24's >.>

we didn't have any 24s. i'm not even sure where you got that from. what on earth are you talking about?

edit: actually, i'd like to add that in the last game, alliance had two level 24 hunters, and we STILL WON. so shut up already about the 24s, good god.
Nohealsforju said:
Or people need to stop GY farming. When i started playing my 24 rogue (alliance) i just thought alliance may do bad since a majority of the time alliance seems to not dominate. But i was wrong all the newbies were on horde. So i had to make a new toon on Horde i made 3 24s pally, mage, rogue. I am sorry but there are way to many GY famring A-holes out there and the only reason horde Gy farms is for revenge since they got GY farmed in many games.

And that's where i cap the 3rd flag to prevent further damage in this bracket.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
allahkazam said:
i'd also like to know about these better horde caster items. only stuff i can think of is leather caster stuff thats good for 19s and maybe the shield from the hillsbrad quest (that i doubt 20s can solo anyway).

Wands, boots, multiple shields, stillwater's signet, and the stuff you mentioned.
roudy said:
all i get from that is alliance needs more 24's to counter horde 24's >.>

I see what you did there. Apparently everyone else missed your joke. But you are exactly right in how a lot of the people's logic is working with this whole bracket. As I said earlier you don't solve a problem by creating a new just plain solve the first problem.

Rivfader said:
People still zero in on the eye patch. It's a great item to be sure, but while alliance has one item that is great for physical dps horde has lots of items for caster that, while minor upgrades, when looked at collectively, give horde caster DPS and healers the same advantage.

I think that the current faction imbalance has more to do with the vast majority of the f2p twink community initially rolling alliance and is not due to a single item.

Saying the Eye Patch is a "great" item is an understatement. Its amazing. This is my first Alliance I leveled since TBC, and compared to Horde, the quest rewards are far superior (at least imo).

Even if Horde has better caster items, you'll still be torn apart by hunters and rogues @ 20 f2p.

Heck, this helm is even amazing for Mail Wearers @ 20 on alliance side. Its a free BOA helm basically.
horde does not have better caster items than alliance at 20. riot stick by itself (SAME QUEST AS EYE PATCH LOLOLOLOLOL) is better than all the other horde-only caster items put together.

please stop spreading these retarded lies. 25 seconds of research on wowhead is enough to prove this kind of garbage false.

you're not doing anybody any favors by trying to cloak the bracket-ruining faction imbalance in blatant mistruths that even the dumbest of players can see through. and don't think i'm picking on you, because i've seen plenty of people on this forum talk about the "better horde caster items". it's a disingenuous lie when you say it, it's a disingenuous lie when they say it, and it's just silly.
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