This bracket

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Last I heard, I actually pay for this game. So I think I'll play how I want. If it's to get the best gear, level, advantage in the bracket, then who the hell wouldn't do it? Don't kid yourselves, because you'd do the same if you paid to play too.

I've said my 2 cents in this dumb thread.
RizenPhoenix said:
Last I heard, I actually pay for this game. So I think I'll play how I want. If it's to get the best gear, level, advantage in the bracket, then who the hell wouldn't do it? Don't kid yourselves, because you'd do the same if you paid to play too.

I've said my 2 cents in this dumb thread.

Ha, i pay too, but you go ahead and leave, no one wants you here
didn't read all however many pages, so this might have already come up, but blizzard is retarded when they look at this stuff.

The idea is for your potential customers to have a fun time and maybe want to actually buy the product. They should just make the cap for trials at 24 instead of 20.

Introduce some honor boas for slots that don't have them and this bracket gets a lot more interesting
RizenPhoenix said:
Last I heard, I actually pay for this game. So I think I'll play how I want. If it's to get the best gear, level, advantage in the bracket, then who the hell wouldn't do it? Don't kid yourselves, because you'd do the same if you paid to play too.

I've said my 2 cents in this dumb thread.

This thread is already full of stubborn condescending people. I suggest the one down the hall instead. Cheers!


P.S. Why we still talking ad nauseum about the eye patch. If you have a P2P account join me and get your BoA helm. If you're F2P, sorry it definitely sucks but you can still play with us.
Jdoring said:
Hey what server you rolling on ink?

Unless someone is willing to donate a lvl 20+ guild we're gonna have to roll on Lightninhoof Horde-side. That's where all my gold is at...well at least the amount it's going to take to acquire a lvl 20+guild. I'll be faction changing my 20 to Horde. If you want to roll there you can look me up on Inkobaa until I acquire a guild.

RizenPhoenix said:
Last I heard, I actually pay for this game. So I think I'll play how I want. If it's to get the best gear, level, advantage in the bracket, then who the hell wouldn't do it? Don't kid yourselves, because you'd do the same if you paid to play too.

I've said my 2 cents in this dumb thread.

Hey man, my taxes pay for roads so I'll drive on them however I want. That's my 2 cents.
RizenPhoenix said:
Last I heard, I actually pay for this game. So I think I'll play how I want. If it's to get the best gear, level, advantage in the bracket, then who the hell wouldn't do it? Don't kid yourselves, because you'd do the same if you paid to play too.

I've said my 2 cents in this dumb thread.

lolol i pay and play at 20 :p
allahkazam said:
seriously alliance teams that have 5 hunters and farm the GY down 2-0 because they got outplayed make me not feel bad about playing a level 24.

Samething happens on :Horde: as well. This world has no difference.

Someone looks like God others live like dog ...
Rivfader said:
Horde has the two best pieces for casters to pick up hit on. Thank you for further illustrating my point :)

Yeah, because the classes are balanced so that priests, mages and warlocks that get 6 points of hit if they go Horde, are perfectly balanced with hunters, rogues and ferals, that get 11 points of hit if they go Alliance. </sarcasm>

Now tell me honestly, giving those classes the hit amounts above but taking their faction out of the equation, which 3 would you choose in a bracket that has characters 4 levels higher than you?
Jdoring said:
Interesting, and are you going to buy the BoA helms for the toons that deserver them? (i.e. active in the guild etc. etc.) or are we gonna have to grind that gold on a 20?

For those that are committed to the guild, yes I'll fund their BoA Helm.

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