The Twinks, 19 Edition, Episode I

Ugh so much complaining. Not everything has to be ''perfect'', first time round. It's funny because the people complaining have never taken any footage or attempted to make a vid themselves. Eliot did an excellent job, gw=).
Got FRAPS last night. I hope I can get some good footage!
I haven't read any other comment then are on this page but I'm happy someone even made this.

Keep them comin'!!!!
I wouldn't say the fence jump is an exploit. You run straight and jump. Anywho thanks for the feedback.

3.5k posts
Is this an excuse to justify doing it (by a staff member)?
You dont run straight and press jump. You are forgetting the bug spot thats on the fence first. Its run straight till you get on the bugged part on the side of the fence, jump over. It is pretty much the same thing like we used to do to get from horde roof onto top of the base in tbc to get to the part where you could walk along the wall. You cant run and just jump over the fence.

But ok think what you think, im outa here i dont want to have anything to do with it, TI is getting to weird for me with opinions like this and the rest wich goes against the blizzard toc TI is promoting and publishing on its site.
nice video!
gotta agree with leotseddap here man, blizzard have given temp bans for that jump, you might as well accept all forms of exploits or none at all.
only ''good'' parts were the druid jumping on horde roof and saxxen arena
rest, meh everybody can spam shadowstep and tab dot
Since I was the only other rogue in the video, I'm assuming you're referring to me. I'd like to point out I use shadowstep exactly 2 times in my imperfect w/e clips I recorded at 5 am eastern while heavily intoxicated. And they were both in the last play... once to escape a bs 2v1, again to return the flag at the end of the play.
19 wsg is better with fence jumps, tunnel jumps , stump jumps if you get rid of them you get rid of a lot of competitive play.. and if Blizz dislikes the fencejump so much you'd think they would have fixed it in the past couple years since its been around forever it seems
Blizzard went through a major re-work of the warsong gulch scene recently. some of the older players (½ a year + old) may remember that the graveyards didn't always look like this.
In the process they got rid of thejumps that they consider too gamechanging to be allowed in the game.
you will find, that rather than be against Blizzard CoC, it will be based on the individual gamemaster whom you are put in contact with. i've had one crazy game-master, who threatened to permanently ban me for my "savage exploitation of terrain", and then another telling me that what i doing looked really cool and blizzard considered this particular jump, as he says, "clever use of in-game mechanics."
In conclusion; you will never hear a game-developper condoning this jump, but not because they want it gone, rather because if they say one thing is "okay", suddenly everything becomes "okay."
Keep performing the jump.
Is this an excuse to justify doing it (by a staff member)?
You dont run straight and press jump. You are forgetting the bug spot thats on the fence first. Its run straight till you get on the bugged part on the side of the fence, jump over. It is pretty much the same thing like we used to do to get from horde roof onto top of the base in tbc to get to the part where you could walk along the wall. You cant run and just jump over the fence.

But ok think what you think, im outa here i dont want to have anything to do with it, TI is getting to weird for me with opinions like this and the rest wich goes against the blizzard toc TI is promoting and publishing on its site.

I 100% support this "exploit" as you call it. I don't care if it's an exploit or not I do it, everyone does it, I will continue to do it. I endorse all jumps in WSG which are not ones that give some sort of LoS (i.e impossible to hit spots).
Bump, need more clips!
Just got my own video out so I'm gonna start recording for new clips and I promise to send it to you if I get anything cool! :)
Love this idea, might send some clips! :)

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