The Real F2P 20 Class Tier List

I believe every spec can shine if the right player is behind it. However, it seems Hunters, Rogues & Prot Palas require the least skill too shine. Obvious is obvious.
Resto shaman IS god tier. They have so much utility it's stupid. If I had a more stable internet connection you'd see me in BGs all the time.

i dont think so.

here is my rant on a resto:

earth-shield is close to the best defensive spell in this bracket. used on yourself, you can just run around in the middle of the action (what you shouldnt do as a healer, but a resto could) and it needs 3+ players to down a shaman self-heal-surging him with ES on.

ghost-wolf is nice, but situational. you can use it for FC and following the FC. but the 2 sec cast-time as a resto makes it situational.

healing surge is nice, but nothing special.

purge is nice - as an opener to take away fort-buff and shield or to cancel HOTs on a EFC. but as said before HOTs are not that great on that level and fort is 180 HP - yay, purge is the burst of a resto!

totems are very nice against melee-classes or in the tunnels. hunters or mages though are laughing about totems. and they can be easily destroyed by anything. healing-stream-totem is underrated somewhat, because of its grp-effect, but shamans are missing a good HOT there for.

wind-shear is ok, but 2 seconds is often not enough for a shaman to down someone. we have no burst. and that is exactly, why a resto-shaman is no god mode. my highest crit was around 220 - from a lightning bolt, which you never use in pvp. earth-shock crits for around 140 and has a 5 sec CD. firetotems are a nice extra dot, but far from great and no burst at all. fireshock would be a nice dot, if it wouldnt share a 5-sec-cd with earth shock - so its useful against rogues, but against the rest its a DOT, and we have talked about DOTs and HOTs in this bracket before. i honestly need my white melee-dmg (crits for around 120) to kill ppl somehow fast enough.

so you see: a resto has lots of tools, but almost all of them are somewhat situational. anyway, i think bottom-tier2/top-tier3 seems right for that class, which i love to play.
i dont think so.

here is my rant on a resto:

earth-shield is close to the best defensive spell in this bracket. used on yourself, you can just run around in the middle of the action (what you shouldnt do as a healer, but a resto could) and it needs 3+ players to down a shaman self-heal-surging him with ES on.

ghost-wolf is nice, but situational. you can use it for FC and following the FC. but the 2 sec cast-time as a resto makes it situational.

healing surge is nice, but nothing special.

purge is nice - as an opener to take away fort-buff and shield or to cancel HOTs on a EFC. but as said before HOTs are not that great on that level and fort is 180 HP - yay, purge is the burst of a resto!

totems are very nice against melee-classes or in the tunnels. hunters or mages though are laughing about totems. and they can be easily destroyed by anything. healing-stream-totem is underrated somewhat, because of its grp-effect, but shamans are missing a good HOT there for.

wind-shear is ok, but 2 seconds is often not enough for a shaman to down someone. we have no burst. and that is exactly, why a resto-shaman is no god mode. my highest crit was around 220 - from a lightning bolt, which you never use in pvp. earth-shock crits for around 140 and has a 5 sec CD. firetotems are a nice extra dot, but far from great and no burst at all. fireshock would be a nice dot, if it wouldnt share a 5-sec-cd with earth shock - so its useful against rogues, but against the rest its a DOT, and we have talked about DOTs and HOTs in this bracket before. i honestly need my white melee-dmg (crits for around 120) to kill ppl somehow fast enough.

so you see: a resto has lots of tools, but almost all of them are somewhat situational. anyway, i think bottom-tier2/top-tier3 seems right for that class, which i love to play.

damn, only other person so far who has presented his/her argument backed up by actual facts and reasoning. and i agree with all of your points - these reasons are exactly why i put resto shamans where they are.
Arcane Mages are fuckin squishy wouldnt you have this stupid Silence/Interrupt any caster which is purely DPS could roll you.... Shadow Priests are viable in a way that hes an offensive Healer (Not so hard like disc) but hes seen more as a spec that is completly useless... which he isnt hes mana dependant from what i can tell but nothing else dmg is decent and you got heals..

Warlock ya lets get back to the thing when i am completly back in the meaning of ill fuckin roll you.

Hunters are beatable if they focus your pet/you got decent LoS/ your a resto shammy or your just not a fuckin retard like a hunter.
purge is nice - as an opener to take away fort-buff and shield or to cancel HOTs on a EFC. but as said before HOTs are not that great on that level and fort is 180 HP - yay, purge is the burst of a resto!

Purge is a little better than you give it credit for, it can also eat AGM, pally bubble, ghost wolf, pw: shield, and prevent swiftmend from being used.

My problem with resto shamans is that they barely do any damage. LB spam and shocks is so much weaker than exo spam it's ridiculous. I usually don't even bother dpsing 1v1 since I can never manage to kill anything before a random teammate intervenes.

What can I say, I have alot of views of all classes myself but I don't bother to take it up with all this flame war.

You can't really take them up in tiers, battlegrounds are a pretty big place with many situations.

My problem with resto shamans is that they barely do any damage. LB spam and shocks is so much weaker than exo spam it's ridiculous. I usually don't even bother dpsing 1v1 since I can never manage to kill anything before a random teammate intervenes.

You wont use LB often as a resto shaman, or like never.
Rogues have a higher skill cap at this level imo because of ferals lack of interupts but if you're bad you're better off playing a rogue than feral.

err what? Did you just say that newbies should play rogue but that rogues have a higher skill cap? How can you say that ferals have a lower skill cap when they have no interupts. Truth be told, a good feral can dish out tons of dmg. If ferals could stop casts with an interupt, we could down a lot more classes
indeed, what he said made no sense. i think that he meant to say that ferals take much more skill (agreed) and that if you're bad, you're much better off playing a rogue than feral (agreed). not really sure though
dont really see how ferals take skill since all you can do is spam mangle until you can FB somebody and mix in the occasional spellcast
you have to know how to use every GCD as a feral, and especially have to be good at not getting kited. but ferals who know what they're doing do waaaaay more damage than rogues

a total dipshit could play a rogue at 20 and still be reasonably effective because of shadowstep, going faster in stealth (lol?), 1m cd sprint, and stupidly long range sap
Healers are god tier

Hunters are 1

ret pallies and mages are 2

everything else is 3

warlocks are paper

Sincerely, scissors.

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