The Real F2P 20 Class Tier List

yeah, i put enhancement up to tier 3. i also added that they need to be played by a person who is actually good in order to be successful; they also need to be geared out if they're going to have both good offensive pressure and enough hp not to be constantly gibbed.

i'm not budging on frost mages - frost mages seriously suck in this bracket. and the 1 second root from CoC is completely irrelevant. they'd be garbage tier if it wasn't for their decent burst if left alone and the pet AOE nova.
I'm surprised that prot paladin is in tier 3. I think their utility and damage output is extremely good in a battleground setting. Their ability to flag carry when necessary is also quite amazing.
Ok. Honestly. this needs to stop. It takes one well timed wind shear to down a healer. The fact that it's no longer spammable makes enhancement slightly higher of a skill capped class, but wind shear is not gutted.

I'd say that it is going to be gutted. It is going from the best interrupt to the worst. The two second lockout on that cd will not make it useless i agree, but with that gone and enhancements (relatively) minimal damage, unless purge gets the 75% reduced mana cost back i think it would be enough to knock them down a tier.
I'd say that it is going to be gutted. It is going from the best interrupt to the worst. The two second lockout on that cd will not make it useless i agree, but with that gone and enhancements (relatively) minimal damage, unless purge gets the 75% reduced mana cost back i think it would be enough to knock them down a tier.

I don't know what makes you think it's the worst. At least it's an interrupt, something half the classes dont even have at this level. And enhancement damage is not minimal, whatsoever. If you have good weapons, you pump out a lot of damage really quick.
I have alot of exp with ferals and i can agree that they have great dmg out put. Its important though that ferals are hit capped, use thorns and powershifting often, and stack crit. Yes you can blow out a ton of energy on the first few hits but if you cant finish the job, it better be because they can heal themselves, have a healer, or are lvl 24 because your not trying hard enough.
You forgot the most important Tier that's above "God Tier"

"MrCer Tier"

MrCer Tier: Can make any bad class look good.

I give ur name a 10/10
i actually totally disagree with this. while i'm only barely out of the &quot;you suck AND you have sheety gear&quot; category, I've never done crazy damage. ..issue being we don't get an opener until 22 so that leaves us with 4 hits before we're out of energy and have to start improvising. If I don't kill the opponent in those 4 hits (and that's largely dependent on crits), my chances of success plummet (and that's almost always the case with plate).

  1. Mangle, Rake, Mangle, Ferocious Bite --> is hardly ever enough to swiftly kill an opponent.
  2. Mangle, Rake, Mangle, Mangle...wait for more energy...Mangle (to top off at 5 combo points)....wait for more energy...Ferocious bite --> takes a long-arse time and I usually die
  3. You can throw in DoTs and HoTs to #2 and do some more damage and increase your own survivability while waiting on more energy to get your 5 combo points...IF you have a decent 1v1 opponent that isn't totally OP'ing you, but its still spread over time and definitely doesn't qualify as &quot;crazy&quot;


To be helpful, a feral needs to utilize every spell a Druid has at 20 to be successful.
If you think any of this is true, your an ass-clown. Period.

When I played this shitty bracket, I could drop ANY class from 100 to nothing with little to no effort.

To be helpful, a feral needs to utilize every spell a Druid has at 20 to be successful.

no need to call him names - he says in his post that he's barely out of the shitty gear stage, so i assume that he still has suboptimal gear and is relatively inexperienced

he probably just needs better gear and someone to explain how to optimize DPS
godddd clicking quote instead of edit FTL.....seriously, is there a reason why this forum doesn't allow you to delete posts? only forum on the internet that i've ever used that doesn't allow this.....
If you think any of this is true, your an ass-clown. Period.

When I played this shitty bracket, I could drop ANY class from 100 to nothing with little to no effort.

To be helpful, a feral needs to utilize every spell a Druid has at 20 to be successful.

If you don't play here anymore, you can stop instigating conflict and attacking people in this forum section then, right?
Just my opinion, but I'd move rogues up a tier based on their ability to hurt hunters so badly with crippling poison that can be applied from range and lets them close on a hunter through concussive shot. I can kill any rogue 1v1 in the 20-40 second window before I run out of cooldowns, but when a rogue and I are 2v2 both supported by healers I usually end up with crippling poison, out of ways to get back to range, and unable to burst effectively thanks to having used intimidation and scatter to get away from the rogue. Rogues (and hunters) also keep me from using my moth, which is probably the single best chance I have of killing holy pallies and resto shamans without assistance.

Rogues aren't really a good counter to hunters, but being a mediocre counter against the best class in the tier justifies tier 2 imho, especially with kick + gouge to lock down healers. Then again, I don't see the rogue vs ret matchup from either side, and if they're getting steamrolled by the second best class in the tier they may deserve the place cotus put them.

All this comes with the disclaimer that I haven't yet set foot in a 20 arena and this is just my BG-biased impression.
Resto shaman IS god tier. They have so much utility it's stupid. If I had a more stable internet connection you'd see me in BGs all the time.

Really the take home message is that an exceptional player will make any class shine, but overall I guess I have to kinda agree with cotus' rankings. If you roll one of the higher tiered classes it's more likely to carry a mediocre player.

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