The new rogue build

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Sleyin said:
What rogue spec doesn't need this? People need to quit using time on target as a comparison to specs. If your being kited no matter what spec or gear setup you have your time on target will be the same. So unless you can figure out how to get shadowstep at 19 time on target makes no difference between specs. The actual DPS while on target however does.

You misinterpreted what I said.

Time on target is = no matter what spec you have; I know this. Falaris' spec does have more DPS on target; I can agree to that.

I'm merely saying that the sub spec offers more survivability in regards to not being seen in stealth, increased sap range.

It's a whole lot easier to detect rogues NOT spec'd sub while stealthed and the fact that you don't have a 5 yrd sap anymore makes it that much more difficult.
lol @ miraged, bro, you beat me in a 1v1 when I had 0 of my SR and quara decided last 2nd that I should go first. I really enjoyed your duel too btw ;). If you wanna be impressive bring something more to BG's on ur priest too btw. I run 0/2/8 simply because i like running CP point stacking while I ally base camp, its kinda my thing. The hit build has already been tried and disproved also btw, it doesn't work. There's nothing wrong with dual LS, I get the feeling thats what some of you think my problem with Fal's subpar build is, its the 7 hit over cap in what seems to be his gulch set from my understanding. BTW, I've played vengeance,cyclone,vindi,whirlwind and shadowburn battlegroups for 19's fyi. GG brosef
Sçarlet said:
You misinterpreted what I said.

Time on target is = no matter what spec you have; I know this. Falaris' spec does have more DPS on target; I can agree to that.

It doesn't, max dps spec would have imp SS and imp evis. Thats also sufficient enough burst when you take in the limited amount of ToT also.
Falaris said:
You must be stupid if you want to go there. You know how much damage I actually do on targets? Do you have any idea how the spec actually plays out? Do you realize that typically you do garrote/SS or SS/SS, then SnD, and you have 17 seconds of 16% chance to hit on 2.2 speed shadowfangs? Guess what happens in that 17 seconds? Even if you get kited off a hunter/shaman/whatever, its pretty easy to reacquire another target within that window and typically have a total of about 10 seconds use out of some speed-enhanced SFs with 16% hit.

People seem to be ignoring some basic truths about the rogue class at 19 now. They ALWAYS need support to be effective in warsong. Its a class thats almost purely about dps in 19s that has no slows, but is facing people with speed increases. Saying my spec blows because I dont have alot of time on target is like saying a certain mage spec at 19 blows because he doesnt have Blink. In fact, its actually the opposite of what youre thinking, the spec IS good because rogues dont have alot of time on target. What good is imp sinister strike when youre not trained on a target for 10 seconds at a time consistently? You MIGHT get one extra sinister strike in on occasion due to the reduced energy required due to imp SS, whereas with my build you can just drop a 2-3 point SnD and move on to the next target.

FYI, as far as 'testing shit' goes, I was this spec since transferring to Azgalor. I didnt post the spec then play it, I played the spec then listed my setup here.

this made me lol, if your a mid farmer go for it. Ima keep rolling all those flag runners as usual ;)
Crilicilyn said:
It doesn't, max dps spec would have imp SS and imp evis. Thats also sufficient enough burst when you take in the limited amount of ToT also.

I didn't say it was max DPS.

why is everyone misinterpreting everything I say?

I'm saying its Falaris' spec has more DPS than SUB spec.
Falaris said:
Do you realize that typically you do garrote/SS or SS/SS, then SnD, and you have 17 seconds of 16% chance to hit on 2.2 speed shadowfangs?

Sap, get energy, spin garrote, slice and dice, thrown weapon, jump forward free ss on back, what?
Realek said:
wasnt you the kid argueing that 5hit>minor speed on warriors? if not im sorry, if you are then quit posting.

lol . but it is dude
Diiesel said:
Sap, get energy, spin garrote, slice and dice, thrown weapon, jump forward free ss on back, what?

Sooooooooo, how is ANYTHING you just said related to ANYTHING i just said?
Why don't you make 4 specs that are better then mine instead of running your mouth?

Sooooooooo, how is ANYTHING you just said related to ANYTHING i just said?

You said you garrote snd and ss people, which is not the max dmg on an opener. Also you said you double ss people, I wouldnt do that, well.. ever. Even against a Dwarf I would garrote and make him waste his stoneskin and then restealth.
Diiesel said:
Why don't you make 4 specs that are better then mine instead of running your mouth?

falaris is right youre wrong. i mean falaris already knows this i imagine hes just bored atm and enjoys making all you kids look dumb.
Realek said:
falaris is right youre wrong. i mean falaris already knows this i imagine hes just bored atm and enjoys making all you kids look dumb.

Atleast I have some data to back it up
well im willing to bet money diiesel would most likely roll the living piss outta u and im almost done with my 80 so ill have boas on my rouge which undoubtfully would roll the pisso outta u. so yeah u go for ur 45738475 hit cap and when u hit me for 87 and i hit u for 180 and u wonder why ur getting pwnedremember this forum
Diiesel said:
Why don't you make 4 specs that are better then mine instead of running your mouth?

You said you garrote snd and ss people, which is not the max dmg on an opener. Also you said you double ss people, I wouldnt do that, well.. ever. Even against a Dwarf I would garrote and make him waste his stoneskin and then restealth.

Uh, I said SS/SS because you dont always open from stealth? Sometimes you are fighting midfield and target switch??? Sorry for giving you too much credit to understand the rogue class.

And yeah Real, I knew I was right before posting the thread :)
Diiesel said:
I said make 4 specs for every occassion, or are you gonna run your 20 hit rating with a hit pot too?

So you claim to have data to back up your claim, then respond with someone asking to see it by asking a question completely unrelated to what we're talking about?
I have spent countless hours in recount going through the gear/spec changes. Bobbo, Twinkheals, Outlast, and many more from my guild can tell you how often I have tried out different sets/specs. Just because I spent my time doing something doesn't mean I am going to record everything and just hand it all over to you because you want it.

I made four sets for people showing different situations so people wouldnt read your double LS SF's and think that is actually the best in slot, because double lifestealing isn't BiS in ANY SITUATION.

Edit, I am not saying your bad, but I am saying your logic with way over the soft hit cap, low ap, and double LS is.
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