The new rogue build

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attackattack said:
I didn't read all of your posts but from what I can tell is that your basing your survival on LS procs which I would assume is why your speccing into precision and stacking so much hit and expertise but most classes now in the 19 bracket kite and I saw that you have sprint glyph which is good but that means you have 15 seconds every 3 minutes and other than that you probably won't be making all of this contact that you're stressing so basicly yeah you'll be able to stay alive but that's solely based around hitting your oponent and for everyone that's actually trying to say that a few ap matters over a few hit you really needa rethink rogues -.-

For the love of god use a period when you type.
attackattack said:
typing on an iPhone and I'd rather not have to hit three buttons just to type a single period.

Hit spacebar twice. I just found that a few days ago.
This looks like an interesting change of pace from the "normal" rogue gearing that goes on today, I had a rogue pre-bc, and into late bc and I had a lot of fun, and then got hacked. Now I run with a pure (PURE) ap ambush build for lols, I get rolled a lot, but I have fun, so it doesn't matter to me. I'd just like to say I will probably be trying this when I have the time.
Just so everyone still understands and doesn't get confused hit rating will not give you any more ls or at procs. The SnD does, with the hit rating ensuring that it will hit more often so none of the proce go to waste. That clear? Ok leave falaris alone if you don't understand the mechanics behind his theory. It's not bad bro, I justwant you to try out a higher ap build that isn't over specials cap. Falaris, please punch your numbers in tresspasser's rogue calculator. Then do 10-20 more gulches in ruin so you have some actual backup to your argument. End of thread till then.
Crilicilyn said:
Just so everyone still understands and doesn't get confused hit rating will not give you any more ls or at procs. The SnD does, with the hit rating ensuring that it will hit more often so none of the proce go to waste. That clear? Ok leave falaris alone if you don't understand the mechanics behind his theory. It's not bad bro, I justwant you to try out a higher ap build that isn't over specials cap. Falaris, please punch your numbers in tresspasser's rogue calculator. Then do 10-20 more gulches in ruin so you have some actual backup to your argument. End of thread till then.

Actual backup to my numbers? Are you kidding me? Ive literally won more battlegrounds on twink rogues than youve played. Youll be hardpressed to find anyone in twinking who has more experience on twink rogues than me. Try out an AP build? Huh? I have multiple gearsets for 5 different twink rogues, including that one.
attackattack said:
I didn't read all of your posts but from what I can tell is that your basing your survival on LS procs which I would assume is why your speccing into precision and stacking so much hit and expertise but most classes now in the 19 bracket kite and I saw that you have sprint glyph which is good but that means you have 15 seconds every 3 minutes and other than that you probably won't be making all of this contact that you're stressing so basicly yeah you'll be able to stay alive but that's solely based around hitting your oponent and for everyone that's actually trying to say that a few ap matters over a few hit you really needa rethink rogues -.-

You should go back and read them all then, he never stressed that he would be on target more than any other rogue out there would. His build is not based on that, it is based on less misses with WHITE ATTACKS therefore increasing his DPS. The imp SnD is just a bonus on top of that when you can sit on your target. The LS isn't his means of survivability he has 1100 HP without Fishing hat, when he is finished he will be around 1200 HP which is on par with average in my opinion. The LS procs are just icing on the cake. With SnD up he will be at 2.2 speed with dual shadowfangs, which happens to be the highest top end 19 sword. The only thing I can think of that might be flawed (other than no one actually running any numbers), is does LS have a PPM (proc per minute) cap. If so then the extra hit will not help with more LS procs once you get to the maximum per minute. However if one of your misses would have procced LS then technically it would still be a DPS gain. If LS procs 6 times per minute then that is 180 damage over 60 seconds, if my math is right that is +3dps (as well as +3hps). According to wowiki 14 AP = 1 DPS so an extra 20-30 AP which has been spouted as > than his spec is actually less DPS.
Crilicilyn said:
Just so everyone still understands and doesn't get confused hit rating will not give you any more ls or at procs. The SnD does, with the hit rating ensuring that it will hit more often so none of the proce go to waste. That clear? Ok leave falaris alone if you don't understand the mechanics behind his theory. It's not bad bro, I justwant you to try out a higher ap build that isn't over specials cap. Falaris, please punch your numbers in tresspasser's rogue calculator. Then do 10-20 more gulches in ruin so you have some actual backup to your argument. End of thread till then.

I wasn't sure how to take this post at first..

This was my breakdown of it:

1.) Crilicilyn acts like he/she knows what he/she is talking about.

2.) He/She makes no sense at all.

3.) He/She backpedals damn hard after first insulting Fal.

4.) He/She shit talks Fal's set up yet again.

5.) He/She talks as if he/she knows everything there is about rogues.

6.) He/She makes assumptions.

@#6: When will these kids learn not to make assumptions? Most of the time you end up being wrong.
curleypwnsu said:
i agree with sleyin

I have no idea which spec is truly better it just kills me that people just spout your wrong and have no proof. I would honestly like to see the difference in DPS between Falaris spec and the cookie cutter specs of today.
Sleyin said:
I have no idea which spec is truly better it just kills me that people just spout your wrong and have no proof. I would honestly like to see the difference in DPS between Falaris spec and the cookie cutter specs of today.

If I was as concerned about PURE dps i wouldve just switched over my LS enchants to Fiery. I just feel this setup has the best combination of survivability and dps.
its great survivability for wsg but in the long run it will be more dps and dmg in wsg cause ur alive longer but in wsg combat fiery is the way to go
Falaris said:
Ok, Ill cap my mainhand. I need about 25-30 more hit rating though, care to help out with that? Again, you still have no clue what youre talking about. FYI, I could care less if you give my opinion weight or not.

i'm flattered by your obvious superiority in world of warcraft

Falaris said:
You do know the hit cap only applies to specials right, and that you can go well over that (soft) hit cap for white attacks? Well, obviously you dont, since you made that post. GG

I don't understand why people get such a boner for hit.
Rogues are not what they used to be. Always changing. Gosh i remember not having stealth on my actionbar the first week of my twink because it was like a duelwelding warrior. Now rogues now are extreamly different obviously, where fal's build looks VERY interesting to me, rogues just dont have the same ToT anymore like they used to. Your duel LS is geared for arena. Losing the damage from fiery is bad in WSG. Getting the most burst while being effective on O putting pressure on their D. LS does not do this and gimping too many stats for hit is bad. Id like to see you in WSG and see how ypu do on O. It is a very good dps build if your killing dummies
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