The new rogue build

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Diiesel said:
I have spent countless hours in recount going through the gear/spec changes. Bobbo, Twinkheals, Outlast, and many more from my guild can tell you how often I have tried out different sets/specs. Just because I spent my time doing something doesn't mean I am going to record everything and just hand it all over to you because you want it.

I made four sets for people showing different situations so people wouldnt read your double LS SF's and think that is actually the best in slot, because double lifestealing isn't BiS in ANY SITUATION.

Edit, I am not saying your bad, but I am saying your logic with way over the soft hit cap, low ap, and double LS is.


that data?
Hey guys, whacha talkin about?
Diiesel said:
I have spent countless hours in recount going through the gear/spec changes. Bobbo, Twinkheals, Outlast, and many more from my guild can tell you how often I have tried out different sets/specs. Just because I spent my time doing something doesn't mean I am going to record everything and just hand it all over to you because you want it.

I made four sets for people showing different situations so people wouldnt read your double LS SF's and think that is actually the best in slot, because double lifestealing isn't BiS in ANY SITUATION.

Edit, I am not saying your bad, but I am saying your logic with way over the soft hit cap, low ap, and double LS is.

So basically your argument is youre more experienced at rogues than me right? I mean, youre not providing any of your so-called 'proof', youre just saying 'ive played rogue a bunch i know what im talking about'.

Fair enough, I guess we should compare rogue experience to see whose opinion should carry more weight. Ill go first:





And my 29 NE on feathermoon that is not showing up as available atm. He's my original twink, with a little over 50k hks.

Alright, your turn!
bobbo said:
totally agree with diiesel gotta roll what is needed per situation not what is thought to be bis

Guildmates agreeing with each other. What a new and refreshing concept!
Nice, if we are gonna talk time spent playing a rogue then I can count in my 80, since you have never even played a rogue past 39, amirite?

edit, funny, bobbo is in meat puppet and has been in there longer then mine, but hes my guildie and not yours. Lol
Diiesel said:
Nice, if we are gonna talk time spent playing a rogue then I can count in my 80, since you have never even played a rogue past 39, amirite?

edit, funny, bobbo is in meat puppet and has been in there longer then mine, but hes my guildie and not yours. Lol

I dont even know who the guy is. I transferred to MP because im friends with a couple of the oldschoolers, and theyre far and away the most mature alliance guild.

Edit. By all means count your 80 rogue.
Falaris said:
I dont even know who the guy is. I transferred to MP because im friends with a couple of the oldschoolers, and theyre far and away the most mature alliance guild.

oh, well, hes been in there for years?

Ok, well, this is getting beyond stupid because this is fucken obvious

gotta roll what is needed per situation
Diiesel said:
oh, well, hes been in there for years?

Ok, well, this is getting beyond stupid because this is fucken obvious

Your statement has absolutely no basis in this discussion. Obviously you change weapons, and some gear depending on the situation. That doesnt change the fact that we're talking about what is the best build.... you respec for every warsong gulch, every arena?
Falaris said:
Your statement has absolutely no basis in this discussion. Obviously you change weapons, and some gear depending on the situation. That doesnt change the fact that we're talking about what is the best build.... you respec for every warsong gulch, every arena?

When I arena, I respec, when I premade, I respec, when I play casual, I respec, to much money for ya?
Falaris said:
So you spend over 500g a day on respecs?

I spend about 100/day on my 80 ^^

And im going to try this spec, ill post my experiences with it.
Falaris said:
So you spend over 500g a day on respecs?

Nah, I dont do arenas that often, I dont like the comps, I usually end up getting hunter/shaman, lock/shaman or something to that extent. Usually people crutch on being Draenei also. I mostly play arenas when warsong just wont pop, or when I am randomly dueling someone. Much of the time, I roll around in full sub, and I do respec for every premade if I'm not in my premade spec.

Edit, besides even if I did, 500g is NOTHING. I have over 10k and thats not to mention the 2 unequip Shadowfangs and endless pages of twink gear.
Lol at Diiesel and Crilicilyn tbh, keeping on arguing without any back up, any proof, NO DATA AT ALL to back up their claims.

Even Trespasser and IAT agrees with Falaris, so I see no reason at all to try to argue with him saying "aaah well blablabla I respecc alot and have alot of hks and lots of gears eyyeyeye"
Ok, everyone, go reroll his exact spec and double lifestealing, its BiS and there is no better in any situation. I am wrong. If you want to nerf yourself, be my guest.
Diiesel said:
Ok, everyone, go reroll his exact spec and double lifestealing, its BiS and there is no better in any situation. I am wrong. If you want to nerf yourself, be my guest.

Doubt we would be nerfing ourselves. Just looking at numbers you should be able to realize how well hit, expertise, slice and dice and that specc would work out together.

And tbh... Seeing as many rogues read TI I wouldn't be surprised if we will see many rogues starting to use this specc in the future.
bobbo said:
totally agree with diiesel gotta roll what is needed per situation not what is thought to be bis

This is true gear wise, but do you respec your character between arena and WSG pops or do you spec sub to duel a rogue then run and respec differently because you are about to duel a warrior? Nope, you just change your gear depending on what you need. I carry around a ton of gear for different situations myself, hell im even logged out in SR resist rings. This thread is about Falaris spec for warsong. He stated the only thing he would really change is Firey over LS if it were a premade. He instantly got LOL NOOB, LOL above hit cap. Neither of which are accurate. Hit is more valuable due to the way it scales with level, just like dodge did back in the day (lol %90 dodge etc.). Someone really just needs to figure out on average how many more white attacks do you connect with due to the extra hit compared to the AP difference. Everyone uses Falaris low AP as an example. His armory has 199 AP, Diiesel has 222. 14 AP = 1 DPS so 222-199 = 23/14 = 1.64 DPS difference. Will the extra white hits be > 1.64 DPS? I'm no pro on theorycrafting or the math of it all but you can't just say LOL BAD SPEC with no proof other than so and so says that its bad. Player > Spec regardless but why rag on someone else suggestion for no reason other than it is different?
Sleyin said:
This is true gear wise, but do you respec your character between arena and WSG pops or do you spec sub to duel a rogue then run and respec differently because you are about to duel a warrior? Nope, you just change your gear depending on what you need. I carry around a ton of gear for different situations myself, hell im even logged out in SR resist rings. This thread is about Falaris spec for warsong. He stated the only thing he would really change is Firey over LS if it were a premade. He instantly got LOL NOOB, LOL above hit cap. Neither of which are accurate. Hit is more valuable due to the way it scales with level, just like dodge did back in the day (lol %90 dodge etc.). Someone really just needs to figure out on average how many more white attacks do you connect with due to the extra hit compared to the AP difference. Everyone uses Falaris low AP as an example. His armory has 199 AP, Diiesel has 222. 14 AP = 1 DPS so 222-199 = 23/14 = 1.64 DPS difference. Will the extra white hits be > 1.64 DPS? I'm no pro on theorycrafting or the math of it all but you can't just say LOL BAD SPEC with no proof other than so and so says that its bad. Player > Spec regardless but why rag on someone else suggestion for no reason other than it is different?

He didnt just say that his spec was best, he said his gear was the right way. There is zero reason to lose 50 ap to gain that much extra hit, especially in different situations like rogue duels where much jousting comes into play.

Edit, I didnt say I respec for every arena, I made a specific gear set that I posted earlier giving about 1300 Hp and using mostly sub but 2 points into gouge to allow me to use shadowmeld to reset and get off bandages.

What people arnt realizing is that its not all about numbers but about play style. I can give reasons to why I use specific gear in specific situations. Just ask about any of the sets I posted.
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