US The Legendary Thread Of Legendary tinks Who Did Legendary Things

Dayman #1 flag ninjas of all time
I hate panderen, worgen and goblin equally.

My point was that I haven't been able to see what Harvestdude does while FCing. I see Chewie of Darkness solo queue a lot too.

More and more racism in this thread, but what you don't know is that we don't actually start group queing until we see SR doing the same or vice versa. Harvestlord aka HB actually solo ques along with the rest of us.
We've group queued with pretty gimped comps since the revival, unlike yourselves. I also don't have the luxury of crutching worgen sprint either.

See you kids in the cup this summer tho :rolleyes:

I wouldn't consider hunter rogue warr/ double BM warr/ double hunter rogue, plus a rdruid and FC a gimped comp. Seeing as Sir John can pull any strat out of his magic mickey mouse hat, all you really need is an FC every game and the will to return the flag. Composition really only matters in a premade setting, otherwise you have to set yourself up for success or rely on your overly retarded PuG's to do nothing the whole game.
I wouldn't consider hunter rogue warr/ double BM warr/ double hunter rogue, plus a rdruid and FC a gimped comp. Seeing as Sir John can pull any strat out of his magic mickey mouse hat, all you really need is an FC every game and the will to return the flag. Composition really only matters in a premade setting, otherwise you have to set yourself up for success or rely on your overly retarded PuG's to do nothing the whole game.

Prior to last night we hadn't even had a BM to use in group queuing since Christmas. With Pizza gone for almost a month we didn't even know the meaning of the word healer in SR, I was queuing by myself for a while. Guess it's a good thing Das came out of the woodwork too this week :rolleyes:
I nominate NastiMYT aka MYT aka "The Godfather" for his ability to completely dominate the 2v2 bracket.
Prior to last night we hadn't even had a BM to use in group queuing since Christmas. With Pizza gone for almost a month we didn't even know the meaning of the word healer in SR, I was queuing by myself for a while. Guess it's a good thing Das came out of the woodwork too this week :rolleyes:

My point being, SR is the only challenge that this bracket holds in terms of PuG's and premades. You have to dress for success in these times of high quantity, low quality 19s. PuGs are just that, pugs; and unless we see people group queing on the other side we don't find it fun or amusing to group que. That being said, we can't control how many healers or anything for that matter is on each side, unless we play those classes ourselves. I also can't speak for the fact that our friends get into the same games, which is not really a surprise considering there is countless more horde queing than alliance most of the time.
I wouldn't consider hunter rogue warr/ double BM warr/ double hunter rogue, plus a rdruid and FC a gimped comp. Seeing as Sir John can pull any strat out of his magic mickey mouse hat, all you really need is an FC every game and the will to return the flag. Composition really only matters in a premade setting, otherwise you have to set yourself up for success or rely on your overly retarded PuG's to do nothing the whole game.

I agree with your points. As long as someone is FCing and people are focused on returning flags, you're pretty much going to win.

However, I would say that SR solo queuing 2 Resto Druids and a defensive warlock isn't much of an offense and SR doesn't even group queue 99% of the time.

Rarely will I see Bigmoran on a rogue or monk (which neither is as potent as a Feral druid when it comes to returning) Sometimes Sliq will get in the same game but that's about it. Skeezine is pretty much always soloqueuing and switching factions so I know you can't be referring to him as one of the 2 BMs. Whoever that new circlerollsu or whatever guy is has been in the bracket for 1 day. As for the hunters comment, if I were to guess, both Ezeron and Nettie do not group queue and I would also probably guess that they are not in the Skype call, should Pizza / Chewie be in a call.

Just my 2c I also experience 5 of you guys in pugs much more often than I experience any more than 3 of them in PUGs.

Here's an idea, instead of queueing into each other, missing each other and just rolling pugs all day, why don't you guys nut up and war game each other.
I agree with your points. As long as someone is FCing and people are focused on returning flags, you're pretty much going to win.

However, I would say that SR solo queuing 2 Resto Druids and a defensive warlock isn't much of an offense and SR doesn't even group queue 99% of the time.

Rarely will I see Bigmoran on a rogue or monk (which neither is as potent as a Feral druid when it comes to returning) Sometimes Sliq will get in the same game but that's about it. Skeezine is pretty much always soloqueuing and switching factions so I know you can't be referring to him as one of the 2 BMs. Whoever that new circlerollsu or whatever guy is has been in the bracket for 1 day. As for the hunters comment, if I were to guess, both Ezeron and Nettie do not group queue and I would also probably guess that they are not in the Skype call, should Pizza / Chewie be in a call.

Just my 2c I also experience 5 of you guys in pugs much more often than I experience any more than 3 of them in PUGs.

Here's an idea, instead of queueing into each other, missing each other and just rolling pugs all day, why don't you guys nut up and war game each other.

I am very aware of how they operate. What you don't know is that 90% of us between harvest and SR are friends and we actually talk to eachother on a regular basis. We swap factions and play against each other all in the same Skype call unless we start getting serious games in which case we would go to separate calls, but overall we just trash talk each other or say gg depending on the situation. There is no beef here. But on the flip side Harvest is always open for premades and always will be; but SR's roster is kind of tight at the moment and they have many people in college and/or working full time. So they aren't really able to wargame. When they are ready, we fully intend on playing each other pre-Twink Cup. This isn't really something that requires expedience. I personally am just happy that PuG's are popping again finally and with more than one game at a time every night.
I would also like to add that, yes they do not always have a viable comp, but neither do we, so we both make due with what we have and are extremely capable of turning the tides in our favors with simple strategy and team cooperation.

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