A Sentient Pyramid
Atychiphobia's Parkour Challenge #1 : Meanwhile at the old Park
I'm so proud of this one, can't wait to see if some of you guys can make it!
Difficulty level: Hard
Starting point: Start at this destroyed house
Checkpoint: Can you get up there?! :O Don't loose hope!
Final challenge goal: Congrats, you have made it! What can possibly stop you now?
Mount was used
Bonus achievements:
Clue: imgur: the simple image sharer
Clue: imgur: the simple image sharer
Achievement List :
- Goesid Pst, was that even hard?, Please leave the birds alone!, Another Sea Gull? Kill it!
- Poledancer Pst, was that even hard?, Please leave the birds alone!, Another Sea Gull? Kill it!
Lots of fun! Think I got em. :S



Seagull #1

Seagull #2

Another nice thing about this challenge is that with certain class abilities alone or class abilities with a swift pot, you can jump on over to the Cathedral Square roofs and mess around.
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