The F2P Parkour Challenge thread

Atychiphobia's Parkour Challenge #1 : Meanwhile at the old Park

I'm so proud of this one, can't wait to see if some of you guys can make it!

Difficulty level: Hard

Starting point: Start at this destroyed house

Checkpoint: Can you get up there?! :O Don't loose hope!

Final challenge goal: Congrats, you have made it! What can possibly stop you now?
Mount was used


Bonus achievements:

Clue: imgur: the simple image sharer

Clue: imgur: the simple image sharer

Achievement List :

  • Goesid Pst, was that even hard?, Please leave the birds alone!, Another Sea Gull? Kill it!
  • Poledancer Pst, was that even hard?, Please leave the birds alone!, Another Sea Gull? Kill it!

Lots of fun! Think I got em. :S





Seagull #1


Seagull #2


Another nice thing about this challenge is that with certain class abilities alone or class abilities with a swift pot, you can jump on over to the Cathedral Square roofs and mess around.
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This thread died a bit, but I was waiting for DMF. Sorry that I post it so late (halfway through the event) but hopefully there would be enough time for anyone interested to complete it. My goal was to get to the top of 2 biggest tents - DMF arena one and the one near Sayge - NPC - World of Warcraft . Whilst I managed to get to the top of 2nd one (like 4-5 min of thinking) the other one requires more advanced techniques - I needed many many meters from my jumps, using mount, hill and parachute from Gnomeregan. Still thinking how to get to the top of arena tent, here you are, sayge tent:


Technique: Use the cannon from one of the dailies to fly there. The trick is that for first few seconds of flight you are considered stunned and can't use "1" which is landing. What you can do is use it few yards away after the tent and hope to land on trees which can be used to move up to the top of tent (requires some hardcore jumping skills) BUT if you use "landing" as soon as it's possible (for example you are spamming it) you will land on ground just between two branches. You have to use it when you are a bit after the tent, getting that point requires 5-6 test jumps.
Good Luck and Have Fun :)
Valley of Wisdom
I did not need my mount.

Goesids's Valley of Wisdom Challenge



1st time jumper here, harder than I imagine, don't think I can do the 3rd jump again, been lucky, no demon leap.

next challenge: Brawl'gar Arena (Warlock only) (always knew there must be a trick to get up there)



... an accident happen during my Brawl'gar Arena extended Goal of Parkour, i'm glitch out, hearthstone in CD, god, hope I don't get ban...
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I remember having no success with that, got very close by ' wall jumping' from side to side close to the chimney. Would be doable with hunter disengage if they could somehow get in combat.
Good Ol' Goldshire Parkour

I made a few parkour challenges in Goldshire, most of you will probably know how to do a few of these, but there might be some new ones you didn't know about :) They aren't that hard, but I found them rather fun to do again :D

Good Ol' Goldshire Parkour 1

Starting Point:


Ending Point:

No mount was used. You must go from the checkpoint to the ending point without leaving the "chimney".
You are allowed to use anything in this parkour.

Good Ol' Goldshire Parkour 2

Starting Point:

Ending Point:

No mount was used.
You are allowed to use anything in this parkour.

Good Ol' Goldshire Parkour 3

Starting Point:

Ending Point:

No mount was used. You cannot use the Goldshire Inn roof!
You are allowed to use anything in this parkour.

Achievement 1:

Achievement 2:

Achievement 3:

Achievement 4:

  • No one yet!

Have fun everyone!
Better late than never - hope it has worked...


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Sorry for double-posting, but this has been a good motivator for me recently. Obviously, as a pacifist, I couldn't kill either of the seagulls, but I did visit them.

Note the unhappy elk, who just can't make the final jump of the mage Quarter challenge. Can anyone give any advice, please?


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I ain't doin' that starting zone again! Well, depends on the price you'd be willing to pay at least...
I ain't doin' that starting zone again! Well, depends on the price you'd be willing to pay at least...

that spot was pretty hard to get to :( since every time i fell off of the path i'd get stuck due to being wayyyy out of blizards set boundaries.

and yeah to this day i've yet to get a goblin past level 3 haha.
Thanks Goesid.

In other news, Masara has been visiting a certain deserted city. It's a quality place - the weather is nice and rainy and no one is trying to brutally murder her!

On the other hand, she couldn't quite make it into the caravan.

Couldn't do the Batman challenge, but there was a catwoman hanging around...


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