Rate my arms warrior plz :)

Only thing I would change is Bravo signet to Dread Pirate ring (around 1,5-2% more crit, only lose 3 str), and maybe herbalism to engineering for instant bombs. But other than that, looks really good and sexy gf'd bracers!

thanks mate since i'm pretty new [MENTION=696]Crit[/MENTION] gear can you tell me what i have to change to be bis crit gear i have see alot of people playing with leather gloves and boots also so what's up ? is it viable ?
I can tell you what's bis for max crit, but imo a balanced crit/ap gear is better than full crit. So basically, it's same as yours but change rings to stendels wedding band + dread pirate ring, boots to cobrahns boots, gloves to wild riders gloves. Should come out with 25-26% crit, but 35-50 ap less. Try it out and see if you like it, but I think the higher crit chance doesn't really make up for the damage loss from AP.
okay i got it. i already try full strenght on my prot warrior horde side it's pretty good damage but i want to see full crit also so ;D
what tips do you want?

dont understand the purpose of rate a twink when people post their finished twinks looking for attention tbh
what tips do you want?

dont understand the purpose of rate a twink when people post their finished twinks looking for attention tbh

You could just say, get heirloom shield for some more armor, and a spidersilk boots for max stam set instead of being negative, anyways thanks for your input.

Thanks also to the guy who PM'ed me about the gear.

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