Soccer Dad
The gear mentioned, for the most part, doesnt scale though. Legion dungeon drops are ilvl 44 for everyone. The vendor gear from shatt is ilvl 27 for everyone. Artifact weapons are ilvl 20/34/48 for everyone.If i understood correctly all item drops scale to your level, so the most important issue is to find out wich items drop with the highest difference *itemlevel minus characterlevel*. Once this is find out all brackets will proceed with the same items.
Dungeon drops will be like... ilvl 24 for 20s. which, depending on sockets, item slot, secondaries, potential set pieces, etc, could mean that they're bis over shatt/legion gear. It all really depends on how you want to build.
I would *assume* that they'll eventually nerf the Legion gear by having it scale to ilvl 24 just like all the other drops. I also assume theyll eventually nerf honor gems to an appropriate allocation (1/2 maybe?) and probably relics too, which means artifact weapons might end up in the ilvl 22-24 range (maybe). They slap a level req on class hall vendor gear and all that completely changes what is BiS from whats currently BiS.
But all we can go on is whats current. And right now that means Legion. Almost entirely. At least for 20s and probably up into 29s.
For 39s and 49s... raid gear starts opening up as an option, so youll see some difference between twink brackets for sure.
(fwiw, im batting below .500 on SL predictions, so takes these assumptions with a grain of salt)