<The Chosen Few> 19 PVP Guild recruiting, Vek'nilash US

We are still on the hunt for two very solid heals. Please any information you need contact us on Vek today around 7 pm server time. There should be a bunch of us on to chat with around that time.

Thanks for your time

Happy Twinking ... !!!
Bump for some real ass heals. I know your out there holla at us !.

Hit us up on vek. Incredabull,Beastly are main leaders but any officer can talk with ya and we can arrange something.

Thx for your time gang Happy Twinking

'So many haters in this world wanna see us fall' Lil Wyte
Ok we have had great responses on the relm to our call for healers we have several in the works and now are looking for Mages (preferably arcane for offense) and a Afflicion warlock or two.

Happy Twinking gang we will see you in the gulch !
This Guild is Absolute Trash...

...for 9 man queueing in a pug WSG, which just occurred. But to be honest, it's the only way you can win, so whatever.

Especially Beastly. Worst Rogue World. Watch some Sax vids, homo.
Bump for Mages and Loks !.

As for copymachine ally does the exact same thing and were trying to get our numbers up and play together like everyone else. Good troll post and hate on my friend
copymachine said:
...for 9 man queueing in a pug WSG, which just occurred. But to be honest, it's the only way you can win, so whatever.

Especially Beastly. Worst Rogue World. Watch some Sax vids, homo.

Edit: Entire post edited for the sake of not starting a troll war. Play nicely, try not to rant on our thread.
Gang is Wikki still around?
Bump ! Come on people there has to be some well played cc out there lurking somewhere. Come to Vek and chat with us were on daily and should be available to chat about any concerns or questions you might have.
Bump for healers, locks and CC

Pref. H/D Priests, AfflicLocks, and Arc Mages

Also, guys, I will be on today in a few hours most likely; I'll probably hang out for a bit and do a game or two, but I won't be on all night though :(
I have two healers, both Cata twinks and BiS with the exception of grandfathered gear.

Caumootrino @ Drenden - Game - World of Warcraft

Sanctimonius @ Drenden - Game - World of Warcraft

They share a Devout Aurastone Hammer and an Inherited Insignia of the Horde. They each have multiple gear sets for different specs/situations. I have experience in 2100+ arena back in seasons 3/4 and have been playing twink WSG for over 2 years now. I would love to join you but I lack the funds to do so. The conversation probably ends there but you can always PM me if you want to discuss anything. Thanks for the consideration. :)

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