The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

Rhaellia : Either Warrior, Mage or Hunter. I really don't mind which one. Pick what suits you best.

Yeah Mialo is equally bad at all classes so it really doesn't matter which he plays.
Rhae, tbh, I'd rather play prot I think. Or would that make us short on healers?
I'll play my mistweaver monk. Help diversify alliance more.

I was kind of looking forward to running around as ret with Reflexz, oh well :)

Can we open this up to more people. I think were going to have enough to go maybe 30+ each side. If you choose to add more people, maybe limit entries from now to dps only, if both side have enough heals. I know that Burger's friend Wôrst @ Alexstrasza - Community - World of Warcraft will play shadow if need be. I have not had a chance to talk to Veronix. Looking forward to this event!
I'm willing to go 5 more DPS on each side, but we gotta keep in mind grouping all of our cross realm folks. The more we add the longer it's gonna take, as it is we don't exactly have an army of P2Ps for this.

Okay, gonna add Burger and Worst. If you talk to Veronix just send me a PM or something :)

Would it be possible if I could play ele? I'm fine with playing enh, but I'd prefer ele.
Oh, it just looked like you were mainly enh, elemental is fine just not looking for anymore healers.

Gonna put you down as elemental :)

Gonna add your rogue into alliance's 21st slot :D

Also, I added [MENTION=11774]ginallz[/MENTION] and [MENTION=16220]bigdip[/MENTION] into horde's 21st and 22nd slots! Mentioned so they know if they don't show up, we will all... hate them, very, very much!

YESH! Enh is not a big enough threat to pile, but usually can't be downed w/o at least 2 people.
So that's a yes on playing your shaman over your warrior? :eek:
I would like to say a little something here, and I hope it gets well read, being on the 13th page and all.

This is coming from a person whose main character was created on a PVP server on the day vanilla WoW was released, so I hope that gives me at least some perspective on what I'm going to talk about.

This is a World PVP event, and the first experiment into cross-realming for events. Both of those facts should be kept well in mind by all attendees. This is not like trying to set up a well-balanced 10v10 premade WSG game. World PVP is messy. There's nothing fair about it: you gank, you get ganked, you get parties of people grouping up to find you. You call for help, you respond to calls for help... it's visceral, it's mean, and it's thrilling.

So don't be worried about whether or not there's going to be class balance among the two factions. Heck, don't even worry if there's the same number of people among the two factions. There's going to be absolutely no way to determine a winner or a loser... this is more for the experience of doing it, not for the bragging rights of winning. If you're going into this thinking you're going to be able to brag about your side winning afterwards, forget that notion right now and everyone will have a much better time.

You can bet there's going to be interference from higher levels. You can also bet that there's going to be protection from the higher levels too. You're going to die, a lot, and it's going to be frustrating if you haven't steeled yourself to that fact. Getting the most possible done despite those hardships, that's what world PVP is all about. Remember that this is a daily concern for people who are on PVP servers.

In my opinion we shouldn't have some neat, organized start time with two teams gathering up and saying "go". That's not world PVP. Log in, zone over, get to killing. If you are cross-realming in, I would strongly recommend that you work to secure your own P2P assistance in getting to AP. Rhae is a frickin' saint for organizing all of this, but I don't think it would be fair to stick her and a few other P2Ps on constant ferry duty and cause them to miss out on the fun.

If we want structured events with set goals, rules, and delimited playing fields, there will be time--and interest--for that down the road. This is more just to see what's possible and how the mechanics of cross-realming will work or not. Don't expect to be entertained... expect to be given the arena to make your own entertainment. This is free, open, bloody, smashmouth PVP. Run with it and have fun.

tl;dr: If I hear one person giving Rhae a hard time for anything that doesn't go perfectly, you'll be getting a chewing out from ME. And I'm good with words.
I have a question.. Since f2p can't use the raid channel how are we going to pick which groups we are in to communicate? I would rather not see some groups stacked with 5 dps then another team 5 heals and so on. This would be the raid leaders job but some group forming would be nice so we don't have to /say ALL the time when trying to talk with someone.
I have a question.. Since f2p can't use the raid channel how are we going to pick which groups we are in to communicate? I would rather not see some groups stacked with 5 dps then another team 5 heals and so on. This would be the raid leaders job but some group forming would be nice so we don't have to /say ALL the time when trying to talk with someone.

That's what skype/vent is for.
I'll fight for alliance. On one of my alts. Probably Oniyüi @ Drak'thul in sig, maybe another.
late as it may be, my just reading clearly illustrates how i dont check this site enough, id hate to miss something like this so if theres still room id love to bring my alliance hunter
In terms of spec I can also play balance on Ðrgrizzly, I should have a complete BiS balance set done or close to it before Saturday so I can do either resto and balance. It's nice that this is world pvp event, as my crit rating wont go to shit like it does with scaling in battlegrounds, should be very fun! ^_^
Good to see more Alexstrasza people trying to get in. Hope Bigpapa gets in so that be at least 3. Someone contact ktx also.

" For the Horde "

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