The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

Too much Dps on alliance/horde wtb 2 more heals for each side D:

Again I'm going to reiterate, this is world PVP. I think it's silly to even think about trying to "balance" the "teams". Do you really think the people signing up here are going to be the only ones to show up? This is not a WSG premade or something. I would be interested to know who among us has actually played (since WoW release, in my case) on a PVP server.
Again I'm going to reiterate, this is world PVP. I think it's silly to even think about trying to "balance" the "teams". Do you really think the people signing up here are going to be the only ones to show up? This is not a WSG premade or something. I would be interested to know who among us has actually played (since WoW release, in my case) on a PVP server.

i actually play on a pvp server and i have a lot of experience with games that are full out world pvp, i'm simply stating that it would be nice to have a few more healers, since from personal experience having 5 healers in a 25man group isn't the best way to go about world pvp.

honestly you've started to act like a complete jerk over these past few months since just about every one of your posts as of lately is just you criticizing someones opinion or making a clever yet snarky remark, also you're taking things way too seriously so just lighten up.
If another alliance drops out, I'll put you on the list best I got :([/QUOTE]

kk thx this will be 3:pm my time if u do just group me with tay.. remind me how to find u guys on Skype... :)
honestly you've started to act like a complete jerk over these past few months since just about every one of your posts as of lately is just you criticizing someones opinion or making a clever yet snarky remark, also you're taking things way too seriously so just lighten up.

Uhh, what? You're entitled to your opinion of course, but the number of likes my posts get seem to indicate that most people do not agree with your characterization of my intent. If you have some beef with me, PM me. Don't bash me in public; that's juvenile.
Uhh, what? You're entitled to your opinion of course, but the number of likes my posts get seem to indicate that most people do not agree with your characterization of my intent. If you have some beef with me, PM me. Don't bash me in public; that's juvenile.

Using the like system means nothing... Don't wanna derail this but I'm sry I've seen stupid posts get 5 likes. Some of the snarky remarks seem to get more likes then thought out and helpful informative posts. Plus friendship plays a huge factor also.

Lets not argue on here lets kill e1 tomorrow!
Using the like system means nothing... Don't wanna derail this but I'm sry I've seen stupid posts get 5 likes. Some of the snarky remarks seem to get more likes then thought out and helpful informative posts. Plus friendship plays a huge factor also.

Lets not argue on here lets kill e1 tomorrow!

Fair enough, I see your point about the likes. If I felt that the majority of people here shared Hue's opinion of my posts, I would change. Anyway Lil as you said, I'm looking forward to playing beside you tomorrow. I'll be on my hunter too, maybe we can team up and wreck faces.
Again I'm going to reiterate, this is world PVP. I think it's silly to even think about trying to "balance" the "teams". Do you really think the people signing up here are going to be the only ones to show up? This is not a WSG premade or something. I would be interested to know who among us has actually played (since WoW release, in my case) on a PVP server.
Oh, oh, I'm gonna attempt to diffuse this situation with this human thing, it's called "hu-mor" :O

Ehem, here goes.

So, I was questing on Korgath, leveling as ret. Go to this cave for a quest, see two tauren warriors, same guild, same level, obviously leveling together. I avoided them, WPvP is fun but I just wanted to quest, no trouble. There was a tower nearby, I hid in it, that's how much I really really didn't want to PvP at the time.

I waited and I waited and finally I went into the cave. I sneaked around, hiding in the shadows, watching where they were going, and I see them go further into the cave. I started killing a mob and suddenly, I realized that the cave wasn't as big as I thought it was. I looked up away from the mob's corpse. Here these two guys were eyeballing me and I'm thinking "Great, just fuggin' great .__."

We had that awkward PvP server thing, the "do I kill them or do I just keep going" thing. The awkward pause between players deciding if it's worth the trouble. I had already deicde that I wasn't going to attack them but I was waiting, hoping they were gonna walk by. I see the one back up, then charge me.

I basically one-shot the fury warrior, much to my surprise, which enrhaged me! "1v2?! Bah-hahahahahahahahaha (evil goat laugh? Who knows...)" Few seconds later, prot warrior is done, stick a fork in 'em. These guys rez'd at the spirit healer, I guess they were afraid. Yet little did they know I was actually avoiding them, afraid of them essentially, pretty silly, right?

Moral of the story? ...leave the goat alone.

I'll probably regret posting this tomorrow, oh well :eek:
I'm going to apologize beforehand for the offense, derailment, and inevitable deletion of this post!

Kincaide, I'm sorry man, but you have been on a mean streak lately. Just about everything you post now is a condescending put-down or rejection of an opinion, masked with elegant wording. It's similar to how I post. I, however, like to make it obvious and abrasive, rather than subtle and gentle. Anyways, I assure you, I don't think it's bad to be a jaded, condescending jerk sometimes. Just don't deny it. This bracket gets the best of us all, including you, old friend.

Love, Earl.
Fine, well, I still don't agree, but if you want to PM me privately as requested and explain where, among my helping people with macros and trying to de-frazzle Rhae's nerves and requesting that other people stop being mean to each other and so on and so on, that I have been so mean and cruel, then by all means do so. I still stand by what I said about about bashing people publicly--no matter who is doing it.
This is gona be a blast no matter who ends up showing up. And yes im pumped but I just felt the need to tone down my post a bit.

Edit Reason: Thou shall not post whilst intoxicated.
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Yaa soo, wpvp. I dont mean to put this down because I dream of a world where we could organize and execute activities like this, but. Heres whats going down: half your list is no show, whatever randoms are on buzz chat about the event and run down, chaos, eventually horde steamrolls by volume alone. that would be a success imo. More likely: johnny awesome logs his lvl 87 dk and wipes everyone. So, i really do hope this works out, if not, epic fails are pretty standard around here anyway.
Change of plans again, I can make it
Yaa soo, wpvp. I dont mean to put this down because I dream of a world where we could organize and execute activities like this, but. Heres whats going down: half your list is no show, whatever randoms are on buzz chat about the event and run down, chaos, eventually horde steamrolls by volume alone. that would be a success imo. More likely: johnny awesome logs his lvl 87 dk and wipes everyone. So, i really do hope this works out, if not, epic fails are pretty standard around here anyway.
Yeah, I'm starting to see that. I fear the no-shows but you gotta try.

As for Johnny awesome, he better bring more then a 87 DK. I don't have an army but I know I have at least a handful of 90s on alliance and a healer and some DPS on horde. Johnny awesome better be ready to wait out a rez timer ;)

If it all falls apart hopefully we can still find some fun in all the chaos!

Change of plans again, I can make it
Okay, cool :O
I am happy to see a priest on the horde team, but omg is that a shadow priest? The allies have a fury warrior on their team though, so i think that balances the teams lol
P.S. Tbh, In the end every1 wins, there will be no losers, such a great idea with this wpvp thing!
Yo! This is going to be fun. Alliance - you may want to park your toon in advance - maybe in arathi and at 3 est we can roll out as a group.

Yo! This is going to be fun. Alliance - you may want to park your toon in advance - maybe in arathi and at 3 est we can roll out as a group.

If you're AP alliance, you'll be getting grouped by dis guy :O

The drunkest, baby feeding-est swashbuckling-est raid leader ever to exist!

AP horde will be getting grouped by Rhaebread, my paladin.

The not-so-drunkest, non-baby feeding-est not-so-swashbuckling-est raid leader ever to exist!

Cross realm folks, you will be getting picked up by one of our P2Ps, then get invited over into our raid parteh! Please try to be on or you might get left behind.

We will start grouping at 12 PM PST (Aerie Peak server time)/3 PM EST/21:00 CET/20:00 UK. Thanks to Yde for helping me with the times, they should be right ;D
Drunk is actually gonna start grouping a bit earlier I think. About a half hour earlier.

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