The Alliance "advantage"


Is a noob
I am quite annoyed with the Alliance imbalance in this bracket. Why can't Blizzard make all dungeon rewards the same or similar? Since Alliance can get The Eyepatch then give horde something like a mail helm? It will certainly balance gear difference and queue times. I am annoyed that Alliance wins even though most of the time Alliance is full of Night elf hunters who just like to kill people in Mid field. I would really want the two sides to have similar gear balance.
Controlling mid field is important..don't y'all get bis caster neck. Even? No. But last I check blizzard doesnt do much balancing around low level.
it is. that's why they should make the stumps break los so hunters can't faceroll it with their fancy eyepatches

Totally agree. Love healing behind a stomp and a hunter's pet comes flying around it as I'm getting shot through it.
Not trying to be rude, but, If you think this bracket is imbalanced because of one item, you need to rethink some things.

Yes your right, the alliance get a nice headpiece but honestly, gear is harldy equal on both sides of the fense. Some people agree that horde get better caster gear at this level but that hardly makes a difference. Alliance might get a "slight" advantage when it comes to the eyepatch but don't think thats why this bracket is unbalanced simply because of that.
Eye patch encourages f2p rolling hunters and rogues.

(horde) 2min ques vs (ally) eyepatch? Eyepatch wins, weird huh.

I am quite annoyed with the Alliance imbalance in this bracket. Why can't Blizzard make all dungeon rewards the same or similar? Since Alliance can get The Eyepatch then give horde something like a mail helm? It will certainly balance gear difference and queue times. I am annoyed that Alliance wins even though most of the time Alliance is full of Night elf hunters who just like to kill people in Mid field. I would really want the two sides to have similar gear balance.

its ok bro, horde has alot more 24s.Like ALOT MORE. I could probably count the amount of ally 24s on my fingers

horde??there are new ones i meet in a pug everyday
Yes, it's annoying, but complaining about it here wont help anyone.

/thread. Complaining on TI on isnt going to help you in anyway. unless you contact blizz with a more reasonable argument. bear in mind F2P's are the players that keep this bracket alive. last time i checked there playing for free, i doubt blizz are going to do anything about it unless money is involved.

in essence this thread is invaild. just my imo ofc.
lol at some people crying over the eyepatch /silly

i've seen more horde hunters than alliance lately :eek:
but i'm fine with it.....why? because its fun ^^
Why can't Blizzard make all dungeon rewards the same or similar?
Oh idk.... maybe because blizzard does not in any way shape or form support twinking and could care less if gear is balanced for a low level of play that they don't even care about.

If they made things even for 20-24 they might as well go back and rework gear for every level, since some random person could stop their xp there and then qq cause the gear isn't even. They won't, because the population that would benefit from it (twinks) is considered by Blizz to be relatively small and not worth encouraging. Especially in the bracket that includes players that don't pay them.
Firstly, it's not just a little imbalance. The eyepatch and the rest of the stockade and blackfathom quests are Alliance only. There is a REASON why horde queues are very short compared to Alliance. BTW I'm just curious to know what other people think. I'm no QQing. I don't know if I agree on Horde having more 24s. Most of the time I just run into those rogues like Honey badger who crits 900 on people in leather.
I am quite annoyed with the Alliance imbalance in this bracket. Why can't Blizzard make all dungeon rewards the same or similar? Since Alliance can get The Eyepatch then give horde something like a mail helm? It will certainly balance gear difference and queue times. I am annoyed that Alliance wins even though most of the time Alliance is full of Night elf hunters who just like to kill people in Mid field. I would really want the two sides to have similar gear balance.

if there were no BOAs, no faction changes, and considering the gear they added in CATA

horde would have the hand up in 15-19
alliance in 20-24
alliance in 25-29

there was a thread on this long ago, prior to CATA

playing F2P horde vs F2P alliance it's not just the eyepatch, there is a the shield and 2 staff that also trounce anything horde gets. eye patch at 20 i beileve is one of the rare blues that actually beats a BOA helm at same level
Firstly, it's not just a little imbalance. The eyepatch and the rest of the stockade and blackfathom quests are Alliance only. There is a REASON why horde queues are very short compared to Alliance. BTW I'm just curious to know what other people think. I'm no QQing. I don't know if I agree on Horde having more 24s. Most of the time I just run into those rogues like Honey badger who crits 900 on people in leather.

see..honeybadger thats like the only 24 ally rouge you can think of.Alliance doesnt have many 24s.Everytime iget on my ally toons iface a horde premade and im like ''can i getat least 10 honor plox'' before iget farmed.

oh and horde has better caster gear like garroshs pardon +supressors wand(which grants the needed hitchance)

which is um..superior to gloaming band+firebelcher.Many ally casters/priests dont have enough hitchance to even fear a 20 rouge
also dont forget horde get the best paladin caster gloves-gloves of the hero. And best melee boots-boots of the hero, meaning in the end the gear is ''kinda even''
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see..honeybadger thats like the only 24 ally rouge you can think of.Alliance doesnt have many 24s.Everytime iget on my ally toons iface a horde premade and im like ''can i getat least 10 honor plox'' before iget farmed.

oh and horde has better caster gear like garroshs pardon +supressors wand(which grants the needed hitchance)

which is um..superior to gloaming band+firebelcher.Many ally casters/priests dont have enough hitchance to even fear a 20 rouge
also dont forget horde get the best paladin caster gloves-gloves of the hero. And best melee boots-boots of the hero, meaning in the end the gear is ''kinda even''

what is one the most useful item for the f2p's most op class? you guessed it, the eyepatch. It also can be used by other leather wearers and mail wearers unlike firebelcher and boots. Infact, it is also provides more hit rating than boots of the hero. Don't even get me started on aluwynn legguards and ello's ring. Besides the reason why horde have more 24s are because they have shorter queus

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