The Alliance "advantage"

There is no community Horde side that compares for F2P. The allies have a solid advantage.
AP Horde is bigger than AP Alliance, don't say anything if you dont know what youre talking about.
I see that anime hair

It's pretty amazing isn't it?

I figured if I was rolling Male Human already, may as well go all the way. Ya know?

/hugs for sally lol

You'll hug me, but won't tickle me -_-

*Sad face*

To clarify, I asked for a tickle on my Ally and he/she told me to roll Horde :(

It will haunt me forever.
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I am talking about the total community. There are far more players and communities for Ally side than Horde side. Horde queue times being so much shorter reflect that player imbalance.

Secondly, I too screen shot on both factions. I have stopped collecting screenshots from only anything less than 7 hunter alliance groups which are common place. I see way more Ally hunters than Horde BG after BG regardless of the faction I queue from. On average there are more ally side than horde. Couple screen shots either way does not prove anything. Increase your sample size and you will see the same trends I report.


9 Alliance hunters...and a priest. Priest bubble and crazy ranged DPS in see it way more on the alliance side.
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I am talking about the total community. There are far players and communities for Ally side than Horde side.

Secondly, I too screen shot on both factions. Horde side I have stopped collecting screenshots from only anything less than 7 hunter ally groups which are common place. I see way more Ally hunters than Horde BG after BT regardless of the faction I queue from. On average there are more ally side than horde. Couple screen shots either way does not prove anything. Increase your sample size and you will see the same trends I report..

You said something blatantly false about Alliance communities. A handful corrected you. So you quickly reverse and try to come up with something you can't back up, but you know we won't easily refute. Impressive.

You then follow up the screenshot examples doesn't count. Your initial post was prove it or it doesn't count. But, what we all should have realized was... it doesn't matter what we say or do, you are going to disagree. Okey dokey.

You have your limited view of the world and your rose colored glasses. Preach what you want.

A word of caution, be careful with lecturing others about sweeping generalizations and such. You fall into the same trap.
Horde Can play 3x more games in a day than an alliance therefore can get boas 3x faster . Straight up advantage - fact .

Alliance 35k hks = horde 100k hks

/no tickle

Take a closer look below. Even when Horde win they often do not get as much honor as some of the losing Alliance team. Even if there was an advantage to getting Horde BoA's faster for F2P it has no merit where P2P is concerned. Additionally, that debunked "advantage" would be the symptom of the huge Alliance advantages which draw more players to that faction.

Take a closer look below. Even when Horde win they often do not get as much honor as some of the losing Alliance team. Even if there was an advantage to getting Horde BoA's faster for F2P it has no merit where P2P is concerned. Additionally, that debunked "advantage" would be the symptom of the huge Alliance advantages which draw more players to that faction.


Couple screen shots either way does not prove anything.

While your OP was in great spirit, not only has the condescension displayed since detracted from it, you've also started talking yourself into a corner.

I'm not saying I disagree with all of your opinions, far from it, but I suggest taking a step back and thinking about Sally's last post.

Also, nice new eyeball, Sally. :)
who says horde cant roll 5x 24 hunters???
i was surprised we were winning in 1st 5 minutes due to sticking together and having 5x healers but then our team just lost it and i had to /afk out like the usual

I'd like to thank all the 24 Alliance (with all their inherent advantages) premades for making my night of playing that much better. They were out in full force tonight! For every 24 Horde premade we hit, we had a 24 Ally one backing us. It made the games as even as they could be. Considering.
Awww thanks Sally . We had a lot of Sanctuary running we ran 10+ and didn't que together on purpose . Went undefeated. Ran into a horde Premade whole night.

Awww thanks Sally . We had a lot of Sanctuary running we ran 10+ and didn't que together on purpose . Went undefeated. Ran into a horde Premade whole night.



We did see your group in at least one of our runs.

Still haven't gotten my tickle...

Just saying.
How about roll a 20 f2p Horde, do 20 battles, and come back to say how much you've won. Because recently I kept joining battles that are in the middle of Alliance gy camping Horde. I somehow doubt some of you guys even play Horde.
I have a cure for this alliance advantage
Play mw3

no hunters
no premades
no skill

run around with akimbo FMG's
How about roll a 20 f2p Horde, do 20 battles, and come back to say how much you've won. Because recently I kept joining battles that are in the middle of Alliance gy camping Horde. I somehow doubt some of you guys even play Horde.

I have multiple 20 F2P Horde and Ally.
I have done more than 20 battlegrounds on each.
On my *main* Horde, my win ratio is 64%. As a PuG'er.
Believe it or not, my Ally win ratio is 66% as a PuG'er.
Yes, I suck obviously.

You get crap and crapped on, on both sides. I can empathize. Which is why I try model behaviors I want others to emulate (i.e., no GY farming, no emoting, quick caps when it isn't fair, etc.)

I will concede, on characters who play exclusively premades my win ratio is grossly inflated. But that is to be expected.
I like this eye more , I get people always asking me to tickle them you need to say, its hey it's Sally

WooOOOOooo Oh!
Sally that girl
WooOOOOooo Oh
Sally phew! (That Girl)

/slap on buttocks "Good Job"
another alli "advantage"

just charged up the hill to the alli roof. when i got to the top, i fell thru the map and died =(

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