The Alliance "advantage"

see..honeybadger thats like the only 24 ally rouge you can think of.Alliance doesnt have many 24s.Everytime iget on my ally toons iface a horde premade and im like ''can i getat least 10 honor plox'' before iget farmed.

oh and horde has better caster gear like garroshs pardon +supressors wand(which grants the needed hitchance)

which is um..superior to gloaming band+firebelcher.Many ally casters/priests dont have enough hitchance to even fear a 20 rouge
also dont forget horde get the best paladin caster gloves-gloves of the hero. And best melee boots-boots of the hero, meaning in the end the gear is ''kinda even''
Garrosh's pardon vs gloaming band = 1 more stamina difference

Comparing these horde items to what is available to alliance is trivial at best.

Now compare Rifle Commander's Eyepatch - Item - World of Warcraft to Flying Tiger Goggles - Item - World of Warcraft
because unless you are lucky to get a LFH, thats what you'll be using.

Thats quite a bit of difference seeing that the eyepatch is for the 2 most OP classes in this Level Range also.
I am quite annoyed with the Alliance imbalance in this bracket. Why can't Blizzard make all dungeon rewards the same or similar? Since Alliance can get The Eyepatch then give horde something like a mail helm? It will certainly balance gear difference and queue times. I am annoyed that Alliance wins even though most of the time Alliance is full of Night elf hunters who just like to kill people in Mid field. I would really want the two sides to have similar gear balance.

hmm. and there's me thinking hunters and 24's had something to do with imbalance of this bracket.
what is one the most useful item for the f2p's most op class? you guessed it, the eyepatch. It also can be used by other leather wearers and mail wearers unlike firebelcher and boots. Infact, it is also provides more hit rating than boots of the hero. Don't even get me started on aluwynn legguards and ello's ring. Besides the reason why horde have more 24s are because they have shorter queus

And Riot stick of Alliance casters beats Horde.
hmm. and there's me thinking hunters and 24's had something to do with imbalance of this bracket.

Stop the sarcasm. It's not a huge imbalance since both sides have hunters. I do agree on the 24 twink part but I don't think Blizzard will ever change it.
Stop the sarcasm. It's not a huge imbalance since both sides have hunters. I do agree on the 24 twink part but I don't think Blizzard will ever change it.


Look, Free to Play just happens to have been capped at 20, where Ally have a faction-only quest reward. - It could've been capped at numerous other levels where horde have access to an item with an advantage (Think back to the BC enchant-able gear @29 mostly available to Horde)

There is 'imbalance' all the way to 85. What makes you think the free to play bracket should be treated differently?
It shouldn't be treated differently , there is imbalance in all brackets . Just thoses are the cards dealt. If limitations are too much might not be the game or bracket for you or might have to pay. People complain 85 aren't balanced . So why would blizzard focus on this bracket. I don't feel bad for horde who have shorter que. no sympathy for me. You want alliance gear and short ques. You greedy baddies . Jk


Look, Free to Play just happens to have been capped at 20, where Ally have a faction-only quest reward. - It could've been capped at numerous other levels where horde have access to an item with an advantage (Think back to the BC enchant-able gear @29 mostly available to Horde)

There is 'imbalance' all the way to 85. What makes you think the free to play bracket should be treated differently?

I'm saying that why cant Blizzard make ALL dungeons have same or similar gear. I by no means fighting for F2P rights.
There is no Alliance *advantage* and there certainly isn't an imbalance.

For your viewing pleasure, a shot I have taken to irrefutably demonstrate this.

Meeting so many Night elf huntards, I want to use my Orc warrior (shrieklolz) to smash their faces. I even owned badger afew times.
I think everyone has owned everyone at some point. When you are out there like some of us. You are a trophy to people. But sorry your name doesn't ring a bell at all. You know there a weak Druid named honeybadger . Everyone roflstomps that ain't me . Just fyi. If I was getting pwnd I'd know your name. Pwn doesn't mean you and 3 people , but if youd like to meet me there is steps to:

Step 1. Go pick up a flag
Step 2 . Wait Cuase I'll appear at some point
Step 3 . Sapped, ambushed (prolly 1 shotted) killed by white auto attacks(advice pop your arena trinket)
Step 4. Release your body before I put a flag of ownership in you
Step 5 . Rez
Step 6 Rinse and repeat last steps

You must be the weakest link , Goodbye


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