The Alliance "advantage"

I think everyone has owned everyone at some point. When you are out there like some of us. You are a trophy to people. But sorry your name doesn't ring a bell at all. You know there a weak Druid named honeybadger . Everyone roflstomps that ain't me . Just fyi. If I was getting pwnd I'd know your name. Pwn doesn't mean you and 3 people , but if youd like to meet me there is steps to:

Step 1. Go pick up a flag
Step 2 . Wait Cuase I'll appear at some point
Step 3 . Sapped, ambushed (prolly 1 shotted) killed by white auto attacks(advice pop your arena trinket)
Step 4. Release your body before I put a flag of ownership in you
Step 5 . Rez
Step 6 Rinse and repeat last steps

You must be the weakest link , Goodbye


And what if you don't crit? Or the person with the flag is a geared palla? Because ambushing and white hitting doesn't sound like the best rotation one could have. Do you vanish and try again or do you actually try to 1v1 the guy.
The eyepatch is overrated imo.
Although, i hardly see any 24's on Horde, but most PUGs have 1-2 ally 24's.
I guess the eyepatch just draws people who want the best gear to ally.
Yeah I've never killed a geared pally efc with another geared pally heal. And if I don't crit lol means you have luck on your side 40% crit

Do you smell what "The Badger " is cooking ?

/Raises Eyebrow
There is no Alliance *advantage* and there certainly isn't an imbalance.

For your viewing pleasure, a shot I have taken to irrefutably demonstrate this.


i was in that bg lol.

but seriously i feel at a disadvantage when i roll a horde since i dont see any good gear to get after doing all the dungeon quests available.
Actually, I can name many more alliance 24s. I can only name Capias and Faith as horde 24s. Seriously, have you seen horde win ratios? Most of the time I go into a bg is a bgf where horde is in the middle of getting GY camped.
I think everyone has owned everyone at some point. When you are out there like some of us. You are a trophy to people. But sorry your name doesn't ring a bell at all. You know there a weak Druid named honeybadger . Everyone roflstomps that ain't me . Just fyi. If I was getting pwnd I'd know your name. Pwn doesn't mean you and 3 people , but if youd like to meet me there is steps to:

Step 1. Go pick up a flag
Step 2 . Wait Cuase I'll appear at some point
Step 3 . Sapped, ambushed (prolly 1 shotted) killed by white auto attacks(advice pop your arena trinket)
Step 4. Release your body before I put a flag of ownership in you
Step 5 . Rez
Step 6 Rinse and repeat last steps

You must be the weakest link , Goodbye


Yeh can't oneshot me. Yeh can only 3 shot me. I wasn't the weakest link. The 400hp hunter was,
Hook line & sinker . Biggest compliment I get from a horde player without them realizing it . Its when the Gates open up . Within 1 min into tne bg , some idiot horde trying to dueling me pops there arena trinket just to try to kill me. Not realizing you just crutched your team, Just to kill me even more priceless when it's there best healer or future EFC . lol
i have horde shots like that .

Link it or it did not happen. <long standing joke among twinks*> I have been both sides and on average the Allies roll with 2 more hunters and 1 more healer. The Allies quest gear is better for both leather and mail and they have the BiS head gear for agility as a quest that F2P can get. Cloth gear is a push. Without a doubt any informed and fair minded person will admit that the Allies have advantages in both gear, class balance and even communities. The allies have been supported by efforts from TI to roll into one server...AP. There is no community Horde side that compares for F2P. The allies have a solid advantage.

* to clarify to the self appointed "mother" of the forums so her future lectures and "warnings" can be about things with merit. ;)
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Link it or it did not happen. I have been both sides and on average the Allies roll with 2 more hunters and 1 more healer. The Allies quest gear is better for both leather and mail and they have the BiS head gear for agility as a quest that F2P can get. Cloth gear is a push. Without a doubt any informed and fair minded person will admit that the Allies have advantages in both gear, class balance and even communities. The allies have been supported by efforts from TI to roll into one server...AP. There is no community Horde side that compares for F2P. The allies have a solid advantage.

...what the hell.
Link it or it did not happen. I have been both sides and on average the Allies roll with 2 more hunters and 1 more healer. The Allies quest gear is better for both leather and mail and they have the BiS head gear for agility as a quest that F2P can get. Cloth gear is a push. Without a doubt any informed and fair minded person will admit that the Allies have advantages in both gear, class balance and even communities. The allies have been supported by efforts from TI to roll into one server...AP. There is no community Horde side that compares for F2P. The allies have a solid advantage.
Riot Stick - Item - World of Warcraft blows away anything for Caster Staff Horde side too.
Horde Can play 3x more games in a day than an alliance therefore can get boas 3x faster . Straight up advantage - fact .

Alliance 35k hks = horde 100k hks

/no tickle
I'm sorry for posting like that but I was too busy laughing.
The allies have been supported by efforts from TI to roll into one server...AP. There is no community Horde side that compares for F2P. The allies have a solid advantage.
You are confused. While AP Alliance has picked up again and is a great community, Horde side is much bigger. Alliance does have more communities, on Vashj and Moon Guard.

Horde Can play 3x more games in a day than an alliance therefore can get boas 3x faster . Straight up advantage - fact .

Alliance 35k hks = horde 100k hks

/no tickle
When you face Alliance teams of mostly hunters and rogues, even getting 6x more games makes no difference when you get farmed. 0 honor X 6 games = 0 honor.

Thank goodness afking is character specific.
Link it or it did not happen.


You saying Horde don't have a superfluous amount of Hunters? Both sides have too many Hunters. That is a fact.

I don't often screenie the scoreboard, but below are 3 Horde examples.



This one is slightly less drastic, but if you count it out, Horde Hunters still outnumber Alliance ones.


Edit: By the way, below is how that Alliance game actually progressed.

Is anyone surprised?

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