I think everyone has owned everyone at some point. When you are out there like some of us. You are a trophy to people. But sorry your name doesn't ring a bell at all. You know there a weak Druid named honeybadger . Everyone roflstomps that ain't me . Just fyi. If I was getting pwnd I'd know your name. Pwn doesn't mean you and 3 people , but if youd like to meet me there is steps to:
Step 1. Go pick up a flag
Step 2 . Wait Cuase I'll appear at some point
Step 3 . Sapped, ambushed (prolly 1 shotted) killed by white auto attacks(advice pop your arena trinket)
Step 4. Release your body before I put a flag of ownership in you
Step 5 . Rez
Step 6 Rinse and repeat last steps
You must be the weakest link , Goodbye
And what if you don't crit? Or the person with the flag is a geared palla? Because ambushing and white hitting doesn't sound like the best rotation one could have. Do you vanish and try again or do you actually try to 1v1 the guy.