10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

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What exactly do you think the 3 in bo3 stands for?

You are in no position to overestimate anyone, as lost as your are.

Apparently you eventually realized that you were in the wrong and gave SR the win. Just give it a rest.
"Best 2 out of 3". It doesn't matter what you think the 3 stands for. If you want to define the 3 in bo3 put up $1400 and host your own tournament. Pizza got the win because the tournament was already 2 hours behind schedule, his team won while getting ddos'd, and I had already bent the rules for atw. It's clear that you're really lost but it's ok since I'm a gracious host I decided to draw you a map. http://i.imgur.com/XUPjnod.png

I hope that cleared some things up. Now I'm done responding to you.
I think its funny that some of the people in this thread are bashing our team. 7/10 of us (myself included) have played Twinks <1 week. Most of the teams were playing against have been playing twinks for years. We're learning the meta game EVERY game we play. We're vastly behind most of the teams in experience and we are doing extraordinarily well vs most if not ALL of the teams in the tournament (even the esteemed Skill Ratio).

The two losses to SR today were a series of miscommunications and poor play from a few of our players.

It humors me that some of you are ignorant in saying we're 'bad' when we 3-0'd x 2 our first series, 2-0'd x 2 our second series, and only lost 0-1 in our last series.

People wouldn't talk so much shit if you guys didn't run your mouths so hard to begin with.
I think its funny that some of the people in this thread are bashing our team. 7/10 of us (myself included) have played Twinks <1 week. Most of the teams were playing against have been playing twinks for years. We're learning the meta game EVERY game we play. We're vastly behind most of the teams in experience and we are doing extraordinarily well vs most if not ALL of the teams in the tournament (even the esteemed Skill Ratio).

The two losses to SR today were a series of miscommunications and poor play from a few of our players.

It humors me that some of you are ignorant in saying we're 'bad' when we 3-0'd x 2 our first series, 2-0'd x 2 our second series, and only lost 0-1 in our last series.

That's fair, it's clear that you guys are good and it's clearly documented in your 90s end game pvp success. But the most outspoken members of your team kinda deserve the ridicule they're getting because they came here thinking you guys would just demolish everyone in the way and steamroll your way to victory. 90 meta does not apply to 19 meta and it's an entirely different world in which you guys were caught off guard and unprepared.

The two losses to SR today were a series of miscommunications and poor play from a few of our players.

You guys were hardly organized and didn't seem to work together well at all. I had the stream going and you guys were just pissed and talking shit to each other the whole game and blaming everyone else while SR just did what they do best - worked together to win games.

Like the stream is STILL going and everyone is still raging at each other and yelling about the games.

You guys are gonna need more than a 2500 90 RBG rating to overcome what Pizza and co have been building for years.
Of course we're gonna talk shit man. It not our tournament to win. Regardless of out come, we win the tournament:

A) We don't win, it's fine --we have 0 experience
B) We win, we embarrass the entire bracket.
Of course we're gonna talk shit man. It not our tournament to win. Regardless of out come, we win the tournament:

A) We don't win, it's fine --we have 0 experience
B) We win, we embarrass the entire bracket.

Honestly, I don't think the bracket would feel overly embarrassed about losing to the #1 rated RBG team in NA.
It's not our bracket to win though. That's the point I'm trying to make. Oh well, good games to all the teams we played today.
It's not our bracket to win though. That's the point I'm trying to make. Oh well, good games to all the teams we played today.

All I'm saying is outsiders are going to get shit talked, especially if they come in cocky. It's going to be the same in any bracket in WoW. Pretty sure most people are just happy to have more teams competing, it makes it a lot more exciting to have some fresh faces in the mix.
"Best 2 out of 3". It doesn't matter what you think the 3 stands for. If you want to define the 3 in bo3 put up $1400 and host your own tournament. Pizza got the win because the tournament was already 2 hours behind schedule, his team won while getting ddos'd, and I had already bent the rules for atw. It's clear that you're really lost but it's ok since I'm a gracious host I decided to draw you a map. http://i.imgur.com/XUPjnod.png

I hope that cleared some things up. Now I'm done responding to you.
I asked you what you think the 3 in bo3 stands for. You clearly have no idea, just like you had no idea how time zones work.
I asked you what you think the 3 in bo3 stands for. You clearly have no idea, just like you had no idea how time zones work.

Pay a little more respect to Myrm, you illiterate infant. I'm tired of seeing posts about different opinions of rules. He is the host, he should have final say.
Pay a little more respect to Myrm, you illiterate infant. I'm tired of seeing posts about different opinions of rules. He is the host, he should have final say.
Why would I pay respect to this guy if he doesn't do the same?

He has the final say, and his final say ended up being exactly what I had been saying all along.
Why would I pay respect to this guy if he doesn't do the same?

He has the final say, and his final say ended up being exactly what I had been saying all along.

Make your own tournament and get your own prize pool and rules then. Shouts out to Myrm for putting things like this together because bullshit douchebags like Arkant would never do anything of the sort.
Just to clear things up for how the finals work. It will be one bo5* that starts 1-0 in favor of the team from the winner's bracket. The team from the winner's bracket will have to win 2 games total to win the tournament, the team from the loser's bracket will have to win 3 games total to win the tournament. The initial free win for the team from the winner's bracket won't count towards the draw rule, but otherwise they will function as stated in the OP with the addition that if the series is 1-2 and there have been 2 draws in a row the last team to win a game will win. If the first two games of the match are draws the first team to win a game will win the series. If there have been 5 draws in the match the higher seeded team will win.

*bo5 is defined as "best 3 out of 5"
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Well played skill ratio today hopefully we can make it through the losers bracket to vs you again. I think its safe to say the majority of TSN was disappointed with their overall performance today and hopefully make it back into the winners bracket for a finals rematch against SR. GL to all the teams tomorrow.
Wapstur Sergeant Rank Scout's Tabard +1 stats

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