Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

Can't believe this thread is 6 pages long - LOL! Over swiftness pots? Something legitimately available to anyone, level appropriate and not that expensive.

You must be kidding, right?

  1. This isn't an exploit.
  2. It's not dependent on having a lvl 80 grind badges and gear out your twink - which not all people have.
  3. It's not not horde only or alliance only available gear.

Can't believe anyone would complain about this or compare it to a hack or exploit. I mean it's not the lag hack I've seen some FC's use.
funny that PAINAID tells someone to go ahead and report him/her to a GM.

i was in a BG with PAINAID, i told this player that i will report any terrain exploiting by alliance or horde that i see in the BG. PAINAID announced in /BG chat that he/she will not be running the flag because he/she will be reported, etc.;) he/she stood around near our GY AFK and didn't help.

"smart use of terrain" LOL....even in AB, do your "smart use of terrain" by getting on top of farm and stables building which only takes as you say "directional jumping", and see what blizz says about that when your reported.

as for swiftness potions, i don't see a problem with this, i have seen many top twinks use these. briarthorn and swiftthistle are easily farmed, many twinks are herbalists due to the free heal.

twinking is about every advantage you can get. to single out one item makes no sense. many players never 100% fully twink their characters, those not willing to invest the time may complain about any of the following items?

-engineering items

-gathering buffs


-fishing hat


-BoA gear

-rumsey rum +15stam

-health potions

-hit, agility, armor, health, etc. etc. potions/elixirs

-halani whiskey +20 stam


-well fed foods

-magic dust

-quest use items: real sticky glue, slumber sand, bag of marbles, etc....etc

-irradiated crystal shard turn in buffs

-and more that i missed
shanker said:
funny that PAINAID tells someone to go ahead and report him/her to a GM.

i was in a BG with PAINAID, i told this player that i will report any terrain exploiting by alliance or horde that i see in the BG. PAINAID announced in /BG chat that he/she will not be running the flag because he/she will be reported, etc.;) he/she stood around near our GY AFK and didn't help.

Do I know you? Get off my nuts and get in line.

And I guess sarcasm doesn't exist. If you know me at all, I hardly ever flag carry in pugs. I usually sit around and talk with people. But suit yourself. :rolleyes:
shanker said:
many players never 100% fully twink their characters, those not willing to invest the time may complain about any of the following items?

-BoA gear

Did you check your signature lately?
i have seen you carry the flag with only 1-2 others in your group/realm.

i like how you in affect say you que in pugs to sit around to chat? that explains why in other BGs i reported you as AFK, standing in the GY area, or standing on the roof of the tunnel entrance throwing a occasional spell, buff etc. to hide your AFKing.

when i told players to report you AFK, they (players you where with) chimed in do your defense saying you are our FC. i had to explain you weren't and that you were doing nothing at the ally GY.

i don't have to know you as a person, but i have seen the actions of your player which you control. you have been outed and as chris hansen would say.....please have a seat:D
Vendigo said:
Did you check your signature lately?

signature, oh yes. it came from a thread similiar to this and taken out of context

in a post made by druidroid which i had no problem with or him.

the statement of the signature is more of a unfair issue than swiftness potions which ANY player can get and lvl-5+ can use without having BC or WOTLK expansions

yes any person can get BoA gear for their twink players, but only if the have BC/WOTLK expansions and a 80 to earn them. even founder of this site had to hunker down and run a player up to 80. prior to BoA gear there where players with twinks on just vanilla-wow accounts.
Painaid said:
Do I know you? Get off my nuts and get in line.

But... but... They're soo tasty :(

Anyways children, please look at Drayner's Sig when you have a chance.
swiftness pots are lame, stupid, and gamebreaking at 19 and any halfway serious premade doesn't use them. it's really easy to stack buffs so they can't be dispelled, so please stop listing that as a counter.

there's a reason why druids don't have travel form, hunters don't have cheetah, and shammies don't have ghost wolf at 19. because it would ruin the game. and so do swiftness pots.

what if i had a potion called "potion of mortal strike" that let me put mortal strike on a flag carrier at 19? yeah, it would be fucking retarded, kind of like arbitrarily having everyone move 50% faster at every important moment during the game.
and the title of the tread is "swiftness pots in 10v10s". not "swiftness pots in retarded level 19 WSG pugs". so stop talking about swift potting in pugs and whether it is "fair" or "unfair". that's not even remotely relevant.

you can swift pot all you want in 19 pug wsgs. nobody cares.
shanker said:
i don't have to know you as a person, but i have seen the actions of your player which you control. you have been outed and as chris hansen would say.....please have a seat:D

My point exactly. You've seen me in a pug it appears and one which I don't even remember. I couldn't careless what happens during most pugs, they're personally not worth my time much anymore. I only play seriously in premades which, if you read, is what this thread is about. Do what you want in pugs, that is sort of the point.
Lloydganks said:
what if i had a potion called "potion of mortal strike" that let me put mortal strike on a flag carrier at 19?


that just makes no sense

everyone has access to them, therefore they are fair game.
speed pots make games faster. they and other consumables add more dimension to the otherwise low-depth environment that is the 19 bracket.
Yeah, they make it more fun, more like a real PvP situation, where everything is happening so fast, it gets really fun :D
rofl, okay first off all - Lloyd, random much? Making up laughable potions to try and compare 50% damage increase to 50% speed increase? wtf is your train of thought in that.

Calling swiftpots OP is just hilarious and i think, so far, only you and painaid feel that way. It is not as if it is hard to obtain, or easier for either faction to get, IS dispellable (trying to say you can stack things to avoid it being dispelled cancels out the fact that it IS INDEED able to be dispelled is retarded) And it is definitely not an exploit. So why should it be considered taboo?

Who was talking about pugs, that random kid talking to painaid?
celliott said:
rofl, okay first off all - Lloyd, random much? Making up laughable potions to try and compare 50% damage increase to 50% speed increase? wtf is your train of thought in that.

It's laughable because it provides a ridiculous buff in the same sense swiftness pots do.

Calling swiftpots OP is just hilarious and i think, so far, only you and painaid feel that way.

Almost everyone supporting you in this thread hasn't done a competitive 10v10 premade WSG. They're thinking of pug WSGs or spontaneous guild matches in WSG that I couldn't careless about. Speed pot all you want.

If it makes you feel good to get people to agree with you, then you got your wish. On the other hand, it does nothing to support your argument and is a logical fallacy to use the 'numbers game' as reasoning behind why you believe speed pots are okay in premades.

It is not as if it is hard to obtain, or easier for either faction to get, IS dispellable (trying to say you can stack things to avoid it being dispelled cancels out the fact that it IS INDEED able to be dispelled is retarded) And it is definitely not an exploit. So why should it be considered taboo?

I already noted that ease of access isn't an argument and I don't think anyone has made the argument that it's an 'exploit'.

Speed potting undermines the basic mechanics of the 19 bracket -- lack of quick travel -- during every crucial moment of a game. But lloyd already pointed this out.

Who was talking about pugs, that random kid talking to painaid?

Basically everyone in this thread supporting you is talking about pugs.
Painaid said:
My point exactly. You've seen me in a pug it appears and one which I don't even remember. I couldn't careless what happens during most pugs, they're personally not worth my time much anymore. I only play seriously in premades which, if you read, is what this thread is about. Do what you want in pugs, that is sort of the point.

Then why do you pop speed pots all day long in pugs? I've never seen you in a pug that you didn't use a speed pot.

btw, I RARELY use any pots in pugs.
Painaid said:
Basically everyone in this thread supporting you is talking about pugs.

I'm talking about pre-mades and I agree w/ Ak.

by not allowing swift pots, you know how much easier it would be to have you as a Druid FC, mage and 1 priest on D therefore allowing a 7 man O?

Being able to time CC's (fear, root, frost nova, sheep) would easily keep AT LEAST 4 people off your heels while kiting. Yes a priest can dispel all these, but it gives you that gap of distance to keep melee off of you and allows the priests' and your HoT to keep you, the mage and priest fully healed. Using a swift pot will only close that gap and make it extremely difficult for your play style, so I can see why you wouldn't want speed pots.

If using speed pots gave a > advantage to you, I'm sure they would be ok.

Seriously though... think about it, IF speed pots were allowed then you would have to risk that you AND your support would have to all pop speed pots at same time that way you don't range/los your heals and put yourself in a bad position to be downed easier by an offensive who could easily pop'em as well.

Speed pots don't help you as much as a healing pot, where as a speed pot would help much more than healing a pot for someone on O.

your argument is completely biased imo
Mazurati said:
Then why do you pop speed pots all day long in pugs? I've never seen you in a pug that you didn't use a speed pot.

btw, I RARELY use any pots in pugs.

Considering I never even carry a single full stack of speed pots in my bag at any time, I would question that statement. If you're that warrior, I do remember popping one speed pot against you guys when you had 4 hunters turtling the flag room and I wanted to end the game already to queue with some guildmates. Other than that, I've honestly never seen you in other games.

But maybe you didn't even read what you bolded in my quote. I do not care what happens in pugs. And here you are bringing up something that happened in a pug...

As for your next post:

Congrats, you're basically the only one that does not fit under that category.

Speed pots inevitably help the offense teams of both sides more so than the defense. That much is a given. Obviously I will be biased, but I am not biased in a sense that I do not see how beneficial speed pots would be to my offense as well. Speed pots undermine the value of CC, coordination, terrain, and decision-making in premades. Fall behind your team? Just speed pot back up; no loss there. In a game without speed pots, however, the offense that is most organized and best fit to combat the CC of the opposing team's defense will win. So if I have any bias at all, I guess you could say it's because I put a lot of faith in my offense at being better than yours.

And the argument that speed pots can easily be dispelled is also rather a misnomer. In every case, speed pots are used to catch up to your team or the opposing team, in almost every case because you messed up or got CC'd. Whenever you're trying to catch up, there is no one there to dispel your pot. Not to mention, as Lloyd pointed out, it is easy to stack buffs long enough to delay the removal of it.

If using speed pots gave a > advantage to you, I'm sure they would be ok.

Speed pots don't give an advantage to either side. However, in our last premade with AK's guild, I would definitely assure you my guild would have benefited from them much more so than his. That still doesn't mean I want them to be used, however.

Seriously though... think about it, IF speed pots were allowed then you would have to risk that you AND your support would have to all pop speed pots at same time that way you don't range/los your heals and put yourself in a bad position to be downed easier by an offensive who could easily pop'em as well.

Not even possible with debuff. But I don't even see what you're trying to say with this statement.

Speed pots don't help you as much as a healing pot, where as a speed pot would help much more than healing a pot for someone on O.

You're seeing this argument in the wrong light. It's not about how I personally see speed pots as not benefitting me as much as my opponents offense. My offense would also have access to speed pots. There is no hidden motive of having an edge as for why I think speed pots are cheap in premades.

With all this said, let me turn this thread back on topic before it gets any more derailed. If the rules outlined for the premade are made several days in advance and include speed pots being allowed, I would not have a problem. Do I like speed pots? Of course not. But if plenty of warning is given to prepare, then I don't have a problem with it. In this case. Ak, without consulting with his GM, decided he was going to bring speed pots to the premade when we had already decided before hand that they would not be allowed. This could be a simple case of mis-communication, but it does not excuse his behavior afterward.

If you want a premade where anything goes, I am cool with it. But that needs to be dictated in advance. And you better believe we will use everything at our disposal which will make you regret even allowing such items. I hate it when 10v10s are decided by who was bored enough to farm the most OP consumables. But if that is your terms of a 'fair' WSG, so be it.

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