Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

celliott said:
rofl, okay first off all - Lloyd, random much? Making up laughable potions to try and compare 50% damage increase to 50% speed increase? wtf is your train of thought in that.

Calling swiftpots OP is just hilarious and i think, so far, only you and painaid feel that way. It is not as if it is hard to obtain, or easier for either faction to get, IS dispellable (trying to say you can stack things to avoid it being dispelled cancels out the fact that it IS INDEED able to be dispelled is retarded) And it is definitely not an exploit. So why should it be considered taboo?

Who was talking about pugs, that random kid talking to painaid?

ummmm, that was not a laughable comparison at all. you want me to make up some more arbitrary overpowered consumables to compare speed pots to? will that make it easier for you? what about "potion of free action: you can't be snared or stunned during the duration." oh wait......

just because everyone has access to something does not mean it's not overpowered, rofl. do you know what the definition of overpowered is.....? let me guess - FAPs aren't broken or overpowered in WSG, either. oh wait, no, you're going to disagree with me on that one and then not be able to provide a logical argument to back it up. because there is none.

both of those consumables are overpowered for the same reason - they provide a ridiculously powerful buff that has no place in a capture the flag scenario. and i could provide any number of other arbitrary buffs or potions that would fall into the same category. please stop talking about dispelling swiftness potions....anyone who has ever played at 19 knows how that goes....i already shot that one down before it even started. let me guess, innervate at 80 isn't overpowered right now because, using your words, it "IS INDEED able to be dispelled" through barkskin. give me a break, stop posting this crap.

and you obviously didn't read this thread. pretty much every other poster has been talking about swift potting in pugs, not premades. it's just random dumbass kids crying about how their level 19 pug battlegrounds aren't fun. like i said before, it's a pug battleground, anything goes. but to suggest that swiftness pots somehow belong in 10v10 19 wsg premades.....especially with the current FC debuff......lol....?
Omgimarogue said:

that just makes no sense

everyone has access to them, therefore they are fair game.

again...where do you retards even come from? everyone has access to something, therefore it's not overpowered. lol??

by this logic, blizzard shouldn't even bother balancing the game around class-based pvp. if one class is much stronger than all the other classes, who cares! everyone has access to the character creation screen. everyone has the ability to just roll that OP class! stop whining noobs, the game is fair!

how do you guys even remember to breathe every few seconds?
oh wait, gotta make this a triple post to drive home the point even more painfully.


sometimes i wonder if a lot of you people even think before you post.

Lloydganks said:
oh wait, gotta make this a triple post to drive home the point even more painfully.


sometimes i wonder if a lot of you people even think before you post.


I know that you are trying to prove that because something is available to everyone doesn't mean it's not OP.

of course 450 prof's were OP, but there OPness > swiftpot OPness.

now....if Swiftpots were LIKE 450 profs where you fought the whole BG running at X speed and you can't dispell it (like gathering profs).. then yea, get rid of it!

Seriously though, everyone has there own opinion and has the right to discuss it. No need to call everyone a noob because they don't agree with you.
Mazurati said:
I know that you are trying to prove that because something is available to everyone doesn't mean it's not OP.

of course 450 prof's were OP, but there OPness > swiftpot OPness.

now....if Swiftpots were LIKE 450 profs where you fought the whole BG running at X speed and you can't dispell it (like gathering profs).. then yea, get rid of it!

Seriously though, everyone has there own opinion and has the right to discuss it. No need to call everyone a noob because they don't agree with you.

i'm not trying to "prove" anything, buddy. i'm pointing something out. big difference there.

and i didn't call anyone a noob. i really doubt that a lot of people posting here are noobs. i know that zalaran is not a noob. i called them stupid. because you would have to be straight up stupid to think that swiftness pots aren't broken at level 19, end of story. just like you would have to be stupid to think that FAPs aren't broken in wsg. just like you would have to be stupid to think that 450 professions on a level 19 weren't broken.

there is no *varying degree of OP* that you seem to be grasping at. 450 professions are not "more OP" than swiftness pots at 19 so swiftness pots are "OK". that's not how it works. mechanics are either overpowered or not overpowered, period. there is no magical middle ground that you can self-justify with backwards logic. swiftness pots happen to be blatantly broken at 19 and skew the balance of WSG. that's just fact.

and i believe that the word you are looking for is "their".
Painaid said:
Considering I never even carry a single full stack of speed pots in my bag at any time, I would question that statement. If you're that warrior, I do remember popping one speed pot against you guys when you had 4 hunters turtling the flag room and I wanted to end the game already to queue with some guildmates. Other than that, I've honestly never seen you in other games.

they weren't turtling flag room, they were farming mid (which i don't care for). I think I was the only one who tried to go for flag on my team, but 2 hunters, lock and rogue playing D vs 1 unfinished twink war not good. I could care less that you popped a speed pot, but I know for sure that I've seen/heard from teammate that you have popped 'em when ever you are in trouble. I could care less if you do. My problem if I don't use pots in a pug.

painaid said:
But maybe you didn't even read what you bolded in my quote. I do not care what happens in pugs. And here you are bringing up something that happened in a pug...

I'm just pointing out the fact that if you don't care about pugs and are like "whatever" then why pop a speed pot especially when I've seen you do it when it wasn't even necessary.

painaid said:

Speed pots don't give an advantage to either side. However, in our last premade with AK's guild, I would definitely assure you my guild would have benefited from them much more so than his. That still doesn't mean I want them to be used, however.

Not even possible with debuff. But I don't even see what you're trying to say with this statement...

i'm obviously referring to situations w/o debuff.

painaid said:
You're seeing this argument in the wrong light. It's not about how I personally see speed pots as not benefitting me as much as my opponents offense. My offense would also have access to speed pots. There is no hidden motive of having an edge as for why I think speed pots are cheap in premades.

the argument is about using speed pots in premades is it not? how is my opinion of how your opponents offense has more to gain than your D when using speed pots? of course your offense has more to gain that your opponents D, but when you run a 7 man O, who would need them??

painaid said:
With all this said, let me turn this thread back on topic before it gets any more derailed. If the rules outlined for the premade are made several days in advance and include speed pots being allowed, I would not have a problem. Do I like speed pots? Of course not. But if plenty of warning is given to prepare, then I don't have a problem with it. In this case. Ak, without consulting with his GM, decided he was going to bring speed pots to the premade when we had already decided before hand that they would not be allowed. This could be a simple case of mis-communication, but it does not excuse his behavior afterward.

If you want a premade where anything goes, I am cool with it. But that needs to be dictated in advance. And you better believe we will use everything at our disposal which will make you regret even allowing such items. I hate it when 10v10s are decided by who was bored enough to farm the most OP consumables. But if that is your terms of a 'fair' WSG, so be it.

1. how is this "derailed" ? I could have sworn the topic to this thread said "Swiftness Pots in 10v10." Isn't that what we are discussing?

2. AK comes from vengeance and both of us have plenty of 10v10's under our belt and NEVER have had anyone mention swiftness pots being OP or even considered it an item of discussion.

apexis crystals, yes. magic dust, yes... but not swift pots.

3. if you did an 10v10 premade w/ level 80s, would you not prepare by getting the best consumables as well? IMO when you set up a premade, you had better be prepared otherwise it's your own fault.

btw.. one of the best druid FC's I've seen so far Painaid, FU and all your perfect fence jumps!
Lloydganks said:
i'm not trying to "prove" anything, buddy. i'm pointing something out. big difference there.

and i didn't call anyone a noob. i really doubt that a lot of people posting here are noobs. i know that zalaran is not a noob. i called them stupid. because you would have to be straight up stupid to think that swiftness pots aren't broken at level 19, end of story. just like you would have to be stupid to think that FAPs aren't broken in wsg. just like you would have to be stupid to think that 450 professions on a level 19 weren't broken.

there is no *varying degree of OP* that you seem to be grasping at. 450 professions are not "more OP" than swiftness pots at 19 so swiftness pots are "OK". that's not how it works. mechanics are either overpowered or not overpowered, period. there is no magical middle ground that you can self-justify with backwards logic. swiftness pots happen to be blatantly broken at 19 and skew the balance of WSG. that's just fact.

and i believe that the word you are looking for is "their".

1. You did call people "noobs."

2. I know that you know that Zal isn't a noob.

3. "varying degree of OP?" seems to me like you still look at things in black and white

4. I believe that the word "i" is always capitalized and if I'm not mistaken capital letters should be used when beginning a sentence.
Mazurati said:
they weren't turtling flag room, they were farming mid (which i don't care for). I think I was the only one who tried to go for flag on my team, but 2 hunters, lock and rogue playing D vs 1 unfinished twink war not good. I could care less that you popped a speed pot, but I know for sure that I've seen/heard from teammate that you have popped 'em when ever you are in trouble. I could care less if you do. My problem if I don't use pots in a pug.

I really can't comment as I don't remember the game very well. I do remember trying to rush the game though because I was wanting to queue with a few people.

I'm just pointing out the fact that if you don't care about pugs and are like "whatever" then why pop a speed pot especially when I've seen you do it when it wasn't even necessary.

Next time, ask them to catch it on fraps then. I can literally count on one hand the number of times I have speed potted in pugs since I have been playing for Prodigy. And I never speed potted during my time on Cyclone on my paladin either. The only times I will do so is if I someone speed pots against me first. I usually just do it to make them look like a retard for wasting the pot. ("see, I can do it too. doesn't make you any better") I rarely even bother to have speed pots in my bag, let alone have them openly accessible on my action bar.

Many times in pugs I just goof around and practice jumps with the flag. A couple of them in midfield require speed potting. So maybe that was what they saw.

i'm obviously referring to situations w/o debuff.

That's fine, but my defense never has any use for speed pots unless I do have debuff. Without debuff, it's pretty easy to kite around the enemy offense. If I die even before debuff hits, there are some serious issues.

the argument is about using speed pots in premades is it not? how is my opinion of how your opponents offense has more to gain than your D when using speed pots? of course your offense has more to gain that your opponents D, but when you run a 7 man O, who would need them??

You're making it sound like the reason I hate speed pots is because they don't help me. I am saying that speed spots (theoretically) help both offensive teams evenly and work as a disadvantage to both defense teams. The opposing team can run a 7-man Offense just as well as ours...I don't see any difference.

1. how is this "derailed" ? I could have sworn the topic to this thread said "Swiftness Pots in 10v10." Isn't that what we are discussing?

This thread was created on a false premise by Ak. He was the only one making a big deal about the speed pots in his guild. It's a shame he wasn't mature enough to allow his GM to sort out the differences. The argument between our guilds was less about hating speed pots, and more about trying to change the rules on us 10 minutes before we were scheduled to queue up.

2. AK comes from vengeance and both of us have plenty of 10v10's under our belt and NEVER have had anyone mention swiftness pots being OP or even considered it an item of discussion.

In Ruin, it's a different story. And Ruin is where you are both playing at now.

apexis crystals, yes. magic dust, yes... but not swift pots.

3. if you did an 10v10 premade w/ level 80s, would you not prepare by getting the best consumables as well? IMO when you set up a premade, you had better be prepared otherwise it's your own fault.

Why would you not allow those consumables but OK speed pots? Where is the logic in that?

One cannot possibly bring forth logic to combat why speed pots should be used while apexis shards and magic dust cannot. All three provide ridiculous buffs that completely alter the dynamics of the game. But Lloyd already pointed this out, so I won't get any further on that.

The one difference that you may bring up is that speed pots are easier to farm. But you just said that laziness in getting prepared for a premade is not an excuse for prohibiting certain items. Ease of access is not an argument in twinking; the game itself is about getting the hardest items possible to gain an advantage over an opponent. If it was about getting what was 'easy', most wouldn't bother with things like AGM or Shadowfang.

The problem with these consumbles is that they provide ridiculous buffs that do not belong in a WSG scenario. It comes down to which side had the most mains and was bored enough to farm the most overpowered consumables. It becomes less about teamwork and coordination, and more about having the most OP consumables. Do you really enjoy 10v10s where the victor comes down to who spent the most time preparing for the game before it even happened and less about the skill and teamwork employed by both teams during the actual game? This is really the crux of the entire issue.

If Twink Info wants to play an "anything goes" game, I would be fine with it. Basically everyone in Prodigy has mains to get all these overpowered items. I personally would rather not spend an entire day dedicated to preparing for a premade in getting items that I shouldn't be using in a 19 match that will give me a ridiculous advantage and dilute the excitement of 10v10 matches. If we were to win in an anything goes match, I personally would not feel good about it. I would feel that we won because we simply were 'more prepared' in getting the most OP consumables. Woop-tee-doo.

btw.. one of the best druid FC's I've seen so far Painaid, FU and all your perfect fence jumps!

Well, according to your guild mates, apparently I crutch on speed pots, so I can't possibly be that good. But thanks for the compliment.
Consumables are part of the game. If you don't want 'em then stick to arenas.

why mention apexis crystals and magic dust and not speed pots? because 10v10's in vengeance, we don't abuse speed pots and it never became an issue.

I don't know Ruin history or lloydganks history in premades, but maybe he or yourself has faced teams that abused swift pots in premades... I don't know.

Maybe that's why magic dust and apexis crystals are "banned" items in 10v10's on Vengeance cause we saw 1st hand what it did when a guild abused them (Make Your Time from Ruin BG, coincidence?).
Mazurati said:
Consumables are part of the game. If you don't want 'em then stick to arenas.

why mention apexis crystals and magic dust and not speed pots? because 10v10's in vengeance, we don't abuse speed pots and it never became an issue.

I don't know Ruin history or lloydganks history in premades, but maybe he or yourself has faced teams that abused swift pots in premades... I don't know.

Maybe that's why magic dust and apexis crystals are "banned" items in 10v10's on Vengeance cause we saw 1st hand what it did when a guild abused them (Make Your Time from Ruin BG, coincidence?).

If something is allowed in a premade, you have to go in assuming they will be abused to their fullest extent. Speed pots, in the same regard as Apexis Shards, can be grossly overpowered if abused.

And it doesn't really surprise me that MYT would do that. Ruin kids play to win, yo.:p
If you can't handle 'OP consumables' then don't step into a game where they'll be there. Just like if someone can't handle not using them, they better not step into a game where they're disallowed.

Either way is weak.
Speed potions are viable and should be used in the 19 bracket. Unlike other 'overpowered items' such as Apex and Dust, it actually makes more creative and diverse tactics available. Its so-called cousins are banned because they retard the whole idea behind premades: to pit the skills of teamwork, coordination, tactics and strategy of two guilds against one another. The diversity and range in what is viable is why premading is so fun and intriguing.

Magic Dust was banned because it completely locked people out of the game. My only experiences with it are from ptr where they were flying left and right. The thing is, priests can't dispel themselves out of it and can be locked down, thus allowing the Dust to be used against everyone else unhindered as well. The winners are the ones who Dust their opponents quicker.

Apexis Shards, as an instant full-heal, can be imagined as a 'Bill' (yeah that's right, I'm talkin' Pokemon TCG here. for those unfamiliar, it was a card that you played for free that let you draw two more cards [I guess 'Pot of Greed' from YuGiOh also applies, but no one ever liked that game]) effect; a great advantage with absolutely no drawbacks. Every player can and will use them, and they are obviously quite easy to abuse. Games with these turn into more of a race of 'who has more?' Once again,

These items were banned because they warped the game around them; all strategies not having them at the center became obsolete due to their unrestricted power. Though sure, these games would still be 'a challenge' to win, since you're obviously still fighting against another team with a similar motive, but they created completely stagnant game environments. They are banned because they destroy any kind of individuality, originality or strategy in twinking, thus depleting the purpose of 10v10s anyway. No one wants to just play a game of 'who can farm more _____?' Except on PTR, for the lulz.

Now on to the issue of SWIFTNESS POTIONS. There is a simple reason why they are not overpowered: they can be dispelled. They only effect you, and not your opponent, which allows them to react to it. If a group pops their swifties, a smart opponent will purge/dispel them. This self-imposed effect does not grant you any immunity or, really, any bonus at all against an alert opponent. Of course there will be times where you can safely drink them and use the buff to its full extent....And that's called using it correctly. Just like any other item in a healthy premade environment, there are right and wrong times to use them. Many times you'll be better off using a health or mana potion. The fact is, it's effect is only as powerful as your opponent lets it be, or deems it worthy to be. Taking full advantage of it is simply playing well.

Honestly, I think the reason that guilds in Ruin are so against it is because their priests don't know how to dispel.

(Sorry for grammar mistakes/repeated sentences. TLDR)
lol, so magic dust was overpowered even though it can be dispelled. in fact, it could be dispelled in many different ways, many more than swift pots even! but swift pots aren't overpowered....because....they can be dispelled? what a completely backwards argument. why are you guys still grasping at straws? you just look ridiculous.

swiftness pots do not add any strategical depth to wsg, rofl. if swiftness pots were on their own dispel mechanism, and were always dispelled first time, or EVEN IF THEY WERE UNDISPELLABLE, i might agree with you. in games like AoC, every class has a short-term sprint ability, and it DOES add strategical depth to the game. however, a pot buff in a game where the dispel system is completely random in a bracket in which you can only dispel 1 buff at a time......please don't make me go into a step-by-step explanation as to why this completely unbalances the game in question (19 10v10 capture the flag).

of course MYT used consumables like swiftness pots all the time. for some reason, a lot of guilds agreed to use "anything goes" rules against them, and obliviate always made sure they were better prepared, since the rules were ANYTHING GOES. but what the hell does that have to do with whether or not swiftness pots belong in level 19 wsg? you must not have any 29 experience, where premades literally revolve around sapper use (and now FAPs). go ask obliviate yourself what he thinks of low level consumables and their "strategical" impact on the game. i know he and i have had pretty hilarious conversations about it many times.
My point about the Dust was that all they had to do was MD the priest(s) and then wreak havoc on everyone else. Obviously the priest would pop trinket the first time, etc and work on damage control, but you can't tell me that it's not exploitable...

EDIT: Basically, legalizing MD would cripple teams' ability to explore interesting/new strategies because they would be so tethered to the strength of Dust. The game turns into all sides throwing dust at one another. I'd run 9 priests imo.

Swiftness Potions create dynamic and strategic environments because they just fall into the pool of other things to prioritize as a purger/dispeler. Your idea of 'exploiting' them is my idea of 'using them properly.' Masking the swiftness with other bufffs is just a clever strategy. The fact is, it doesn't completely unbalance/capsize the game in the same way Apex/Dust does at all.

You could just as easily say to ban AGM - some times it won't be dispelled first wtf? and if there are no purge-effects around then wow it's op. But no, this argument doesn't hold. If you put that kind of criticizing pressure on one aspect of the game (swifts) then you would find yourself burning through most other abilities. Why? Because it fits perfectly in with the rest of the metagame.

And the fact that it shares a CD with other potions is what makes it even more dynamic.

At the very least, it's balanced in that everyone can do it. And while apex/dust would both meet that requirement, their qualifications can be easily refuted through looking at their game-bending effects.
Quara said:
My point about the Dust was that all they had to do was MD the priest(s) and then wreak havoc on everyone else. Obviously the priest would pop trinket the first time, etc and work on damage control, but you can't tell me that it's not exploitable...

EDIT: Basically, legalizing MD would cripple teams' ability to explore interesting/new strategies because they would be so tethered to the strength of Dust. The game turns into all sides throwing dust at one another. I'd run 9 priests imo.

Swiftness Potions create dynamic and strategic environments because they just fall into the pool of other things to prioritize as a purger/dispeler. Your idea of 'exploiting' them is my idea of 'using them properly.' Masking the swiftness with other bufffs is just a clever strategy. The fact is, it doesn't completely unbalance/capsize the game in the same way Apex/Dust does at all.

You could just as easily say to ban AGM - some times it won't be dispelled first wtf? and if there are no purge-effects around then wow it's op. But no, this argument doesn't hold. If you put that kind of criticizing pressure on one aspect of the game (swifts) then you would find yourself burning through most other abilities. Why? Because it fits perfectly in with the rest of the metagame.

And the fact that it shares a CD with other potions is what makes it even more dynamic.

At the very least, it's balanced in that everyone can do it. And while apex/dust would both meet that requirement, their qualifications can be easily refuted through looking at their game-bending effects.

ummmmm, you do know that tremor totem removes magic dust, right? and it ticks every 3 seconds? and wotf removes magic dust as well? and pvp trinket also removes magic dust? your entire justification for magic dust being OP and swiftness pots not being OP is just completely wrong.....on a basic level....

masking swiftness pots with buffs is not a "clever strategy". are you kidding me....? that's like saying healing someone who is taking damage is a "clever strategy" that works around the "strategy" of dealing damage to another player. give me a fucking break, rofl.

and did you not play back when agm had a 75% dispel resist rate at low levels due to its level 45 item level....? it WAS ridiculously broken. it completely ruined arenas and crucial WSG situations because of the ridiculous RNG to dispel agm. even now, agm is STILL broken in low level arenas because it artificially inflates the value of dispelling classes, in the same way that heavy runecloth bandages are broken because they artificially deflate the value of healing classes.

your arguments don't make any sense and you keep shooting yourself in the foot. why don't you guys just admit that you enjoy playing with consumables, and use that as your justification for the usage of swift pots? some people just enjoy consumables, and that's fine. it's part of the game. but to come out and claim that swiftness potions aren't gamebreaking at 19 and add "strategical depth" is just flat out fucking ridiculous, lol.
I honestly feel as if a forum mod should just lock this thread and be done with it. All it is now is a QQ and whine session.

Here is the bottom line, as a GM, you agree or disagree before the premade begins what is legal. If they want swiftness and you dont, you either come to some kind of formal agreement, or you cancel the premade. Point blank period!

This thread is useless now, lets all take a breather, fighting and arguing isnt getting anyone anywhere.

-Diiesel out.
I'll agree to disagree. I would continue my argument but nothing will come of it. Abortions and torture and now swiftness potions, I s'pose

EDIT: I will say, though, that being aggressive and condescending does not help prove your point. It only makes people tend to disagree with you.
Quara said:
I'll agree to disagree. I would continue my argument but nothing will come of it. Abortions and torture and now swiftness potions, I s'pose

EDIT: I will say, though, that being aggressive and condescending does not help prove your point. It only makes people tend to disagree with you.

I wasn't trying to be aggressive, I was simply stating that people fighting over this sort of thing is stupid to me. You decide things like this before the premade and guess what, this thread would have never made it to the forums.

If someone broke the rule, it would be easy to figure out whos fault it was, and who was right or wrong.
Diiesel said:
I wasn't trying to be aggressive, I was simply stating that people fighting over this sort of thing is stupid to me. You decide things like this before the premade and guess what, this thread would have never made it to the forums.

If someone broke the rule, it would be easy to figure out whos fault it was, and who was right or wrong.

no, no. I was talking about Lloyd. Sorry for not making that clear.

This is an interesting topic, and there's obviously some controversy. Since it relates very much to the 19-bracket it does deserve to be here, but it shouldn't take the form of bickering and arguing - discussion and logic works fine.

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