Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

Swiftness pots are less than a 1g to make each and can be made by level 19s.

How can they not be allowed in premades?
Pizza said:
Swiftness pots are less than a 1g to make each and can be made by level 19s.

How can they not be allowed in premades?

because if people run too fast they can get to the alliance GY in time to make the jump!

ok, sorry low blow - too good to pass up though.
Now now gomer.. play nice.

To add to the topic at hand.. I see no reason not to use swiftness pots unless there are two things going on. First.. the guild as a whole for some reason is not able to get these potions at a fair price (servers do differ on prices/availability) and thus can't use them. If this is true then that should be mentioned beforehand and discussed.

Second, they have new folk who just have not gotten used to dispelling in which case it should certainly be allowed to ban them for that game. After all these people will eventually get better which will allow for the eventual use of speed pots.

That being said... if Prodigy does not want to use speed pots.. then dont allow anything else. No rum. No health pots. No hit pots. No AGM. Absolutely none of that. The reasons you give for game breaking items apply to all of these items and it is certainly fair of WTS Skill or anyone else to ask you to not use any of these as well.
celliott said:
because if people run too fast they can get to the alliance GY in time to make the jump!

ok, sorry low blow - too good to pass up though.

I don't even get it. Speed pots would actually cause you to miss the jump.

Believeit said:
I mean come on part of the skill involved in premades is the use of consumables, so limiting them is retarded.


I really loved the way you whipped out the double speak while talking about exploiting. Call it what you want, it is TERRAIN EXPLOITING,

I really don't think you realize how often I have to get into this with people. Maybe it's because your guild is from Vengeance and you're not used to the same standards that Ruin has come to be known for. Ever since 19 twinking became popular, Ruin gameplay has always revolved around terrain advantages. In other battlegroups I have played in (i.e. Cyclone, Stormstrike, Retaliation, etc) this wasn't always the case, so I can see where you're coming from.

I encourage you to report me to a GM everytime you see me in Warsong. In fact, I beg you. You will get the same typical response: Directional jumps are OK. I can't begin to count the number of people that have chewed me out for 'sploitin and swearing that they'll report me...yet here I still am. You keep on saying you don't have a problem with them, but the fact you keep bringing up this topic proves quite the contrary. I saw a couple of your guildmates in a Warsong tonight practicing jumps. Maybe that is where you should be.

Also in regards to Magic Dust once again - so much harder to come by than doing dailies and buying swift pots (or in my case, farming Stranglekelp and selling to buy Swift post)

I already went over this. The difficulty of acquiring an item is no argument when you're talking about twinking.
Evocate said:
Second, they have new folk who just have not gotten used to dispelling in which case it should certainly be allowed to ban them for that game.

rofl, the solution then isn't to ban Swiftness Pots, but to not bring the most terribad players from your guild for a premade.

In my opinion all consumables, except CCF, aren't overpowered and therefore musn't be banned for premade WSG, and for that matter all kind of terrain and gear exploits are fine too.
gr1pp said:
rofl, the solution then isn't to ban Swiftness Pots, but to not bring the most terribad players from your guild for a premade.

In my opinion all consumables, except CCF, aren't overpowered and therefore musn't be banned for premade WSG, and for that matter all kind of terrain and gear exploits are fine too.

Here is the problem. Not every guild has 10 amazing players. Every guild has a first time. Even great players play new classes for the first time and need some time to get used to it (even though the learning curve would be lower).

Second.. gear exploits being fine makes no sense. They are exploits. That sort of thing is what makes Blizzard frown so much on twinks. Every new exploit (which is VERY noticeable as being associated with twinks as opposed to other exploits) makes the entire twink community look terrible.

Ditto to terrain.
IMO Blizz should re-balance WSG (Horde Base is like have a Raid wide buff the alliance can't get), and until they do IT really isn't fair to use the terrain to your adcantage...but with that being said I never ask the Horde guilds not to. It is just that much More satisfying when we win. Oh, and I keep my FC's from using any terrain advantages until the O reports back that the horde IS using them.

I will restate my stance on Speed Pots (and All consumables for that matter) as being "Allow them all if one becomes seen as OP blizzard will nerf it" (I stand by my beliefs that Blizzard is f***ing retarded, BUT they sure do love there Nerf button)
gr1pp said:
The only acceptable reason to ban something is, that it's overpowered/gamebreaking and no gear/terrain exploit I know of falls under that rule.

30 stam on shoulders

although that is gone now
Rip said:
I don't think they're too much of a big deal, but personally I don't think they should be used. But it's kind of hard to regulate it as compared to someone wallhacking.

i say no and here's why.

imo well funded and nonwell funded guilds should have a even playing field to preform in. chain-chugging speed pots, although easily dispelled, is rough on the pocket book.

plus if your worth your two cents as anyone you'll buff up and put up plenty of magic buffs before u pop that speed pot to keep it from being dispelled.

when i was getting rdy for preforms, i basically said rumsy and that's it. keeps it simple and allows clothies some more hp to help them survive so it's not 10 hunters on the field.
devourer said:
imo well funded and nonwell funded guilds should have a even playing field to preform in.

The obvious, and for any competitive player, only acceptable solution is: The "nonwell funded (ie terribad scrub) guild" needs to start getting competitive, instead of crying about consumable prices.

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