Swiftness Pots in 10v10s

gr1pp said:
The obvious, and for any competitive player, only acceptable solution is: The "nonwell funded (ie terribad scrub) guild" needs to start getting competitive, instead of crying about consumable prices.


we'll beat you heavily-crutched guilds without moronic wastes of effort.
If there is no reason to ban the item from a gameplay pov, banning it ALWAYS is the wrong option. If you don't even understand tha,t it's probably useless to talk to you about competitive play (and any non-competitive 10v10s are a waste of time).
gr1pp said:
If there is no reason to ban the item from a gameplay pov, banning it ALWAYS is the wrong option. If you don't even understand tha,t it's probably useless to talk to you about competitive play (and any non-competitive 10v10s are a waste of time).

Just wondering Gr1pp what guild are you in? Most top guilds don't have your attitude.. though I have been out of the scene for a few months so things may have changed. Ive been in some of the top guilds premade wise and we generally allowed teams that were new/just getting started the ability to not use speed pots. This way we were ensuring that when they got better/got more money they would be much more competitive. You cant learn much if the other team completely outbuffs you (and older teams also usually have more skill/coordination so that combined with speed pots) certainly doesn't help.

On exploits.. they can certainly be gamebreaking. 450 any profession ( which is possible ) was pretty damn OP. Getting lvl 75 weapons was very OP. Wall hacking.. esp against people who dont know about it -> Very game breaking (imo regardless of knowledge of said exploits) etc.. very few exploits are not game breaking.

Furthermore, you ignored my point. GM's think of twinks as a bunch of exploiters trying to destroy the game's internal mechanisms. No need to add fuel to the fire right?
I quit some time ago, because just like you said yourself: Most people (and this is true both for twinks, endgame and sadly even Blizzard) think banning/nerfing things is good, and that imo kills true competition.

In all my time as a 19 twink the only thing truely gamebreaking was lvl 80 Wound Poison exploit, and argueably Charged Crystal Focus. 450proffs/Entis/gear+terrain exploits were strong, but nothing that killed competition between 2 sides playing at the best this bracket allows.

If you're fighting mediorce enemies 450 proffs (for example) may seem like they decide the game, but against an equal guild they'll probably use it themself and/or adjust their strategy.

And I don't think using exploits will make Blizzard dislike twinks, if they want to nerf us, they'll do no matter if we considered it legit/exploit, just like 3.1 proved.
lol.. people don't like swiftpots in premades? wtf are they doing trying to do 10v10's? learn to handle it imo.
I still like the pro wording of " terrain advantages " myself. I actually got a real life giggle over reading that.
it's seriously just an advantage, I mean gnomes can't even get up there but that's their problem right?
Nit said:
I still like the pro wording of " terrain advantages " myself. I actually got a real life giggle over reading that.

Lol me too man.
Preparation and consumables give an extra dimension to twinking, anyone who claims we're better without is just stressing over a few extra keys he will have to bind, which will make them lose to those that know how to play.
gr1pp said:
the 12 stam are hardly gamebreaking, and the shield will be dispelled instantly by every decent enemy team anyway.

So is the Speed pots. I said "more" . meaning more game breaking than the extra speed. and if you mix 120 hp with 750-1250 damage absorbtion (seeing that noone is there to dispell ect.) I'd say that beats a 50% speed increase for 15 sec any day. my main point though is that you can buy speed pots and the AGM is much harder to get seeing how you have to get 12 trinkets (and now sought after by lvl 80 achievement whores).
Which means that if the other team says no speed pots you should ban everything else including AGM's and rum like I said earlier =D. A better team will aways win a fight with no outside buffs or rum/pots.
I really don't think you realize how often I have to get into this with people. Maybe it's because your guild is from Vengeance and you're not used to the same standards that Ruin has come to be known for. Ever since 19 twinking became popular, Ruin gameplay has always revolved around terrain advantages. In other battlegroups I have played in (i.e. Cyclone, Stormstrike, Retaliation, etc) this wasn't always the case, so I can see where you're coming from.

I encourage you to report me to a GM everytime you see me in Warsong. In fact, I beg you. You will get the same typical response: Directional jumps are OK. I can't begin to count the number of people that have chewed me out for 'sploitin and swearing that they'll report me...yet here I still am. You keep on saying you don't have a problem with them, but the fact you keep bringing up this topic proves quite the contrary. I saw a couple of your guildmates in a Warsong tonight practicing jumps. Maybe that is where you should be.

Lol, i don't bring it up because disagree with terrain exploiting. I have no problem with people doing it - the reason i bring it up is because your guild, wants to ban speed pots - which has NEVER had rules against it in premades - whereas terrain exploiting has always been controversial. I can honsetly say i can easily do all the jumps - aside from the alliance GY (which honestly i have only attempted once).

What was all the pent up anger about reporting you? Random much? When did i ever say i had a problem with terrain exploiting. You still have no legitimate (bolded for emphasis) reason as to why swift pots should be banned.
Swiftness pots are not hard to come by. If one guild happens not to have them, they could kindly ask the opposing team not to use them, but even then it's still up to them. There are far more OP consumables than swiftness pots. If you're disabling swiftness pots, you might just as well disable the use of consumables overall.
lol.. it was Make Your Time who beat us (Dominate) cause they abused Magic Dust
Mazurati said:
lol.. it was Make Your Time who beat us (Dominate) cause they abused Magic Dust

i dont get why people dont prepare for an everything goes fight, then qq when they lose because of it.

I be willing to bet you never picked up really sticky glue or slumber sand when you were leveling either.
Grunge said:
i dont get why people dont prepare for an everything goes fight, then qq when they lose because of it.

I be willing to bet you never picked up really sticky glue or slumber sand when you were leveling either.

Really sticky glue is damn nice. I remember the first time I had a horde twink use that on me, I was pretty pissed off and I had no clue what it was, so I did a little research into it and I pick it up on any horde character I've leveled.
Grunge said:
i dont get why people dont prepare for an everything goes fight, then qq when they lose because of it.

I be willing to bet you never picked up really sticky glue or slumber sand when you were leveling either.

you would lose that bet.

besides.. that pre-made was well over 2 yrs ago when magic dust wasn't popular.

using magic dust up the wazoo before diminishing returns didn't show any kind of skill. not sure how long you have been twinking, but magic dust used to last 30 sec and if you trinket out of it, you could easily go back under the same affect for another 30 sec.
Mazurati said:
you would lose that bet.

besides.. that pre-made was well over 2 yrs ago when magic dust wasn't popular.

using magic dust up the wazoo before diminishing returns didn't show any kind of skill. not sure how long you have been twinking, but magic dust used to last 30 sec and if you trinket out of it, you could easily go back under the same affect for another 30 sec.

It was a bitch to farm though, I remember farming up a bunch of it back when queue times for 1 wsg was like an hour on my server. The 30 sec was OP though, the same was true for green whelp armor in the 30+ brackets. That's why that also took a huge nerf stick and even made it effective only on targets level 50 and below because old school 60 drood flag runners would wear it.
Mazurati said:
you would lose that bet.

besides.. that pre-made was well over 2 yrs ago when magic dust wasn't popular.

using magic dust up the wazoo before diminishing returns didn't show any kind of skill. not sure how long you have been twinking, but magic dust used to last 30 sec and if you trinket out of it, you could easily go back under the same affect for another 30 sec.

yes, ive played in a premade where it was used, yes it hurt, no i didnt have any of my own, and yes i nerdraged.

But even in its unnerfed form i cant say anything against it because i could have done my research and farmed it. Haven't made that mistake since then and im damn well not about to cry about it.

In premades anything goes.
Grunge said:
yes, ive played in a premade where it was used, yes it hurt, no i didnt have any of my own, and yes i nerdraged.

But even in its unnerfed form i cant say anything against it because i could have done my research and farmed it. Haven't made that mistake since then and im damn well not about to cry about it.

In premades anything goes.

are you insinuating i'm qq'ing about it? lol.

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