Super Prot damage

I completely agree with you. I'm an old-school warrior as the other "old guard" members around here can tell you. I suffered through all the time that warriors were among the worst of classes (respect to the warlocks, though).

But even then, I haven't been able to one-shot a single person yet, and so I reject the entire argument that warriors are running around one-shotting everyone. It's simply not true. Granted I haven't played all night long, so my evidence is anecdotal, but I can definitely say that if the claim were true, I'd have OHK'ed at least one person by now.

Between armor mitigation, increased stats and HP from scaling, and the age-old issues of CC and ToT, warriors simply are not the OHK gods that people (read: Holypowah) are making them out to be. And if the argument for them being OP or broken is that they one-shot people all over the place, then the facts just don't support the case.

My other main is a hunter. I didn't start playing a hunter until after Cata because Cata hunters were genuinely OP. Hunters today, though, can still 2- or 3-global the same opponents that people are claiming can be one-shot by warriors, and hunters can do so at range with 100% ToT and (in the case of my Pandaren hunter) up to six different CC tools. Yet hunters are considered balanced by today's standards.

You're denying that you can crit up to 1.5k? This argument aren't goin anywhere.
If you think I don't know this, I take this as an offence. Yes they do, but it doesn't change the fact, that you can cast either one, then wait a minute and cast the other. Just saying, you can press either (as I said - I never stated you have to press all of them at the same time: "then he can easily just activate one of the above skills [...] to get either 8 seconds of free casting, 6 seconds of less damage or an instant heal, that heals you for 100% of your maximum health.")

Actually LOH isn't a full heal ATM.
You're denying that you can crit up to 1.5k? This argument aren't goin anywhere.

I told the truth with what I said: I have not been able to one-shot anyone yet. So far the lowest I've seen an opponent's health go is around 50%. I've never gotten someone into Execute range with a shield slam.

I don't watch my crit numbers while I'm playing. Being a warrior and thus extremely easy to kite and kill, I have to pay full attention to the game and the positioning of the enemies and don't have time to watch yellow numbers fly by. That sort of thing is the luxury of people who can bubble themselves (ahem). No class is as positionally dependent as warriors, though a rogue (my P2P main since the game was released) do come close. If there's some way you can tell me that I can check my crit numbers after the game, I'll do it.
If you think I don't know this, I take this as an offence. Yes they do, but it doesn't change the fact, that you can cast either one, then wait a minute and cast the other. Just saying, you can press either (as I said - I never stated you have to press all of them at the same time: "then he can easily just activate one of the above skills [...] to get either 8 seconds of free casting, 6 seconds of less damage or an instant heal, that heals you for 100% of your maximum health.")

no offense was intended.

it's all theoretical anyway. if a paladin is under enough pressure that he has to use one of the two big CDs, then he's gonna die anyway.
that one minute is an eternity when you're being focused.

and if we're talking about duels, then idk what to say, the game isn't balanced around 1v1. it isn't even balanced about 2v2.
If there's some way you can tell me that I can check my crit numbers after the game, I'll do it.

download recount then check your ss crits after the bg.. You are basing your opinion on the fact that you haven't done it but I think you probably have just didnt realize. Every bg where there's 3+ wars I normally get 1 shot atleast 5 times in that bg so our experiences are quite different
download recount then check your ss crits after the bg.. You are basing your opinion on the fact that you haven't done it but I think you probably have just didnt realize. Every bg where there's 3+ wars I normally get 1 shot atleast 5 times in that bg so our experiences are quite different

Lil... how are you being one shot? You run similar HP to my leather wearers and I have never, ever been one shot. 900 dmg sure. 1000 dmg sure. But no, no one shot. Not even from the 24s. Are you sitting naked?

The alternative is Horde warriors > Ally warriors :cool:
You are basing your opinion on the fact that you haven't done it but I think you probably have just didnt realize.

Done what, OHK'ed an opponent? No Lil, I would know if I'd done that. I can see how much my target's health jumps down, and like I said, it's never even gotten into Execute range.

If what you meant was that I haven't crit, I'm sure I've crit with a SS at some point. My whole point is that they are not as lethal as all the non-warriors are making them out to be. Is it theoretically possible to OHK someone with a SS, if they are undergeared and not paying attention? Sure. Is it also possible for you as a hunter to kill a warrior dead without them being able to even get close enough to charge you, thus guaranteeing a kill? Absolutely. I do it on my hunter and I know you do too. Thus this argument that prot warriors are the deadliest class on the field right now is just utterly ridiculous.
Lil... how are you being one shot? You run similar HP to my leather wearers and I have never, ever been one shot. 900 dmg sure. 1000 dmg sure. But no, no one shot. Not even from the 24s. Are you sitting naked?

The alternative is Horde warriors > Ally warriors :cool:

Ive seen 24Protwarriors doing 2K+ crits on badly geared mages,rogues,druids... etc.
I don't think SS is so OP. You need a crit to be able to do a good amount of dmg, and even like that, the kill is not guaranteed. In case the crit happens, your oponent should be an idiot and/or pretty undergeared to die.

But what is really funny is that since the SS dmg buff, i take Wolf as my pet, to give those warrior more % to be OP.
Yes, im a motherF**** xP.
Thought you guys might be interested in some actual data. I installed Recount as per Lil's suggestion, and gathered statistics over the course of several games. For most, but not all, of these fights, I kept Elixir of Giant Growth up (+8 STR) and still the numbers were as follows:

130 total shield slams
13 crits (10%) (this seems consistent with my 11% crit rating)

Hits: avg 491.5 (low 243, high 659)
Crits: avg 954 (low 530, high 1202)

I remember the 1202 crit, it was against a warlock. Still did not OHK them though. I have yet to OHK anyone.

Additionally, it's worth noting that this one ability (on a 6 second cooldown) counted for fully 75-80% of my total damage output during these same BGs. No other utility, either, to offset the utter reliance on this one ability, which as you can see does not hit as hard as people claim, and does NOT turn a warrior into a one-shotting juggernaut.

Edit: You can click on my sig pic for my base stats.
B-but there are those evil shadowguys who ambush innocent people and warriors can pretty much finish the job!
A-also i noticed 2 dangerous kittyguys w-wwith shields and weapons that are running together all the time!
And we poor clothiers..Aint that dangerous?!
tldr: is stronk qq

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