Super Prot damage

it was some random level 20 night elf warrior that charged me and killed me in the 3 second stun from charge. SS hit for 1.2k and then an execute right after. so it wasn't really SS into execute for 100% of my 1900+ HP. It was more like charge and white hit before. But still I'm getting like 1500 HP down in what basically amounts to a global and I'd have to trinket and spam a heal and hope I live. Totally balanced!

i mean i don't mind burst but when a tank spec of any class is pretty much killing anything in a 3 second stun it's ridiculous. i have instant cast heals and couldn't even use them because i died too fast. i don't ever remember dying that fast even to 24 cata hunters with explosive shot critting every tick.

nothing should be hitting that hard, least of all not something that should be tanking.
it was some random level 20 night elf warrior that charged me and killed me in the 3 second stun from charge. SS hit for 1.2k and then an execute right after. so it wasn't really SS into execute for 100% of my 1900+ HP. It was more like charge and white hit before. But still I'm getting like 1500 HP down in what basically amounts to a global and I'd have to trinket and spam a heal and hope I live. Totally balanced!

i mean i don't mind burst but when a tank spec of any class is pretty much killing anything in a 3 second stun it's ridiculous. i have instant cast heals and couldn't even use them because i died too fast. i don't ever remember dying that fast even to 24 cata hunters with explosive shot critting every tick.

nothing should be hitting that hard, least of all not something that should be tanking.

You're exaggerating. Even if said warrior charges your shaman, you can just immediately heal (1.2k aren't enough to kill you) and kite the warrior till he dies. Remember they have don't have heals, a proper interrupt or good mobility so giving them more damage makes them balanced IMO.
the warrior charges me and it was a 3 second stun. during the 3 second stun i went from probably close to full hp to dead. i couldn't just "randomly heal" while stunned. I was healing O for wsg so i'm not going to waste riptide on myself at full hp. saying they don't have heals so their damage is ridiculous is awful logic. mages, rogues, and warlocks also should have damage through the roof too then and they really don't.

and yeah this isn't only a problem here. check out the 39s forum where people are seeing 5k SS crits. If 29s got regular games I'm sure it would probably be more of the same.
Ummm, shouldn't a shaman always have riptide/ ancestral vigor upon as many people as possible, especially himself?

A dead healer heals no one.
mages, rogues, and warlocks also should have damage through the roof too then and they really don't..

I don't know where you played the last few months, but I can kill any rdruid on my mage if I play arcane - also, rogues have dmg through the roof, i remember hearing in f2pchannel just now "450 ambush, 1k evis lol", ask any rogue what they crit for and you'll see what i mean. Also, you mentioned warlocks, just because you don't see good warlocks doesn't mean they are bad, they are decent to good, they may not have this "boom, oneshot" ability, but they have more utility than a warrior that can charge, ss and maybe execute if he crit.

Oneshotting stuff is not a "small improvement" but flat out broken. Let's see 1v1 Prot Warrior-

Paladin- Prot warriors kill hpals unless the Hpal is extremely good. Prot warriors kill Ret paladins with ease and Prot Paladins if they don't use a CD

Mage- No Brainer here. Shield slam kills mage instantly if it crits. Warrior kills the mage before the mage kills the warrior.

Shaman- Resto might stand a chance but if the Warrior Crits and Charge stuns, it's over.

Hunters- A good BM hunter might beat a Prot warrior assuming the warrior doesn't use LOS.

Warlocks- No brainer here

Priests- Warrior kills the priest with charge stun + SS+ execute

Monk- Warrior kills all 3 specs

Druids- If the druid is resto and amazingly good, he might stand a chance. If not the warrior can just SS, charge stun and finish the druid off with another SS

Rogue- Warrior beats the rogue. Evasion won't save the rogue forever

QQ against prot warriors is justified. They are OP.
Woah bro, you seem mad.

1. Defensive stance negates ALL damage by 25% on a Prot Warrior including avenger shield.
2. Avenger shield and holy wrath are affected by the spell hit bug when melee isn't.
3. Avenger shield only silences the first target it hits and not all 3 targets.
4. SS > Avenger shield. Way shorter CD, twice the damage > silence.

Prot warriors will beat Prot paladins unless the Prot paladin uses LOS or Bubble. The warrior can just shield slam the Pally over and over again until the prot pally goes oom and trust me, holy wrath and avenger shield doesn't hit much on Prot warriors.
Warriors don't use much skill. All you need to do is spam damage and charge when needed. Other classes have interrupts, abilities to heal and CC when warriors don't. I don't get your definition of "skill"

The QQ is justified. It won't stop until the problem is solved.
I win the argument then because I proved you wrong.
Crits happen often. When a warrior crits you, you instantly die unlike ambush or avenger shield.
If a warrior manages to make a pally use a CD, the pally is terribad.
You know what? After playing a few BGs I can agree that Prot warriors aren't OP. They die easily and I can overcome the damage.

Learn to Play. SS doesn't do that much damage and every class can kite warriors fairly easy. Use your brain.
Learn to Play.
I suggest you do the same before spewing your insane nattering.
lol use ur bwain
the warrior charges me and it was a 3 second stun. during the 3 second stun i went from probably close to full hp to dead. i couldn't just "randomly heal" while stunned. I was healing O for wsg so i'm not going to waste riptide on myself at full hp. saying they don't have heals so their damage is ridiculous is awful logic. mages, rogues, and warlocks also should have damage through the roof too then and they really don't.

and yeah this isn't only a problem here. check out the 39s forum where people are seeing 5k SS crits. If 29s got regular games I'm sure it would probably be more of the same.

You have around 2k health in a BG, SS hits crits around 750-900 on a Shaman, SS has a 6 sec CD and Warbringer is a 3 sec stun. You should have 3 seconds to free heal. How are you dying again?
I suggest you do the same before spewing your insane nattering.
lol use ur bwain

This has been discussed before. I was on the bandwagon that wars are OP...then I played the game again. STFU I learned something OK? You're a fucking genius! I get it! No need to be a dick Mr Einstein.
This has been discussed before. I was on the bandwagon that wars are OP...then I played the game again. STFU I learned something OK? You're a fucking genius! I get it! No need to be a dick Mr Einstein.

Don't tell him to stfu cause you were to stupid to get your facts straight before you rambled for around 5 pages about how OP wars are. You were more on wars being OP then me and was arguing about this and that scenario that wars should win then all of a sudden you change your mind and you don't expect people to get upset and quote you on it? I have played the game and I have been 1 shot I just don't have any ss yet so I stopped arguing but you went on even more then me then flipped your opinion in seconds.

Before you ramble for 5 pages about what you THINK it is how about you make sure if it is or not
Don't tell him to stfu cause you were to stupid to get your facts straight before you rambled for around 5 pages about how OP wars are. You were more on wars being OP then me and was arguing about this and that scenario that wars should win then all of a sudden you change your mind and you don't expect people to get upset and quote you on it? I have played the game and I have been 1 shot I just don't have any ss yet so I stopped arguing but you went on even more then me then flipped your opinion in seconds.

Before you ramble for 5 pages about what you THINK it is how about you make sure if it is or not

If anything they should be happy I changed my mind and I don't think you can be oneshot by a warrior without gems.
If anything they should be happy I changed my mind and I don't think you can be oneshot by a warrior without gems.

Heres the thing though.. They maybe "happy" that you changed your mind to what they thought in the first place but they still aren't happy that you used 5 pages to say what you thought and they either had to argue with you or ignore you then you changed what you thought so quickly after saying basically oh I didn't bg so I wasn't sure or not if they were OP I just hopped on the bandwagon.

Not trying to be mean just don't tell activate to stfu cause he basically said what everyone (atleast I was) was thinking.
Heres the thing though.. They maybe "happy" that you changed your mind to what they thought in the first place but they still aren't happy that you used 5 pages to say what you thought and they either had to argue with you or ignore you then you changed what you thought so quickly after saying basically oh I didn't bg so I wasn't sure or not if they were OP I just hopped on the bandwagon.

Not trying to be mean just don't tell activate to stfu cause he basically said what everyone (atleast I was) was thinking.

I'm so good at arguing that I can make people speechless on topics I know nothing about /trollface

Yeah I'm done arguing with you.
I got crit for 1.2k damage and subsequently died WHILE STILL STUNNED AND UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING

I made that part bigger and bolder so you'd maybe understand that I didn't survive the charge stun. I mean if I have Riptide up I maybe survive the stun but the warrior is still on me and the massive SS crit has already made it difficult for me to survive. Since I started playing again I haven't been crit that hard by ambush+evis or anything else.

I'll know next time to identify the prot warriors before the game begins and always trinket their charge stun for fear of being killed in 3 seconds. And with this class/spec doing a ton of damage now, of course there have been 2+ prot warriors in every single game I've played the past two days.

Things I could have done differently do not change the fact that I took a ton of damage in a stun like that. I get a couple hundred HP on a riptide tick and I may live through the stun but that's no guarantee I live overall. It's instagib and it's going to get nerfed. It's only a matter of time.

I should also say that getting hit with a 1.2k SS in the field not stunned wouldn't have been that big of a deal. The huge crit and 3 second stun at once is a huge deal. It's still too powerful, as evidenced by the fact that it's the new fotm.
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Warriors are OP and I like it.
I got crit for 1.2k damage and subsequently died WHILE STILL STUNNED AND UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING

I made that part bigger and bolder so you'd maybe understand that I didn't survive the charge stun. I mean if I have Riptide up I maybe survive the stun but the warrior is still on me and the massive SS crit has already made it difficult for me to survive. Since I started playing again I haven't been crit that hard by ambush+evis or anything else.

I'll know next time to identify the prot warriors before the game begins and always trinket their charge stun for fear of being killed in 3 seconds. And with this class/spec doing a ton of damage now, of course there have been 2+ prot warriors in every single game I've played the past two days.

Things I could have done differently do not change the fact that I took a ton of damage in a stun like that. I get a couple hundred HP on a riptide tick and I may live through the stun but that's no guarantee I live overall. It's instagib and it's going to get nerfed. It's only a matter of time.

I just don't get it. You have 2K HP in a BG. A warrior stuns you with Warbringer that lasts 3 seconds and deals 1.2k damage with Shield Slam that has a 6 second CD. The warrior shouldn't be able to use another Shield slam before the stun finishes; it gives you 3 seconds to heal back to full and the next shield slam probably won't be a crit.

Keep in mind that SS is the main form of damage from Prot. I doubt they could do 800 damage with heroic strike in 1.5 seconds. You just CAN'T die in 3 seconds unless they 1 shot you, which is impossible.
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I don't exactly think it's the fotm, but everyone's dusted theirs off and brought it off the shelf. (such as myself)

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