Solo 30 Raid Progress


I am pleased to announce the first ever defeat of a RAID BOSS by a level 30 100% Solo!

WoWScrnShot_030721_224748.jpg WoWScrnShot_031121_010728.jpg
Maiden of Virtue Down (2).jpg

As those of you who followed my progress on the lvl 20 twink bracket know, I am big into solo play and am always pushing the boundaries of what we can pull off here. I will not be doing a write up for any of this until quite a while as I test and push through on more bosses.

I am also looking for players for a US based level 30 Raid Project!

Edit: Shadkith, not Shiraak lolz. My bad. Man what a day!
Edit: Added Rokaz the Ravager and Maiden of Virtue Pics!
God bless, Good Luck, and Happy Gaming guys!
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@toskosa I did a sample run with a buddy to test it out. We barely cleared the first two Giants together, and the silence of the FIrelord has insane range. The raid is still tune for 25-40 people apparently, so I won't be soloing any bosses in there for a long time, if not forever I hate to say :(.
I am pleased to announce the first ever defeat of a RAID BOSS by a level 30 100% Solo!

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As those of you who followed my progress on the lvl 20 twink bracket know, I am big into solo play and am always pushing the boundaries of what we can pull off here. I will not be doing a write up for any of this until quite a while as I test and push through on more bosses.

I am also looking for players for a US based level 30 Raid Project!

Edit: Shadkith, not Shiraak lolz. My bad. Man what a day!

God bless, Good Luck, and Happy Gaming guys!
Idk if you know this or not, but you can run heroic shattered halls on a 30 and get 5 str 6 Stam gems. I would say those are better than steady talasites and would make this whole soloing thing easier!!
@ShinyHero Thanks for the heads up my friend. I am exploring lots and lots of gearing setups right now. I have stepped foot into most of the raids now and have gathered a large sum of testing data, and a huge portion of being successful is how much damage I can survive through my Tankiness, as well as recover through Healing, so the armor I am getting from the Talasites is still pretty important. Once I determine my wiggle room threshold I will surely add these into my arsenal as well! The damage values I'm taking have ranged all the way up to 850dps per second. When I first did Attuneman I was receiving around 550 but managed to rework my gear and tool it down to a manageable amount. So exciting, I love this stuff!
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@ShinyHero Thanks for the heads up my friend. I am exploring lots and lots of gearing setups right now. I have stepped foot into most of the raids now and have gathered a large sum of testing data, and a huge portion of being successful is how much damage I can survive through my Tankiness, as well as recover through Healing, so the armor I am getting from the Talasites is still pretty important. Once I determine my wiggle room threshold I will surely add these into my arsenal as well! The damage values I'm taking have ranged all the way up to 850dps per second. When I first did Attuneman I was receiving around 550 but managed to rework my gear and tool it down to a manageable amount. So exciting, I love this stuff!
I promise in the end if you use 5 str 6 Stam gems you will see a huge dps boost
Cool deal!

can we see an armory?

also, @ShinyHero are you guys taking raid geared 30s in your 39 wargames?
Honestly we probably would, I’ve seen some 35s in there and I think a 32. So i don’t see why we wouldn’t take a 30

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