SL Guide and FAQs

I dunno man, 55 yard conc shots are gonna be fuckin annoying, especially explosive shot, disengage, turtle, cheetah, trap all available to cover for mistakes.

That said they were a lot scarier when we thought the level cap was 10 and they had a full kit while everyone else was looking at a two button class. With a lvl 20 level cap, MM doesnt get much more while just about everyone gains hella tools to deal with them.
Does this mean we can queue for any dungeons we like?

Also, how will pvp scaling work in bgs/arenas? Will lvl 20 players and 29 players be on roughly the same power level in an instance?
Does this mean we can queue for any dungeons we like?

Also, how will pvp scaling work in bgs/arenas? Will lvl 20 players and 29 players be on roughly the same power level in an instance?

I think it works pretty similarly to how 20-29s used to work. It's hard to tell without seeing how scaling affects secondary stats in a pvp instance, since there basically aren't any pvp instance pops on the PTR (at least in the level 20-29 bracket).

They will get some critical abilities (Rogues with Vanish, Mages with Ice Block, Warriors with Heroic Leap, etc) that level 20's don't have, but it should otherwise be pretty even.
With the update it appears breadcrumbs are no longer available from adventures, but there is still three at the boards. Looks like Chromie is the funnel for everything now. Are they tightening things up?
Hey guys I have a question that I haven't seen answered anywhere on the site. I've been seeing DKs and DHs in bgs already did they preorder SL and get early access?
No. They're using party-sync.
do vets bank exp when you turn off xp at lvl 20 (! in shadowlands!)?
yea its just one of the things that ive been wondering. along with if they finally fix the xpoff bug, that prevents you from turning it back on when unsubbed
Was thinking it might be worth it for f2p to xp lock before the pre-patch, no confirmations about how banked xp works, but it's significantly easier to solo things at 10 than it is at 20, thinking of xp locking to be safe and be able to farm legion dungeon gear at 10 if we aren't able to queue into legion dungeons.
Did some engi levelling on my 20. Learned all the KT recipes up to the scopes. The tooltip says they are usable at 15, but in your bag it is 45. Submitted a bug FWIW. All the other stuff below the scopes is as advertised and usable, and the first mace is doable and can be level upgraded, so proccing a blue would get you a reasonable iLvl. All the stuff after the scopes needs expulsom, including the guns.

are the artifact weapons just so busted that any of the proc weapons like princess scepter etc, wont be useful?
There are many busted procs that beat out the artifact weapons, I am unsure if we get access to those however. Perhaps you could swap between the weapons since you can in combat and some might have internal cooldowns. With how high armor is and if it procs enough that weapon could see some use, but you wouldnt want to stay on the weapon i think.

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