SL Guide and FAQs

I'll throw in my ONE and only question for SL

Are we sure the pvp vendor gems will be available in SL or is there a possibility we may have to buy them before hand ?

as of now legion dung is still ilvl44
I'll throw in my ONE and only question for SL

Are we sure the pvp vendor gems will be available in SL or is there a possibility we may have to buy them before hand ?

they are still on vendor on ptr
What rings and neck is anybody looking at? can we get those hellfire rep ones with the socket still?

For my caster, I'm sticking with the Talisman of the Breaker. No stats in the world beat a 20% silence reduction. (WoWhead always shows that link as epic, but it's only a rare, somewhat easy-to-get dungeon drop.)

Rings are a great question. There are some seriously overstatted rings available from quests in Northrend, namely Circlet of the Forgotten Mercenary, Earthbinder's Regenerating Band, and Signet of BridenBrad. I don't know if other socketed rings can outdo those.
Currently Legion gear is still farmable and ilvl 44 on the PTR.

So that will be your generic "best in slot." If you're maxing out damage (only care about agi/int primary stats and critical strike), then shattrath gem gear looks good.

This is assuming that there aren't other insanely good gems we can get.

But if legion dungeon gear makes it to live, it is obscenely better than shattrath gear (outside of glass cannon).

Something sort of like this:

Shatt gemmed piece of gear: 6 stamina, 4 agility, 4 vers, 4 crit [+5 agility/crit gem, +5 agility/crit gem]

Legion dungeon gear for the same slot: 13 stamina, 11 agility, 11 crit, 4 vers.

After I swapped from gem gear to legion gear, I lost about 20 total primary stats and about 10% crit (on a level 10 - haven't tested for 20's) - but gained ridiculous haste, vers, mastery, stamina.
Rings are a great question. There are some seriously overstatted rings available from quests in Northrend, namely Circlet of the Forgotten Mercenary, Earthbinder's Regenerating Band, and Signet of Bridenbrad. I don't know if other socketed rings can outdo those.

classic dungeon rings can hold there own with those if not beat them for example
ring 2.PNG
Currently Legion gear is still farmable and ilvl 44 on the PTR.

So that will be your generic "best in slot." If you're maxing out damage (only care about agi/int primary stats and critical strike), then shattrath gem gear looks good.

This is assuming that there aren't other insanely good gems we can get.

But if legion dungeon gear makes it to live, it is obscenely better than shattrath gear (outside of glass cannon).

Something sort of like this:

Shatt gemmed piece of gear: 6 stamina, 4 agility, 4 vers, 4 crit [+5 agility/crit gem, +5 agility/crit gem]

Legion dungeon gear for the same slot: 13 stamina, 11 agility, 11 crit, 4 vers.

After I swapped from gem gear to legion gear, I lost about 20 total primary stats and about 10% crit (on a level 10 - haven't tested for 20's) - but gained ridiculous haste, vers, mastery, stamina.

If the Legion gear makes it in unaltered you don't have to worry about anything because the bracket is ruined. It's still not sinking in to peoples heads the advantage hunters will have. The hardest non-hunter MFer in here will be able to stomach about 1-2 BGs then that will be it for 2 years. Just wait and see. The greasy-nerd level here for hunters is at DEFCON1... nukes are almost in flight, all you can do is pray legion gear is hammerd.
its only stupid in a 1v1 in a bg ya its an advantage but its not unplayable, but if legion does get nerf then the bracket is so much more fucked seeing as health pools will be so low you will get 1 shot by gem gear
If the Legion gear makes it in unaltered you don't have to worry about anything because the bracket is ruined. It's still not sinking in to peoples heads the advantage hunters will have. The hardest non-hunter MFer in here will be able to stomach about 1-2 BGs then that will be it for 2 years. Just wait and see. The greasy-nerd level here for hunters is at DEFCON1... nukes are almost in flight, all you can do is pray legion gear is hammerd.

its only stupid in a 1v1 in a bg ya its an advantage but its not unplayable, but if legion does get nerf then the bracket is so much more fucked seeing as health pools will be so low you will get 1 shot by gem gear

It will be equally stupid in a BG when you have 4+ hunters who are doing insane levels of damage and have 50% more range than anyone else. They can literally kite melee completely outside of the range of any gap closers. The only threat to them will be stealth classes, most of which lack the toolkit to actually be a threat.

BC gemmed gear doesn't allow you to stack mastery. Item level 44 Legion dungeon gear does.

If Legion gear is the new meta, every bracket below 49 is going to be hunter vs. hunter.

Edit to add: The only reason I'm willing to invest time into making 19s and 29s in the current state is because I strongly suspect Blizzard will be forced to nerf the Legion gear, because I know if it stays as-is, I am going to make a bunch of allied race characters, lock their XP long enough to farm a set of Legion blues, and then ROFLSTOMP XP-on BGs until the 49 bracket.
After I swapped from gem gear to legion gear, I lost about 20 total primary stats and about 10% crit (on a level 10 - haven't tested for 20's) - but gained ridiculous haste, vers, mastery, stamina.

Item level 44 gear is MUCH higher output than BC dungeon gear even with the broken gems, and anyone saying otherwise is simply wrong. It also gives you much more flexibility to stack the best stats for your class, and the absolutely most broken thing in the game is a marksman hunter stacking mastery (which is flat percentage damage increase and an increase in the range of their abilities). They can easily get to 60 yard range, while everyone else is capped to 40 yards, and there's simply nothing anyone can do to counter a hunter with 50% more range who can wreck 80% of your HP in one aimed shot.
No idea here, can you get to outlands on a low level char as of right now and do anything useful there - rep or anything else, or do you have to wait for SL.

Right now? Now, you'll be squashed by level 60 mobs.

On Tuesday? Yes. Outlands will scale to your level.

I'm not sure if there's anything useful to be gained from rep grinds. Mostly you're going to want to farm dungeons for gear. As it is, right now, you will want to do the legion intro quests to get your artifact and open your class hall, which lets you buy a item level 47 (or 48, not certain) green placeholder weapon. Enchant your artifact while it's ilvl 20, and then start farming Legion dungeons for ilvl 44 gear (including artifact relics which will boost your artifact to item level 48, but make sure you enchant it first, as many enchants won't work on the boosted artifact).

I strongly suspect that legion gear won't last (it really breaks the game, even way more than putting a full set of Cata blues on a level 78 did), so when/if that falls through, you'll want blue gear from normal BC dungeons with sockets and possibly the vendor gear you can buy from G'eras in Shattrath.

as far as i know azerite gear isn't obtainable anymore

This seems to be the case, since the HoA intro quest was flagged as requiring level 50 and token gear also requires level 50. Might be an opportunity for really dedicated people to go get their three pieces of 280 Azerite gear and their HoA before pre-patch to build a 49 twink.
You guys are really blowing hunters out of proportion, not sure what caused this bias against hunters. They will not wreck 80% of your hp. You can still line of sight them. Not only are they subject to extremely high armor, but they have to deal with mastery dmg reduction and versatility as well. Other classes are just as op if not more than hunters. If you take one class and compare it to now its gonna look op, but when you compare it to how insane everything else is it begins to look more balanced. With how high damage is, we really really need the ilvl 44 gear. If it doesnt make it in then gem gear likely will be a meta of one shots. You really dont want hp lower heck it needs to be much higher with the damage currently possible, thankfully there are some ways to mitigate it. But the same goes for damage, we need at least decent burst to counteract the insane healing we now have. Its gonna be an interesting meta.

On another topic, a very nice useful stealth ring is possible to obtain:
Nice list! Sadly all pets and guardians scale automatically to your level, so I am unsure how effective the pet ones will be. However, you never know one of the pets could scale wrong then do decent or high damage.
It will be equally stupid in a BG when you have 4+ hunters who are doing insane levels of damage and have 50% more range than anyone else. They can literally kite melee completely outside of the range of any gap closers. The only threat to them will be stealth classes, most of which lack the toolkit to actually be a threat.

BC gemmed gear doesn't allow you to stack mastery. Item level 44 Legion dungeon gear does.

If Legion gear is the new meta, every bracket below 49 is going to be hunter vs. hunter.

Item level 44 gear is MUCH higher output than BC dungeon gear even with the broken gems, and anyone saying otherwise is simply wrong. It also gives you much more flexibility to stack the best stats for your class, and the absolutely most broken thing in the game is a marksman hunter stacking mastery (which is flat percentage damage increase and an increase in the range of their abilities). They can easily get to 60 yard range, while everyone else is capped to 40 yards, and there's simply nothing anyone can do to counter a hunter with 50% more range who can wreck 80% of your HP in one aimed shot.

I'm tentative about agreeing that this will be the state of the bracket with legion gear. Scaling levels in BGs might damper this a bit.

And if not, Armor has a MUCH higher impact than it has in years past. And Healing is SUPER busted.

My RDruid on PTR is healing for 1200 base swiftmends. 800 base Regrowths.

Mastery goes both ways.

Edit --> And I think an Arms Warrior getting on a healer is much, much scarier than a Hunter getting on a healer. Also consider that DKs are hard counters to hunters in principle. I think there will be a lot of weak players playing Marks that can kind of just be ignored if you have one decent healer. There will also be some very good hunter players that will make things difficult. But that's pretty much the same as now.

Have you seen what Arcane Mages can do? And Arms Warriors? They're the scary classes, imo.

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