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if current build is live build, then... maaaaaaaaybe. The Black Empire gear gives similar output stats to fully gemmed gear, while having something like 20 more stam per piece. So currently hunters global anyone in gemmed gear but toss another 2k health on everyone and itll look a bit more like current damage/health pool ratios

have fun farming invasions everyone!

gets worse every time i ask a question :(
I mean if everyone has the gear, then we are all fighting with equal power and it becomes somewhat balanced again right? We will all have higher hp pools with empire/boe gear so it shouldn't be a one shot. Except for levelers, unless some major hotfixing and nerfs are done before its released. There will be some posts on it no doubt...
I've tried looking into black empire gear but i never played legion. Can someone sum up quickly what I as a 20 twink need to do to access this gear? I haven't played retail since Cata.
Does this mean I need to get something up to level 50 come pre-patch? Sounds like it and looks it will force me to sub
I have to ask: should i sub BEFORE the prepatch considering all the changes(Yes - I won't be able to play my twinks because they're currently all on one account) and accumulate gold/get to 110(no bfa)/stockpile enchants? or is this not worth it?
Get far enough in the end game quests to where you get sent to Uldumm and Vale to kill Nzoth baddies. Then just kills rares and shit

why dont you spend a little extra and xfer your high level off that account?

Definitely plan on doing this but i'm also perhaps irrationally reticent to give blizzard any of my actual money(Not a fan of the direction they've taken with just about every IP they've produced). Would just farm up the gold while subbed and make the transfer of the high level i care about + the hopefully the game time to that account
If Hunters can global people who cares, the entire format will be trash. As has been every format where that retard class has been OP. At least now you only have a few people rolling all purples/ nerd scopes and other OP kid gear that can actually do that.

If it's just tied into store bought gear and gems, then its just a shit show roller coaster ride for huntard kids.

Don't call it anything else that is is. There is no need to sugar coat it for sensitive people, they know what hunters are, we know what hunters are.

Hopefully Blizzard listens right after the prepatch to all of the complaints and does not ruin shit for 2 years. and just slams the door on those sausage fingered gun gimps.
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If Hunters can global people who cares, the entire format will be trash. As has been every format where that retard class has been OP. At least now you only have a few people rolling all purples/ nerd ammo that can actually do that.

If it's just tied into store bought gear and gems, then its just a shit show roller coaster ride for huntard kids.

Don't call it anything else that is is. There is no need to sugar coat it for sensitive people, they know what hunters are, we know what hunters are.

Hopefully Blizzard listens right after the prepatch to all of the complaints and does not ruin shit for 2 years.

I agree with this sentiment even though I've had a hunter since starter edition existed. If its really broken i'd prefer nerfs/fixes to gear. I'm all for brackets that are at least somewhat balanced(can't really balance high level PVP, so why expect it at low?) otherwise it just becomes stupid - there's nothing entertaining about playing a god-mode class versus the rest of the other sods. There may yet be other ways to gear that may not make hunter too OP though so i'm not sure they'll rush to fix it asap
I agree with this sentiment even though I've had a hunter since starter edition existed. If its really broken i'd prefer nerfs. I'm all for brackets that are at least somewhat balanced otherwise it just becomes stupid - there's nothing entertaining about playing a god-mode class versus the rest of the other sods. There may yet be other ways to gear that may not make hunter too OP though so i'm not sure they'll rush to fix it asap

the problem is that while you say there is not, for a lot of 50 IQ morons they very much like playing carebear mode even if it ruins the format. That is why we have to hope big brother kicks them in the nuts with the Blizzard hammer. They won't do it themselves because they don't think like that.

Log onto a discord /any discord sometimes... the people that play hunter at the epic level actually sound retarded, its just like if you closed your eyes and pictured the type of person you think plays that OP shit while giggling and laying out a full "bro-storm" every other second... yep... that is exactly what he looks like.

It's just frustrating because you know its gonna be fucked up and we are gonna watch halfwits like godX run around acting hard.
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the problem is that while you say there is not, for a lot of 50 IQ morons they very much like playing carebear mode even if it ruins the format. That is why we have to hope big brother kicks them in the nuts with the Blizzard hammer. They won't do it themselves because they don't think like that.

Don't disagree with this at all. This is what the average retail leveller bger generally thinks of twinks too and I have no doubt that some people who play twinks just enjoy attributing results to 'skill' instead of gear differential. I don't think emphasizing this 'reason for twinking/style of play' is helpful to the bracket both as a form of continued style of play nor to attracting new players.

Then again I'm a person who prefers balanced pvp games so my preferred gameplay style obviously doesn't match everyone's. No doubt the people you're referring to will try to hang on to gross imbalance because otherwise how can they faceroll? If other classes cannot achieve relative parity i'd prefer this doesn't exist but its not clear yet that it is impossible, but maybe ill be proven wrong real quick once pre-patch drops
Its not hunters at all indeed. its just they have the most complete set of abilities out of all the dps spec with a great mastery as well. However, armor values are insanely high and their strongest ability does physical damage. Warlocks are decent as well and ignore armor, but they can be silenced/interrupted(or spell pushback if not a void elf). I would be more worried about healers. my semi geared healer can heal to full in one instant cast at low hp, has near 60% armor, and does decent damage. Its gonna be a very crazy bracket, but I think armor + versatility + mastery(of certain specs) will help mitigate some of the damage. Hopefully the damage is high enough that healers arent nearly invincible and some specs arent shut out completely so that they can counter other specs.
So much Hunter hate :eek:
Honestly, most classes in the gear which is honestly broken so will hopefully get fixed, is going to just walk over levellers and non-geared twinks.
It’s not just Hunters.........

WHEN it becomes a problem tho, people don't stop playing hunter. You will get all your little gems and just Aimed shot people for 90% and then continue to ruin shit. Maybe you individually are different, I don't know you, but unfortunatly most hunters fall under the "bro" category I clearly laid out. Obviously this is just a mindless rant as I can't control Blizzard and I can't control Bro-tards, but I can still whine about shit like a crazy nut job.

Also keep in mind I did make a distinction between Hunters and people who abuse hunter just to be shitty.

Hunter is just the class that always benefits the most from stat imbalance... ranged zero cost nukes and 100% mobility... it is a child class matched only by druid... and really druid is only on par when we have an xpac like the one we are just leaving where int stacking is nuts AND they have the correct abilities... in SL their power is way down regardless of what they gem. I'm not talking about some nerd flag running with free action potions either, I'm talking about just pub stomping (90% of actual twinking).
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Can someone post a video on how soloable the dungeons are?
Hot knife through butter is a good representation of how soloable dungeons are on PTR

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