Soon as ls beats someone worth mentioning
Around seven different names trying to lay the wheels down on Fanatic and ended up looking stoops.
All these Cata new risers love that attention. They used to sit back in aw at the OG players when there was a skill cap cough canna.
Ham is the only gear.
My desire to rile up the children that inhabit this forum has fuck all to do with your opinion of my skill. I'm just as good at hunter as you are, the only thing you have going for you is that you rarely play solo. You're constantly backed up by 5+ of your guild mates, so to the oblivious onlooker you seem good.
You're a try hard dimwit and frankly I'm of going back and forth with you. You're just too easy, but you're so fucking stupid that you keep coming back for more.
Considering I've been involved with and actively playing in this bracket for like 3 months now, and then only on the weekends - yeah your assertion is correct. But I'm not here to flex my nuts and prove my 19 tink dominance. I know my worth, and those I play with know it. I don't need to pull off Sneaky-level cries for approval at every turnI'm here to play some pug games, have some fun and piss kids off. That being said, I'll out-rogue you any day of the week child.
If you feel what said player did was immature, I would suggest you not do the exact same thing he did in making a new thread.
Fanatic staying in your own GY for 19 out of 25 mins and losing 3-0 is getting "smacked"
hows the view from GY?
Not sure if he can tell you. He wasn't in the premades vs. LSS.
dodging my haxball game
Someone should keep up a post with a list of premades, the score and date inwhich it occured. Would save us the drama when someone reports a win or loss weather it be in a dickish manner or not. Also it seems like premade losses are somthing to be ashamed of now adays, just readjust and try again. Ill stop my self there befor this becomes a rant...
im sure his guild members can oh wait they are all delusional thinking they where controlling mid... forgot jus a heads up brown staying in your own GY is not "holding mid"
First off keep my name out of your mouf, second dont question my strats, third pick rhymes with dick and you're a faggot. -Brown
Fanatic staying in your own GY for 19 out of 25 mins and losing 3-0 is getting "smacked"
hows the view from GY?
this my thread was about how Brown is such a fucking tool that he will believe anything anyone says like how could u actually believe Sneaky the one person in LS who actually does something for the guild in premades is "throwing the games" this thread is a terrible attempt to troll funny thing is mass you where never condisered good by any standards in cyclone. but according to you your #1 but can i ask this? whats a #1 like yourself doing in the shithole that is LS becasue no one wants a garbage rogue who isnt even on the level of curley