This whole argument of "it is east to get up there" is getting old fast, you say it is easy to get up there, ya, but what about for these newcomers to the 19 bracket that I can barely rely on to return a flag when the fc is on roof, let alone a jump like that, the truth is, about 25-35% of the bracket knows how to do simple ToT and fence jumps, something like this, that you rarely ever see, isn't going to be something that people will or even will want to learn. I'm not arguing that it isn't easy. But I'm merely arguing that people should be above stuff like this, and realize that they are part of that small fraction of players in this bracket that can do jumps, which is ok, if it involved getting somewhere that is originally accessible without doing a jump, but something like this, there is only one way up, learn the jump and try not to be rooted/slowed/sapped on your way to the efc.
This is an exploitation of a "jump" on the horde ramp to roof that takes you out of harms way from melee. Period. I am aware of other glitches and exploited spots in wsg, but that is irrelevant to the matter at hand.