Kind of tired of 29s coming into 19s forums to argue for every single scumbag tactic.
Hey wait....
Don't you play in the 20-29 bracket? For shame....
Tsk, tsk....
Kind of tired of 29s coming into 19s forums to argue for every single scumbag tactic.
now daddy makes a point about new 19s to the bracket having a harder time with the jumps but that's if they even get to play a wsg we all know noob 19s get afked and we should stop that before stopping the jumps how can a bracket grow if no out siders allowed to play I know no gear xp off guys hurt ur team but also booting new comers hurt the brackets growth.
How was WW2 btw? I wasn't around to see it, but I heard it was a pretty bad time to be a twink.
iraq war 1 vets are pushing grandpa status by now.
nope. played f2ps for years. then gy farmed dragonmaw a few weeks on 29s and then deleted them. moved on to 19s. thought about making 20s, but could never bring myself to it.Hey wait....
Don't you play in the 20-29 bracket? For shame....
Tsk, tsk....
Pretty sure f2ps are in the 20-29 bracket.
And a farmer at that. Tsk tsk...
Have a nice day...
No F2Ps are in their F2P Bracket which also shares breathable air with 20-29. For someone who runs around this forum annoying the absolute piss out of everyone, you sure don't know what you're talking about.
No F2Ps are in their F2P Bracket which also shares breathable air with 20-29. For someone who runs around this forum annoying the absolute piss out of everyone, you sure don't know what you're talking about.
If you, along with others, already stated it, there is no need to state it again. Everyone heard you the first time.Last time I played on my starter account(yesterday), it was in the 20-29 bracket.
Or maybe all those threads concerning level 29's in the 20-29 bracket are just made up by starter accounts. Figments of their imagination you could say. Much like the sun, sky and clouds to a nerd.
Ever back on topic....
As someone stated a couple pages ago, as I did myself, jumps need to be an all or nothing proposition.
Newcomers better start practicing now!
I understand just fine. I just dont agree with the main part of what you write.So you do read my posts! You just fail to understand them.
Are you deluded? It's a 20-29 bracket, which the F2Ps play within.