Should something like this be allowed in the Twink Cup/PuG's?

Should something like this be allowed in the Twink Cup/PuG's?

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Should it be allowed in PuGs? Well we can't really control that, jumping (sometimes excessively) has always been a twink thing since TBC. Twinkcup? absolutely not, I'd go as far as to say that there should be a discussion about which specific jumps are prohibited from the Twink cup.
Just clarifying, so your pug team got outcomped by the other team. You don't want to lose so you decide to do a wall jump so you don't lose? That seems rather selfish. Lose fair and square, don't be a prick a ruin it for everyone else. For premade's, the horde side will have a massive advantage with this jump which will influence the games drastically so I voted no.
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Lets calm down the language a little bit everyone.

A jump is considered a "shortcut" if you will, that allows you to gain a positional advantage if done correctly. This is not a jump, this is getting into a position where the melee can't hit you and expecting them to do the stupid broken jump too, when you can easily root them and moonfire them on their way up. This is scum at it's finest and you can't even argue a case for it.

Yet another good point.

I think part of the issue here is language, in the past, movement jumps and defensive jumps have not been differentiated.

I think that an FC moving around a log to cross mid is fine, this too me is a movement jump

I think that an FC doing whats in this picture is a defensive jump and this can easily have game altering effects at 19.
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No, it obviously shouldn't be allowed in the Twink Cup. It's only feasibly controllable because of the environment. On the other hand, can't really control it in pugs for the same reason.
There is a right click -> Report Player for Exploiting feature in the game. If OP wants to use this jump then we should have GMs decide what to do with him :)
As in many threads about what should be allowed in the tournament, the only opinions that really matter are those of Myrm and the organizers/contributors. There's been a lot of heated talk in this thread and direct ad hominem insults thrown at people who don't agree with each other (some of which has been deleted and you guys can't see anymore) so I would suggest the following:

Your goal is not to convince the person who holds a different view from yours that your view is right. That's not going to happen. Your goal is to convince Myrm that your view is right. Address your points directly as if you were speaking to him, and if you support your argument better than the other guy then maybe he'll listen. But don't keep attacking the other guy or trying to convince him of your argument, because it won't work, it's missing the point, and it's going to cause an escalation, and you don't want us back in here editing the thread any more than we want to be here editing it. Ok?
IMO jumps that require over 120% speed should be prohibited in the twink cup. It's just my 2 cents and I'm not even participating, but to me it sounds only reasonable that the jumps would be accessible to everyone, no matter what class. Of course it could be hard to tell which exact jumps are doable at 120% speed, but yeah...
map exploits not including standard tunnel/fence jumps are forbidden.
These were last year's rules on jumps/terrain exploits. I would like to have more specific rules this year, preferably with a video reference of which jumps are allowed. If people want to create videos of jumps they don't consider game-breaking we can hold a vote on which video's jumps will be allowed in the Twink Cup, otherwise the rules will probably be the same as last year.
There is a right click -> Report Player for Exploiting feature in the game. If OP wants to use this jump then we should have GMs decide what to do with him :)

this basically

but this jump isnt as bad as it could be and its not that bad, atleast he has the decency not to do things like leave all los and get under/outside wsg.
Its like you guys forget what premading in Wotlk was. Fresh, I premaded WITH you so i know you dont. EVERY class needed to knw how to do jumps, if you didnt, you couldnt match up against any decent guild (BLR, GUP, or even PUGS) Im talking EVERY JUMP. If FC's still had full movespeed for more than 5 minutes you would see shit like this much more often, but the game has been so dumbed down that the majority of people dont know how to do jumps. I would honestly say this is good for the bracket because its raises the skillcap to somewhere similar to where it was before. When these streamers came to 19s, i was like "oh shit cant wait till i see some FC dick on them" but then i realized nobody does jumps except for GY shit, and they will never see the things that separate the god-tier twinks from these god-tier arena players.

I hate the fact that people can just jump into 19s and be considered the best. bitch, learn the jumps before u come in here with your dick swingin
painaid wru
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Its like you guys forget what premading in Wotlk was. Fresh, I premaded WITH you so i know you dont. EVERY class needed to knw how to do jumps, if you didnt, you couldnt match up against any decent guild (BLR, GUP, or even PUGS) Im talking EVERY JUMP. If FC's still had full movespeed for more than 5 minutes you would see shit like this much more often, but the game has been so dumbed down that the majority of people dont know how to do jumps. I would honestly say this is good for the bracket because its raises the skillcap to somewhere similar to where it was before. When these streamers came to 19s, i was like "oh shit cant wait till i see some FC dick on them" but then i realized nobody does jumps except for GY shit, and they will never see the things that separate the god-tier twinks from these god-tier arena players.

I hate the fact that people can just jump into 19s and be considered the best. bitch, learn the jumps before u come in here with your dick swingin
painaid wru

I remember quite a few people from that era being caught using scripts to do the majority of the jumps flawlessly. All that does is create one more thing to look out for during the tournament outside of ddos, interupt bots, ect.
No. Jumps/exploits should not be a part of the Twink Cup outside of the iconic tunnel and fence jumps.
This jump would be allowed in end game since it's not a glitch. Jumps involve skill . If your team is bad enough to let the efc get get across with bad Mid positioning you deserve to lose.

Tinky Cup has too many Rules/Restrictions and Class bands it has the feel of a bad Wargame. Rewarding so much money by dumbing down the Game Play for players.

Then some Nub saying no glitching or jumps should be allowed on twink cup then states iconic tunnel jumps or fence jumps should be allowed. Contradict Much?
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These were last year's rules on jumps/terrain exploits. I would like to have more specific rules this year, preferably with a video reference of which jumps are allowed. If people want to create videos of jumps they don't consider game-breaking we can hold a vote on which video's jumps will be allowed in the Twink Cup, otherwise the rules will probably be the same as last year.

Tasslehof would be an appropriate person for this job
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