RIP ilvl44
Indeed. All armor/weapons have been nerfed to scale with level. This does not apply to accessories/offhands
RIP ilvl44
Are you talking about existing gear or future drops? Also can you still get the trinkets and cloaks from the vendor in zuldazar?
So, generally, what is left to be nerfed?
Legion final quest rewards
Draenor jewelry/cloaks/offhand apexis drops
Original Garrison rewards/Barov
Possible but more difficult to implement:
Retroactive level requirement on Azerite quest rewards
Retroactive level requirement on apexis drops
Retroactive level requirement on Legion quest rewards
Retroactive level requirement on legion weapon relics
Joined Tuesday. This dudes a Blizzoid spy.
Matters very little if they completely nerf 10-14 into the ground. Scaling and legit gear stat values alone make 10-14 godly. Might never get out dps'd or healed by a 50+ in dungeons.
Don't understand why they care so much about twink gear. if you twink you cant sell power levels. If you twink you only pvp with other twinks. The only instance of our fun being bad for the community would be in world pvp where 10-14s can heal for 45k+ on 50s. All these nerfs to protect the casual gamer in dungeons so they can pew pew once or twice a boss fight?
So much time and effort going into patching gear that ultimately doesn't affect anyone besides random players in dungeons and world pvp. Which will get fixed. Rextroy just needs to take a 10-14 twink and have it heal in world pvp.
Scaling needs to be changed so a normal geared 10-14 doesn't overheal a 50. that's my take on all this. It's a waste of time and I overall dont understand why we have some xpacs that allow broken gear and others that dont.
Mists archaeology items
Legion boes
why did those items last the entire expac but we can't have broken items now?
I think blizzard has no idea what they plan on doing from xpac to xpac.
Really wish they would just blue post about broken gear and make a promise to balance broken item levels or post about how they are not going to fix it.
from item level 20 gear at 11 I will end up being nealy just as strong as I am now in 44+ gear but with speed on my gear. so I will end up clearing dungeons just as fast once i have a full socket/speed set.
How? well I pve and pve is already being walked all over. I don't see how losing half my 1 shot power is going to make anything fair. I'll go from 97% total dmg in a dungeon to 60+% thank god the lowbies (10-49) can hit a few times on the boss before I eat it. oh and trash lol like i said i'll have a speed set. they won't be about to keep up with my kiting.
TLDR: Much ado about nothing
if you want balance you should get asking for gear templetes in pvp
I guarantee they'll nerf our 49 Artys. How I know they can do it with already equipped Relics? Because they did it to our already equipped TBC Heroic Gems.nerf to ilvl 44 weapons has me fearing ilvl 49+ artifacts
Yea exactly it’s literally the exact same thing basicallyI guarantee they'll nerf our 49 Artys. How I know they can do it with already equipped Relics? Because they did it to our already equipped TBC Heroic Gems.
Yea azerite and OP relics and then basically all the gear everyone farmer is gone ....So WOD rares mostly nerfed. Legion gear still exists at end of zone, but anything else they need to clean up?
Meanwhile legion artifacts that were upgraded to ilvl49 are still intact. Absolute bull.Already obtained WoD rare armor (and prob weapons) got nerfed to ilvl24, neck, cloak and rings still ilvl44. I lost 5ilvls and a bunch of secondary stats.
Lol dude. Blizz has been working HARD for a week solid to nerf our shit, give it time.Meanwhile legion artifacts that were upgraded to ilvl49 are still intact. Absolute bull.