PTR Shadowland and FTP/Veterans

I have a theory about prot paladin mastery scaling (block%) and naga hide scaling.

really praying for some item scaling and level gating changes now :0
Been testing 2-Windfury on the PTR, and it seems stronk asf. And since Primal strike is re-introduced we don't really gimp our ability-toolkit by choosing a 2h.

Prot Pala is also one of the specs that scale incredibly well, dmg wise.

How is windfury strong asf? I tested some, albeit with subpar gear. Still, it procs rarely, and for 5 damage (x2). That's nothing :/
Mind you it's equally weak on dual wield or 2Handed, so yeah, we're not gimping ourselves playing 2H.

2Handed basic melee hits for 30ish, Primal strike same. Windfury procs 5 damage.

Dual wielding, basic hits are around 20 (main) and 10(offhand). windfury 5 damage, flametongue 2 damage. Primal Strike 20ish.

For reference, with roughly the same level of gear, elemental throw lightning bolts for 80ish damage. As it stands, I get overloads 15%. Earth Shock hits for almost 190.

Hopefully I'm wrong and dont have enough informations, but Enhance look very weak.
If primal strike is baseline.... youre probably better off running melee resto lol... im running into the same issue with Resto Cat > feral cat...

SL might turn out to be... what flavor of healer do you want to play?
How is windfury strong asf? I tested some, albeit with subpar gear. Still, it procs rarely, and for 5 damage (x2). That's nothing :/
Mind you it's equally weak on dual wield or 2Handed, so yeah, we're not gimping ourselves playing 2H.

2Handed basic melee hits for 30ish, Primal strike same. Windfury procs 5 damage.

Dual wielding, basic hits are around 20 (main) and 10(offhand). windfury 5 damage, flametongue 2 damage. Primal Strike 20ish.

For reference, with roughly the same level of gear, elemental throw lightning bolts for 80ish damage. As it stands, I get overloads 15%. Earth Shock hits for almost 190.

Hopefully I'm wrong and dont have enough informations, but Enhance look very weak.

2Handed Melee Elemental - I hope the abilities are random enough to let things like this work, that would be fun.
Long patch time today...
[doublepost=1599586632,1599579403][/doublepost]maintenance extended until 1PM today. CS says no to prepatch..


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Edit : updated the OP, and added abilities up to 20, since it look like it might be a possibility!!
I just noticed that some items in Void Storage scale while u level. Dungeon gear, recent quests and BG gear scaled on PTR.
My 15 Monk:

Lvl 20 Hunter:

Lvl 20 BG crate vs Shatt gear:

Obviously if +5 gems remain, Shatt gear will win by a long shot.

Party Sync also scaled:

What didn't scale were some of the older quest gear and non-scaled items, like old Emil's etc Below was on my 20 Hunter.

Just thought it was interesting that it scaled like it did in VS.
If you don't have Chromie time it's going to be seriously annoying with only 2 x BFA Dungeons. :eek:
But I've been playing around on my tank and got a drop which proc'd a gem slot. So, I guess we can get slots. Do we need the HoA to get any other abilities like Leech, or does that proc like the gem slot?

I was still only 19 when this dropped, hence ilvl 24.
Question related to DK/DH - I know in order to make one you'll need to be unsubbed if level cap is 10.
Can you make more than one on the same server now?
@icehawk HOA is not a requirement for BFA dungeon/zone upgraded drops.

I was farming slotted/ leech/ speed / avoidance gear prior to HOA being available at 10 on ptr.

Special note. I got a dungeon drop to proc a gem slot AND leech on the same item
A couple of things I noticed from some Professions I have on my old alts:

Pandaria gems require ilvl 38
Cata gems require ilvl 35
Northrend & Outland gems have no ilvl requirement.
Still, I think it's odd we can level through Pandaria at 10, yet the gems are useless till later levels, but never mind.

Almost wet my pants when I saw we can now get Flint's from lvl 15.

That's on a lvl 35, not sure how it scales down, if it does.
Some of the items that require Cogwheels like Goggles or Trinkets, can scale down to requiring lvl 15, which is good....... however the Cogwheels require ilvl 38?

Does that mean we can scale the Items down, but we can't socket the Cogwheels?

Well, hopefully they tickle the professions before launch. Looks like some work still to be done.
A couple of things I noticed from some Professions I have on my old alts:

Pandaria gems require ilvl 38
Cata gems require ilvl 35
Northrend & Outland gems have no ilvl requirement.
Still, I think it's odd we can level through Pandaria at 10, yet the gems are useless till later levels, but never mind.

Almost wet my pants when I saw we can now get Flint's from lvl 15.
View attachment 16901
That's on a lvl 35, not sure how it scales down, if it does.
Some of the items that require Cogwheels like Goggles or Trinkets, can scale down to requiring lvl 15, which is good....... however the Cogwheels require ilvl 38?
View attachment 16902
Does that mean we can scale the Items down, but we can't socket the Cogwheels?

Well, hopefully they tickle the professions before launch. Looks like some work still to be done.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I've been testing scopes on lvl 19 and it appears most of them no longer work. Incendiary, Frost-Laced, X-Ray, Flintlocke's Diamond-Cut, and Khorium scopes all seem to have a lvl req of at least 20. Also the tooltips in Engi are incorrect on PTR for those scopes and more. The highest lvl scope I was able to confirm that worked on a 19 was Sniper Scope... Also to no one's surprise, Venomstrike still does not proc lol...

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