ok just wanna clear up i like 1 lil xan song and i dont rly like lil xan as a person and i cant name more than 2 of his songs
i hate lil pump and im not a xan head
on topic - in a competitive scene not gonna talk about pugs coz they're irrelevant -
A good player and a person good at a specific role are 2 different things.
A good player could possibly multi-class and be equally good on all of them. a person good on a specific role would be the best FC, regardless whether that is resto druid, guardian druid, ele shaman etc ( Different FC's from different Metas ).
It's noticeable in premades if someone is good because of, positioning, communication, overhealing, what is someones main damage ability ( if a boomkins 1 is sunfire or moonfire that shows they're a complete garbage bot ), awareness of whats going on around them, how their brain works in terms of reacting quickly or predicting things. In my opinion Legion is one of the few expansions where it is easily noticeable who is good or bad but doesn't always make a huge impact. I could @ certain players that were complete garbage in legion, but still never lost games more than 1-0 because it wasn't as punishing.
Bit of a messy answer but there you go, i possibly left out some stuff just wanted to justify myself to a bunch of bfa twinks on xpoff that thought some1 actually liked lilxans music xd