Second Robbery

I'm positive it wasn't Neap. Somebody has access to Livings account that I don't know about.
Well for what's it's worth I logged on I think Friday? Saturday morning for sure and found that all 3 of my LSFTW toons were guildless. I also saw that the Foreman's Gloves I had posted on an alt in the AH had sold for 5000 gold (a price I'd assumed was way to high but felt like testing the greed waters). Funny thing the purchaser was Livingforce however the O was a special character with the / through it. ( forgive me can't make the character on my phone or at least I don't know how). Not sure if that will help but it appears he bought my gloves with 5k from the guildbank. 5k I'll happily put back once reinstated in the guild.

In other words, this looks to be the work of an immature child, probably between 13 and 17 years old. I ruled out the possibility of a random hacker because the person who did this seems to have a personal vendetta for me, as you can see by the photo where he changed my note to "shit cunt" and "likes it in the bumb".

Sounds about right; and while its a travesty that you lost all of those items and guildies (really sucks :( ) im more concerned bout the person that did this, because if they are not over this age... they need some serious... EXTENSIVE mental help.

And while it is possible that the person may want to make a new character... I wouldnt be suprised due to your guildnote that they may have just destroyed the items entirely (hope not) because...

Best of luck
why are u excluding neap? at least he has access to the right account

but your prime suspect is me and i only have access to 2 of his characters both on bh alliance

inside job totally im with u sqooshi
The hacker is looking to make a US rogue ~ Last Saturday he contacted me asking about my gloomshroud so i lead him on to try to get any information about him and he went as far to make a fake skype with livings photo and wanted me to go first on the transaction because as he put it, "i am very reputable amongst 19s as you may already know" even though he couldn't get on vent cause, "it keeps on freezing, Must be because im aussy lol" and he also didn't have a mic available nor his webcam...

Dodgy as hell but yes it is safe to assume this is a child because of the lack of thought put into his reasoning for such odd behaviours...

Edit: i have screenshots of our whole chat + the fake skype he used if anyone thinks this would be useful

he is prepping to make a rogue by the looks of it - Whether he is daft enough to make it on livings account is a different story -

this is extremely valuable information. the culprit is clearly Aussie. Not only did he tell this to sqooshi, but he called me a "shit cunt", and I'm pretty sure that Aussie's use the term "cunt" a lot. Considering sqooshi's post, Hurxx is no longer a prime suspect. I believe it is almost certainly an Aussie. As far as Aussie rogues go, I don't know many. is nevertwenty Aussie? I remember he gquit and left LS FTW a while ago, maybe he still harbors some hate toward the guild. Do you guys know of any other Aussie rogues? Or Aussie's that are friends with Living, whose trust they acquired.
Posting all this stuff here is like telling the enemy your gameplan.

I think having this public will be more beneficial than detrimental. So far I've gotten a lot of useful info.
Its really sad that this happened to you Drugs. I hope that everything gets resolved for you quickly. If we can learn anything from this its not to share your account info with anybody and to secure it with an authenticator. I have alot of love for Ben and Josh,as we go back a long ways, but they havent learned from a pattern of past mistakes (i.e. leveling Druin's druid, guild being stolen and now 2 guild bank thefts) Hopefully Living will help right this for you as he indirectly shares blame. Hopefully he will learn not to share his account info as well.

Sent from my LG-MS770 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
So make a ticket and get it back


Hold of to a belief that whoever did this would like it sit down for some tea and discuss the issue.
So make a ticket and get it back


Hold of to a belief that whoever did this would like it sit down for some tea and discuss the issue.

I've already opened two tickets but both have been answered to no avail. The GMs are being difficult because the player was an officer and was withdrawing gear within guild parameters. What they are missing is that the account was hacked.
So make a ticket and get it back


Hold of to a belief that whoever did this would like it sit down for some tea and discuss the issue.

Oh noes that would require having something between the legs which as this appears isn't the case.

We are looking for someone who plays world of warcraft and has a lack male genitalia. Most cases said person would not respond to this thread. (after my post they probably will want to but still be hesitant) so take a suspect, see which have posted in this thread and eliminate them. Not like anything will come from knowing who this person is other than complete exile from the community like people who have performed similar actions. For the time being focus on keeping that account secure if possible and flirting it up with the GMs. Get multiple people to submit tickets as well. Do not mention Josh's account being shared or they will just say "don't share your accounts or this happens" and refuse to be of any use.
Unfortunately in cases like this they will not restore your items 9 times out of 10. If Livingforce had made a ticket quickly after the incident occuring claiming he was hacked, it may be a different story. AFAIK from this thread alone that hasnt happened.

Sent from my LG-MS770 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2

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