Second Robbery

Plausible, twinkersauraus is the main person who comes to mind as I knw he is Aussie
Tapout is Livingforce's brother
Ever stop to think that maybe Livingforce and Tapout the ones doing this?

These kids are some of the most ridiculous people that play this game...
get dorigon to make a poll. whoever gets most votes is the hacker
problem solved np
update - Livingforce's priest was seen this morning around the guild bank in full twink gear. He is in a guild called Blue Slide Park
Saxxon aka sir digby chicken ceaser

Hey yoube i talked to moodor and he told me you were wondering what happened with ls ftw. obviously this thread about sums it up. everyone in guild has inv priveleges so whenever you see someone online you can get an inv back. i'll talk to you in game later

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