Second Robbery

This is a horrible thing to happen. While I perfectly understand the motivation for bringing this to TI, as you all want to know who would do such a thing, that doesn't excuse some people in this thread insulting others, some people placing more blame than can be supported by facts, saying you're "pretty sure" without providing evidence, and the wave of profanity I'm going to delete right now.

I messaged Livingforce several days ago, and he has had internet access, so I hope he'll get involved soon.

Open plenty of tickets explaining that he was hacked, making no mention of account sharing and furthermore making sure to explain that the delay in reporting / noticing is due to the unannounced vacation that you just now found out about. That should hopefully eventually restore your guild.

As soon as he can, Livingforce should contact Customer support by phone. It's not like there aren't countless opportunities to access the internet and phone wherever he is in Europe... That will hopefully get his account locked in time to preserve his twinks.
i was the first person to notice livingforce's account was compromised. if i dont recall correctly drugs was trying to derail my thread. what he should of been doing instead of hopping on the bandwagon with the people thinking i didnt know livingforce lent his account out was removing all access to his gbank untill the situation was contained.

in conclusion its probably neap, he was offline for two weeks and magicly came back online the exact same day livingforce got "hacked".

Read the OP dog, I did remove all his characters, I just forgot one named "praize". I had no idea the character even existed. As far as your previous thread goes, I discounted it because I am 150% positive that Neap would never do such a thing.
Neap is a very immature and young kid. You have no idea what his creative mind is up to.
All bets lean toward Neap here.
Sorry about your guild mate.
Neap is a very immature and young kid. You have no idea what his creative mind is up to.
All bets lean toward Neap here.
Sorry about your guild mate.
I appreciate your sympathy. The thing is, I've been good friends with Neap for a very long time. He has always been loyal to LS FTW, and certainly wouldn't call me a "shit cunt". Anybody got ideas for Aussie rogues?
I don't get why you think a player would value a game and players they have only been in touch with through a computer over their own personal intentions/ideas whether they be malicious or not, you excluding neap makes no sense and makes me kind of flustered that you would rule out someone just because of some "loyalty" you thought they present through an online-game...

Just please connect the points already - Its not a CURRENT aussie rogue - not even sure if "he" is aussie he simply told me about his "aussie connection" as a ploy to get me to believe it was actually living, and as for your evidence you are holding to him to claim he is aussie; Its nonsense! just because of a term someone uses shouldn't in any case lead you on to a sure guess of their background...

he stole an account with access to funds for a new character so his main account/twinks are desirable/notable in any positive manner(Maybe its glemm?), He is WORKING to making a rogue/monk...

- it may just be twinkesaurus who found a naive player(Living) who's account he could easily steal and now with the access to funds and livings reputation that he may abuse to scam some BiS gear i.e shadowfangs/gloomshroud to complete his goal of a BiS...

I understand where you're coming from but I had an extensive talk with Neap in vent. To begin with, he was at his dad's house during the first and second robberies which is evidence enough to rule him out. After our talk I'm sure he can be ruled out. Needless to say I will be keeping an eye out for a BiS rogue/monk running around LS. You are right about the Aussie thing... there is not enough evidence to support such a conclusion.. I'm just running with what I've got.
We can go back to discussing the robberies once you guys stop responding to Pump.
Anybody got ideas for Aussie rogues?

twink robber detective here, and i believe it was sax.

i mean think about it.. all that hip hop he listens to and shit about robbin' and killin' i think it was sax in the conservatory with the revolver.
he held that thing right to the GM's head and all hell broke loose...
Interesting analysis Kitn. I was thinking lead pipe in the billiard room.
just get a gm to say the IP he was on at the time of the incident... if it was in the US, maybe it wasn't hurrx.
I'm saying Living should do it, or does he not even have access to his acc anymore? And ofc GMS can tell you the IP you last used, lol
At dads house will be back on spring break monday, seems like I have to search my name on TI just to see what I get to deal with when I get back to my moms house lmao.

I'm glad you find this funny.

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just read through this whole thread...sorry man. having your guild pillaged sucks; i know from experience. the pot shots at you directly is another thing altogether man.

i had an old alt guild get hacked at some point, i found out recently. whoever the culprit was, was nice enough to create an ejaculating cock with gems. i wasnt mad...i didnt have anything in the guild and i didnt lose much, but i still reported it.

here's a ss of the gem phallus for your entertainment:
View attachment 1724

also, i'm still pretty new to the community, but i have been getting pms from livingforce like every day i play for the last week or so asking me to server transfer and join lsftw. i primarily play a rogue, and after reading what's in this post, i'm inclined to believe whoever the culprit is may be attempting to recruit a scapegoat. just something to look out for i guess.

best of luck with the restorations and all man. i'll smoke one for you.


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This is like a modern-day whodunnit. My "popcorn bucket" is already empty!

Seriously though, it is a shame, but why the hell are multiple people sharing an account or details and then wondering why it is getting pillaged? :confused:
twink robber detective here, and i believe it was sax.

i mean think about it.. all that hip hop he listens to and shit about robbin' and killin' i think it was sax in the conservatory with the revolver.
he held that thing right to the GM's head and all hell broke loose...

Hey I'm kiwi nd whys no one pointing the finger at tapout the only Aussie rogue
kiwis, aussies, same diff >< just kidding bro. and tapout's cool ppl...dont think he'd f over a reputable guild for no reason, but idk what ulterior motives people may have around here. 19's are more drama than days of our lives.

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