Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

Nobody had a geared level 29 twink before the change

To be fair, that's not true.... not that it matters. Just saying, people keep harping this. I had one, and if I did... others did.

It doesnt change anything, just better to be accurate than plain wrong.

edit- I have no idea what level it was before or why, but i had a fully geared 29 after. Sockets, WotLK epics, whole deal.

and ALSO to be fair... no one had a level 20 twink after. You all were level 10 and leveled to 20. Go back to 10-19. ;)

I guarantee 100% there were more level 29 twinks 1 minute after the squish than level 20. Wtf would 20 have been?
the effective expansion cap at 20 phenomenon is special to the 20s bracket. it has allowed for the existence of 20s twinks of various kinds as well as twinks of other levels are able to get games as consequence. however, if level 20 twinks did not exist, there would be no special draw 29s to the bracket over any other bracket, therefore in the 20s bracket, level 20 characters have special primacy: that is, if no 20s, then no 29s.

20s have the authentic existence in the bracket, given that the out-of-game reason they are there in great number is to take advantage of not having to pay the upkeep on subscription at all times just to play. 29s take advantage of this, are merely there as opportunistic, sap-sucking trolls who leech games off of 20s, and sully the bracket with their presence—you are simply lying to yourself if you believe that these people would be in the bracket at all without such an opportunity to troll.

we've all seen this play out before, and due to that time period, 24–29s are forever so disgusting to my eyes that i can barely even look at them—even on wrath classic. i would rather quit the game entirely than share community space with such immature, shortsighted morons.
You know a post is good when it makes me want to log in just to like it :LUL:

Very well said
I guarantee 100% there were more level 29 twinks 1 minute after the squish than level 20. Wtf would 20 have been?

Except tons of people leveled up to level 43 or whatever the level was before prepatch to have an edge at start once it went live.
It’s the same people who rolled and premaded on hunters and other meta specs at 20. They just moved on to whatever has the highest edge currently which is 29s.

it’s the “competitive” meta rerollers and premade only players that are the issue in this bracket or any others. No loyality, no shame, minor effort and just transient in nature.
I may get some hate for this, but there are a couple things I keep reading in a lot of these threads that's irritating me.

#1. The assumption that 29s have invaded the 20's bracket is incorrect. The F2P's and Vets used to be in the XP-ON bracket with levelers. It is in fact the 20's that have invaded the 29's bracket of XP-OFF. "Not that it matters which way it went."

#2. To say that no other twink bracket can keep a community together is a bit unfair. The F2P's and Vets have had the luxury of being in a bracket that has frequent "BG" queues with people just leveling through the bracket with XP-ON. If you afforded that same opportunity to any other bracket of twinks then all the brackets would be booming with their own respected games/twinks. "Not taking away from the actual community aspect of the F2P's and Vets. More so just pointing out that being able to have fast queues for games would entice any bracket to have more outreach and a proper community setup."

I do play my old 70 twink at level 29. I would not say that I'm taking one side over another in this argument. These are just things that bother me when I keep reading them everywhere. I'm just happy to be able to play an old toon again.


1- Irrelevant. Blizzard defines the brackets. We play what we want, and we wanted to play F2P/Vet. The several times when the bracket was inundated by 29s and 24s, it was some of the worst times of F2P, and yet the community persevered.

2- It IS a bit unfair, but such is the nature of twinking, and the nature of this game, honestly. We had a lot of new blood joining constantly, and that helped. BUT, and this is a big one: We also had, because of that brimming pop, people who were active in the bracket trying to uphold a good community. From the moment that F2P surged, we had memorable people, trashtalk, events and such.

When the 29s try to coordinate a championship, they have no one to sign.

What i'm saying is: Enjoy your 29. I'm actually happy for the oldschool people going back into the bracket. But i won't be your monkey nor will i be your fodder. We are not part of the same community.
But i won't be your monkey nor will i be your fodder. We are not part of the same community.

Unlike the monkey fodder f2play and levelers that fueled "your" bracket day in and out.

(edit- not asking any of you to play, just always find blind hypocrisy a difficult beverage to swallow)
Unlike the monkey fodder f2play and levelers that fueled "your" bracket day in and out.

(edit- not asking any of you to play, just always find blind hypocrisy a difficult beverage to swallow)

Maybe find something else different to drink then, because 29s are not on the same level as 20s. It's actually asinine to argue that levelers, who would leave the bracket quickly, and 20 twinks on the 29 bracket are the same. Hunters were stupid across the board, not just as vets/f2p. Also, several of the members of the f2p community, like Chops, always vocalized that the quality of BG play was always bad, for ANYONE, and would advocate for wargames.

Why can't the 29s wargame? Remind me again.
Unlike the monkey fodder f2play and levelers that fueled "your" bracket day in and out.

(edit- not asking any of you to play, just always find blind hypocrisy a difficult beverage to swallow)

A. What levellers? In EU we had no levellers, in a 10 vs 10 BG you had maybe 1 or 2 that were here because they were dungeon deserters, and they would leave after first death. Everyone hated having them in BGs. Sure NA had bigger % of levellers but they were doing ok, actual pvpers, only suffering vs hunters like everyone else.

B. F2P? Do you have any idea what the difference is between a F2P and a lvl 20 vet? 2 points in you secondary of choice, that's the difference.

C. "OUR BRACKET"? You bet it was, since SL launched, the numbers had only been growing up. Two beautiful years we had, 20's was the best fun we had in WoW since Vanilla, hundreds of players, dare I say thousands, so many names, so many BGs. Only real issue was class balance.

Sorry if I m being aggressive, but I know what we had, and what we lost. Everyone in this forum does. I don't regret the months of /played I spent on my twinks, I m glad it happened and I raise my glass to anyone involved, but please don't pretend current 29's comes any close.
But also, old 60s and 70s are not invading the bracket, it’s the 29 rerollers that are invading.
But weren’t f2p/Vets the minority that was "invading" the leveler’s 20-29 bracket prior to this? Often with ridiculously OP premades.

There’s a good deal of hypocrisy here levied at 29s (which was a twink destination long before 20 f2p). Yes, they’re being opportunistic in getting BIS in a PvP bracket that’s now open to them. But it’s just as 20s did while face-rolling levelers in XP-ON.

Self-important f2ps might argue that it was more their bracket than the leveler’s. But levelers have always been the most prominent group in XP-ON brackets. It was (and is now entirely) their domain. Blizzard put on clear display that they view vet/f2ps as the "invaders" when they removed them from the bracket without a word of remorse.

Again, the leveler’s frustrations around being rolled by a minority of low-level try-hards (by their estimation) sounds a lot like what’s going on here with 20s angered by 29s. It’s funny seeing how an advantage being flipped upside down affects people. Especially a group with such a deep-seated sense of entitlement over a subscription-based game that they don’t subscribe to.
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the leveler’s frustration at being rolled by a minority of low-level try-hards (by their estimation) sounds a lot like what’s going on here with 20s angered by 29s.

Cant stress this enough... difference being that levelers actually paid a sub to get shat on. Valid complaint.

F2play always needs incentive to subscribe, that's the entire point of the free trial. Maybe blizz decided it was time to raise the bar, maybe they're just inept and tomorrow all the freebies will be back in leveler heaven still acting holier than 29.

Interested to see. :thinking:
20s twinks need to actually step into BGs (don't just try one game and quit) for a full week and decide if it's worth playing.

good games do happen and 20s do carry (like masterchief and sterr did here, ignore my dmg, i had to use turnip at market to keep my rage up)

I have no dog in this fight but any statement about 29 rerollers invading is probably just 100% correct when you are talking on a lvl 20 forum when there is a 29 forum 1 click away. The vast majority of people on this thread are 20s or 29 re-rollers so I really don't know a more relevant complaint to the audience that these threads reach.

Edit: Also, I honestly think the community as a whole complained more about hunter/healer pre-mades in late SL than 29s.
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