Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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Nice game. Too bad that Angelbiatch DC'ed, know the feeling.

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People saying about TL not splitting up the "crew" is due to the fact that without TL queing on horde the caliber of players is god damn awful.
People saying about TL not splitting up the "crew" is due to the fact that without TL queing on horde the caliber of players is god damn awful.

Sup overused thread, any good games lately or just 52 pages of shit since we hit 100 :p?
Out of gametime.
Anyone else here getting really bored of this TL drama?

old news move along Qt's
EU 19s are moving along with any "help" from TL :D

I'm more piss about you throwing consistently on daily basis, than that drama, even if you are a cool dude ingame.
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For all those who give a fuck here is the story no offence to anyone.
TL were doing they're midstrat then pushed them to gy to contain. Junoo capped 1 or something idk I wasn't in it. then junoo picked again ran away from team and horde lost.
hehe Constantly, you really think i give fuck about my "image" on TI? yeah trash talk me as much as you want, i mean come on ive been banned for 3days atleast 3-4 times.

BUT i refuse to GY camp.as i said in game, id rather play a competitive lose then win with GY camping. it isnt why i play 19s, if i did i might aswell play 24s.

As for "play normally", i dont "normally" play 19s by gy camping :D

oh and please have you little TL buddies constantly report me afk cause that solves everything cause i wont "conform" to your play style.

with love, Junoo
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hehe Constantly, you really think i give fuck about my "image" on TI? yeah trash talk me as much as you want, i mean come on ive been banned for 3days atleast 3-4 times.

BUT i refuse to GY camp.as i said in game, id rather play a competitive lose then win with GY camping. it isnt why i play 19s, if i did i might aswell play 24s.

As for "play normally", i dont "normally" play 19s by gy camping :D

oh and please have you little TL buddies constantly report me afk cause that solves everything cause i wont "conform" to your play style.

with love, Junoo

The fact your running alone all times cost us the game more than once. Junoo, please. It's not GY farm it's containment.
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