Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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you dont seem to understand that it's not the losing that's the problem. we're in a fragile bracket that gets 10ish pops per week, that's down from atleast that per night.

we had 4pops tonight. all of which was ruined by afking, and gy farming. then you come back to ti and wonder why there's no competition. no matter what any of you think of me at the bottom of it, you know i'm right.

as usual!
Well you're saying gy farming stops games?
Alliance qued after they got farmed.
Same with the horde.

p.s why did TL afk? we weren't even losing oO
when i say gy camping/containing i meaning hold the enemies at bay which yeah in top ranking RBGs is viable not so much in a fragile niche bracket such as 19s. some members of TL take 19s very seriously which means the "fun" aspect is gone and if you (i.e these core members) dont win they tend to blame someone else in the bgs i.e me that game.

Which i dont mind, yeah i was alone i should have stuck to teh support but generally GY camping is boring as fuck, mindless spamming 3-5 buttons with FotM class isnt the sort of thing i was to promote. i mean horde survived the "Cata FR farm" cause we all knew they rolled FotM class's and gy camp us to fuck for years. it seems to me as if TL is/going the same route and we all knew that didnt benefit the bracket.

If TL or certain core memebers played for the satification of winning and not just GY camping/mid control (the dem french called) then 19s would become more active and enjoyable to play. without certain core TL members raging/cyber bullying you to do that they think is "normal" game play.

@angel is if ego based or correcting on little things, please dont be oftened if i dont reply <3

I think it's fun to win, it's fun to play good. And what you mean by we blame people do you really think you haven't throw that game ?

Mate everybody fotm, not only TL and we are just here to prove it in premade we fotm better than your team.

We play to win, GY control give us an huge advantage. Don't bring FR to this cuz they were clearly bad, horde just stepped up a bit his game play and french got farmed all day long. Stop saying they were farming all day they were just moving like turtle group and D/O games...

I don't ever recall being farmed when we bother to queue with our A team. Attention, A team. Quite the opposite, we farm. That's why we role Horde if Horde is doing bad.

Also, it was a shame, really. 6 TL members AFK'ing? Thought you could do better. Trully disappointed.

We can get pops without TL members, like we usually do, but the quality of games (and the fact sometimes we gotta play Horde) is poor.

Altho I do admit that TL brings quality to the games, which are the ones I enjoy the most.

And before I go, Angelbiatch Johannalova, we don't like eachother, that's nothing new. But you have my respect for never AFKing.

It's normal you don't remember being farmed on your A team cuz we don't know yet who's your A team.

You're right pop are completly dog without us.

You don't afk aswell [MENTION=4850]Sputnick[/MENTION] so you have my respect. I only afk for irl issues like food mainly.
yeah its fun to win if you worked your balls off to win, rolling Fotm and winning due to class OP'ness (?) isnt.

Yeah sure win games with FoTM is easy, try something harder <3
yeah its fun to win if you worked your balls off to win, rolling Fotm and winning due to class OP'ness (?) isnt.

Yeah sure win games with FoTM is easy, try something harder <3

At the start just TL rolled fotm but lets be honest more or less all of us here roll fotm.
yeah its fun to win if you worked your balls off to win, rolling Fotm and winning due to class OP'ness (?) isnt.

Yeah sure win games with FoTM is easy, try something harder <3

Why do you think we set 10 v 10 full fotm ? Since everybody play fotm it's harder obviously. I don't get why we should reroll fury warrior / MW / Enhance sham / lock affli / mage frost and stuffs like that. I mean it's 19s nothing hard in that bracket. Actually when i play near GY it's because me and my team worked my balls off to win. I mean you could fotm aswell i'm sure the result won't be the same Junoo.

you dont seem to understand that it's not the losing that's the problem. we're in a fragile bracket that gets 10ish pops per week, that's down from atleast that per night.

we had 4pops tonight. all of which was ruined by afking, and gy farming. then you come back to ti and wonder why there's no competition. no matter what any of you think of me at the bottom of it, you know i'm right.

as usual!

You don't seem to understand that GY farming didn't even fragilize more the bracket it give a boost to the bracket, people channel all the hate on the opposite team and queue with a team with less dog melee more hunters and stuff. We had 4 pops cuz of lacks of horde. I beleive game are less shit than your D/O gameplay.
i think im becoming immune to all this "Egotistic, dickwaving" but all im seeing is "we are the best and if you dont conform then your bad".

I understand cata/mop have made 19s mega bursty but then sense of "sportsmanship" isnt there any more. it all comes down to "i beat you in pug so im better" while playing FoTM.

AS has been mentioned many times before the skill level of 19s and wow itself has dropped alot. so dickwaving wins sounds like being a dwarf among midgets, yes you can reach that self but so can everyone else if they had step ladder (i.e rolling fotm)
Well you're saying gy farming stops games?
Alliance qued after they got farmed.
Same with the horde.

p.s why did TL afk? we weren't even losing oO

Probably something to do irl. And yes GY farm didn't even kill the games.

played pala/rogue/priest since tbc, not exactly FotM rerolling mate

According to you we aren't fotm cuz we rerolled before TBC or since TBC, (me all class except druid / mage / locks) others are full GF'ed so not fotm.
again angel im not "arguing" little corrections, i dont care. im thinking of 19s as whole not "correcting" little things i.e be opened minded or waste your time arguing about BS

Peace out Junoo <3
i think im becoming immune to all this "Egotistic, dickwaving" but all im seeing is "we are the best and if you dont conform then your bad".

I understand cata/mop have made 19s mega bursty but then sense of "sportsmanship" isnt there any more. it all comes down to "i beat you in pug so im better" while playing FoTM.

AS has been mentioned many times before the skill level of 19s and wow itself has dropped alot. so dickwaving wins sounds like being a dwarf among midgets, yes you can reach that self but so can everyone else if they had step ladder (i.e rolling fotm)

I didn't say you bad, i said you throwed the game. We never brag PUG we brag premade and there is nothing new in a premade everybody play the best class to be useful to his team and win.

About the skill of the game dropped, what you mean because in TBC rogues/shaman/war have to kick 2,5 sec cast now it's 1,5 sec so it's harder for them when i saw some lost rogues forced to open kick cuz they can't handle the haste atm... I'm just like you guys better step up your games. When i saw TBC / WOTLK vids with FC jumping into 10 guys without dying. I don't know if the game dropped that low in term of skill, i mean the 19s average skill wasn't even close to be good from 0 to now.

again angel im not "arguing" little corrections, i dont care. im thinking of 19s as whole not "correcting" little things i.e be opened minded or waste your time arguing about BS

Peace out Junoo <3
tl afkd because there r a bunch of better ways to spend the saturday evening other than trying to chase a teleporting druid around the map. simple as that
Damn I maybe should start playing 19 again. Seems quite active according to this thread ^^

Were you on EU ?

tl afkd because there r a bunch of better ways to spend the saturday evening other than trying to chase a teleporting druid around the map. simple as that

You deserve a like for that but i don't see where is the fearure
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Do you see barcelona bench Messi because it'll be more fun to win without him?

Don't be ridiculous.
thats better! not all games right?

cause if i was TL member id be all that shit, calling out on tiny details to myself look better.

there is a god and angel has chosen the good side <3

There is nothing to do with god.

Your main problem it's you won't even want to progress.
tl afkd because there r a bunch of better ways to spend the saturday evening other than trying to chase a teleporting druid around the map. simple as that

tbh the lag was more beneficial for you than for me, couldn't get the flag capped while standing on cap area for a very long time 'cause of lag & also died 'cause couldn't heal myself 'cause of lag and died to poison or some shit, so y I agree I gave you a real advantage and still a random capped against you (=========
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