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Looking at Cer's guide, the "BiS-ness" of the boots is preferential. Also, it depends on getting Drakewing Bands in order to hit cap. Guides are meant to push you in the right direction; my suggestion is to get all of the good boots/items available to you and play around with them until you find what suits you best. For instance, he sacrifices pure spell power and extra mana for crit with some of his choices... it's preferential. Decide for yourself!
I thought its better to ask here then make a separate thread.

I've read somewhere on wowhead that the q Take Five Bases doesn't have a level requirement anymore (q reward is Battle Tabard of the Defilers)

Someone posted a screenshot of a GM response - here it is

Now I'm a bit skeptical about it (and we all saw that sometimes GM's know less about this game then us)
So I'm just wondering, can anyone with exalted reputation confirm / deny that F2P's can get this tabard?
imo we can't get it 99% since I've checked all F2P armories listed on TI and neither one had this tabard equiped.
tnx in advance
Now I'm a bit skeptical about it (and we all saw that sometimes GM's know less about this game then us)
So I'm just wondering, can anyone with exalted reputation confirm / deny that F2P's can get this tabard?
imo we can't get it 99% since I've checked all F2P armories listed on TI and neither one had this tabard equiped.
tnx in advance
The Tabard still requires Exalted @ AB. Kale tested to get this and it doesn't work.
The Battle for Arathi Basin! - Quest - World of Warcraft is the quest people do at 20.

The Battle for Arathi Basin! - Quest - World of Warcraft is the quest people think they did at 20.

Control Four Bases - Quest - World of Warcraft is the prequest to Control Five Bases - Quest - World of Warcraft and only requires friendly. Neither quest are available to 20s.

Now, because people think they did a level 50 quest at 20, they think they can do a level 60 quest at 20. They didn't. They can't. No tabard below 60. And as Yde pointed out, any level of being exalted. Not that it makes much difference. You just grinded out 42k rep, the last 1k isn't going to be that difficult.
Bah I thought its like that...
I really don't understand why the level requirement for these quests is 60 when Ab is available @ lvl 20?
its just stupid imo...

but yea, QQ-ing here won't do any good, i know :)
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I feel your urge to QQ. ^^ I'd love that tabard...
How can you leave a party once you've joined a battleground?
The option for right clicking your portrait is no longer there , and I can't find any slash command for this at all.
How can you leave a party once you've joined a battleground?
The option for right clicking your portrait is no longer there , and I can't find any slash command for this at all.
/script LeaveParty()
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